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The first thing Dick registered was he was falling. The second thing he registered was he was falling quickly. His adrenaline kicked in, and he was able to quickly grapple over to one of the taller buildings. He rolled to a stop, head spinning.

Dick panted, rubbing his head. He really hated fighting Klarion. His body feeling heavy, a headache pounding behind his eyes. "That hurt. Where am I?" Dick wondered, looking around. This didn't look like the island they'd been fighting on. This didn't look like Gotham, or any major city he'd been to. Where had Klarion sent him?

A Droid landed behind him, making him whirl around. It almost looked like a man, but had a bright blue disk in its chest. "What are you doing out here, kid? It's midnight." Dick had to get info. Maybe he could find out where he was. But how to keep the droid from knowing him?

"Cine ești tu?" Dick was playing his wild card: speaking Romanian. The droid sighed. "Great. Just great. Jarvis, are the languages in my suit yet?" Suit? "Not yet, sir. You were supposed to download it, but went on patrol instead." "Damnit."

A man dressed as a flag landed behind him. Dick had to grab his cape, or risk panicking. Two grown men, clearly bigger than him, and he was still dazed from the fall. "Tony, what's going on?" "Contact Romanov. We have a languages problem." "You can't understand a kid?" "Nu sunt copil." Dick growled. "Yeah. I'm going to contact her."

The suit grabbed Dick's wrist. Dick twisted out of its grip, backing up. "Tony! Quit scaring him." "He needs to come with us. It'll be easier and safer." "He doesn't know what you're doing. We don't know if he understands you. Look at him. Do you think he's from around here?" The flag snarled, holding a shield.

Dick slipped a smoke bomb from his belt. The two adults were too busy arguing to pay attention up him. He dropped it and flipped off, grappling from building to building. He had to get far away. He needed to plan, it was too risky to try to get information from them.

Dick eventually stopped, sitting down on top of a building. He was heaving, sweat dripping down his face. Whatever Klarion had done wasn't good for him. He didn't have his usual stamina. His body ached, and his head was screaming at him.

A guy with a bow landed in the roof. "Kid? You ok? It's almost midnight, where are your parents?" Dick grimaced and turned away. "Touchy subject, ok. At least let me check you out, make sure you're not hurt." He placed the bow around his chest, kneeling down next to Dick.

He frowned at Dick's arm. "What happened here?" Dick looked down to see what looked like skid marks. He grabbed his arm and looked away, still not saying anything. "Ok, no talking about the past. At least let me bandage it." "Este bine." Dick wasn't sure about this guy. His gut said he could trust him, but he had to be sure.

The suit landed behind the archer, and Dick cursed. Of course the machine found him. What had he been thinking, sitting out in the open? The flag hopped up next to him, and Dick was officially surrounded. "Hawkeye, how did you find him?" The suit asked. "He was just sitting here. I don't think he speaks English. His arm is hurt, but he won't let me touch it. And what do you mean, I found him?" Dick curled in on himself. He may be surrounded, but he wasn't going down without a fight.

"I found the kid on top of a building, dazed and out of breath. Cap came up, and he got a little freaked out." "Grabbing his arm and trying to take him with us also freaked him out, Tony." The flag muttered. "Anyway, he dropped a smoke bomb and got away." "You were duped by a kid?"

A woman leapt up onto the roof. "Of course you would get fooled by a kid, Tony." "Nat! We got a kid here, I don't think he speaks English. Don't know if he understands us." "Tony freaked the kid out earlier. He seems ok around me, but he's kind of secretive. I asked where his parents were, and he looked away." "I wonder if they even know he's out here."

The woman knelt down. Dick looked at her, still feeling exhausted. He liked her anyway. She was pretty. "Cine ești tu?" Dick asked again, tensing up. "Nat." The archer warned. "I see it. Tony, Steve, back up for me. We're surrounding him and he clearly isn't handling it well." The two backed up, and Dick relaxed.

"Numele meu este Natasha. Nu vrem decât să ajutăm." She responded softly, observing him. He stiffened up a little. He probably hadn't been expecting her to understand him. "Unde sunt?" "Ești în New York. Poți înțelege engleza?" "Da." "Dar nu poți vorbi." "Nu."

"So? What's he saying? What's his name?" "Give me time, Tony. Care e numele tău?" "Prihor." "Numele tau real." "Dacă le spun oamenilor numele meu real, alții se pot răni. Nu-i pot lăsa să se rănească."

She nodded then stood up. "His name is Robin. He can understand English, but can't speak it. He didn't know where he was, which meant he probably didn't know who we were. He knows who I am, and I think I can get him to come with us." "Are you sure? "Yes. Get the jet, Steve. Tony, do not touch him. He's shown a dislike for you." "How can you tell?" "His form. He tensed up when you were close to him." "Steve was there as well." "Steve didn't try to grab him."

The archer offered Dick his hand. Dick took it, standing up. "C'mon, kiddo. Let's get you to the tower. Dick pulled his hand away, standing still. "He did say he can understand us, right?" "Yes. But this is all being thrown at him. He needs time." Natasha said. Hawkeye put his hand on Dick's shoulder. Dick flopped him over, holding the arm. "Nu mă atinge." Dick said shakily. "Well, at least now we know he likes privacy." The suit snarked.

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