Chapter 4

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Your POV

As I saw a few cards on the coffee table, I walked towards the table and pick it up to read them. "Riku Fujimoto, Itsuki Furukawa,Ginjiro Hayashida and Haruto Hamazaki." you read out their name. "Their purpose is that both Riku and Itsuki kill Ginjiro. While Haruto will be killed by the...CCG?" you read out as you raised one of your eyebrow. "What the heck is a CCG?" you say to yourself and you receive a call from your leader. You put down the card and you run to your room and took out the crystal ball. The crystal ball lit up as it shows Raven and the leader. "So, did you get any information on the ghouls?" my leader asked and I shake my head sideways. "Not yet, sir. But my guts feeling say that one of the name cards here maybe a ghoul, so is it okay for me to spare his soul in exchange for the information? It's not like everyday I would spare a soul, right?" you told your leader and he think for quiet a moment. "'s kinda rare for us, grim reapers, to spare a soul." my leader say. "Don't worry, I'll do some paperwork about it." you say and my leader shake his head. "No, you don't have to do the paperwork since we are discussing it. Alright then, spare the guy soul." my leader say and I nod my head and I end the call.

"Maybe I should create something for me to place the crystal ball to connect it to the television. It's much more easier for me to instead holding it on my hands." you told yourself and you head to the living room. You place the ball on the sofa and you stretch one of your arm to the table as you close your eyes to focus. After a few seconds, you open your eyes and the device appears on the table. You look at the clock on the wall and it's already 6 pm. "I better fix it quickly or else they will escape from my grasp." you told yourself as you grab the device and begin to attached it to the television. Once you attached everything, you grab the crystal ball and place it on the device beside the television. "Alright, all done. Time to change into my uniform." you say and you head to the room to change.

Once you change into your uniform, you put on your fingerless glove and grab the name card on the table as well as the notebook. "Let me check my scythe if it's sharp enough to rip the soul." you say as you put the card and the notebook behind your coat and you stretch one of your arm to summon the scythe. A puff of smoke appear and your scythe is on your hand. You take a look at your scythe and you glide at the edge of it. "It's still sharp. Alright, time to rip some soul." You say as the scythe disappear and you begin to smirk. You left your apartment,lock the door and exited the building. You went to the nearest alleyway and teleport to where the person is. Few seconds later, you arrive at the location and the first sight you see was two people cannibalising another one of it's kind. "....What the hell?" You say and you caught both of their attention. Just when you are about to ask them, you hear a skin tearing from them as both of them unleash their weapon from the back.

'The fuck?! Wait...can it be...ghouls?' I thought as both of them begin to charge towards me and my scythe was summon on my hand. I charge towards them and one of them tries to stab me but I used my power as he faze through me. I swing my scythe at them and I manage to rip both of them. Both of them scream in pain and they collapse on the ground. You turn to look at them and you make your scythe disappear. You walk towards the bodies,you squat down and turn over the body. You place your hand on the body and your hand went through as you grab the orb out and you see a red one.

"This one is a sinner. Riku Fujimoto." you say as you cupped the orb and it changes into a red butterfly. The butterfly flap it's wings as it flies away and disappear."Off to the next one." you say as you turn to the other side and did the same thing.
"Itsuki Furukawa is also a sinner, huh?" you say and you stand up as you let the butterfly flies away. "That dead body must be Ginjiro Hayashida. Poor soul." you say to yourself as you walk towards the body and did the same things like the others.

As you grab the orb and take it out, your eyes soften. "You have a good soul,Ginjiro Hayashida." you say as you hold a blue orb on your hand and did the same thing but this time, it's a blue butterfly. You took out the name card to see if you are missing any soul. "Now I'm left with Haruto Hamazaki." you say and teleport to the other place. Few seconds later, you arrive at the location and you see Haruto Hamazaki packing something in a bag. "What have you got there, Haruto?" you ask him and he turn the attention to you. "H-how do you know my name? Wait, are you the CCG?!" he ask and I raise one of my eyebrow.

Tokyo Ghoul X Grim Reaper ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora