Clear thoughts

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Bruce stood up. "Fury, now is not a good time." "I think it is." "I'm not talking about me or him. I'm talking about the Big Guy. He's still pissed about Loki. You know he's not the biggest fan of you." Robin gulped, content to stay in the chair. It was like Batman, when he got really mad. Dick usually hid for a day or two when Bruce got mad. Bruce never hurt him, but it scared Dick to think of him being angry.

"I need you to step out then." "I'm not leaving until I take care of his arm." "Scrapes can wait." "Scrapes infected with magic can't. I need to get it out of those scrapes before they get infected with a disease." Bruce knelt back down, beginning to wrap Dick's arm with gauze. He could feel Fury's gaze burning into his skull. Bruce managed to rub Dick's arm while wrapping, soothing it.

When Bruce tied the gauze, Fury stepped forward. "Step out now that you're done, Banner. Robin and I need to talk." Bruce sent one last look at Dick before stepping out of the room. "I will only ask once more: how did you lift the hammer?" "I don't know. I just felt this weird energy coming from it. It was drawing me towards it. I did what I had to do to keep civilians safe. I didn't do anything that might endanger them."

"It's not necessarily them I'm worried about. In all of ten minutes, you took down a threat SHIELD has been trying to capture for years. Do you understand how powerful and dangerous that makes you? The civilians aren't safe if you go rogue." "I'm not going to go rogue, and I don't want to hurt anybody. I just want to go home. I want my friends and family. If I could, I'd leave, and you'd never have to deal with me again."

"And the Avengers? So eager to leave them?" "I don't want to leave so suddenly, but if I can go home, I need to take that chance. All they've done is show kindness to me, by giving me a place to stay, giving me food and welcoming me, I'm in better shape than I would have been on the streets. I've repaid them by helping take down Loki, and saving innocent lives in doing so. I don't want to leave them, but I don't belong here. I belong in my dimension."

"And what will you do to get there?" "Almost anything." "So you would hurt or kill an innocent?" "No! Too many people have been hurt because I'm too slow, or I'm not good enough. I won't sacrifice them to get home. Especially not when there might be another way." "How do I know this isn't a lie?" "I would have killed Loki, rather than knock him out, if I wasn't trying to save people. No blood should be shed over a grudge."

Fury slammed his hands down on the arm rests, pinning Dick down. "Why don't I believe that?" "Because you're paranoid? I just want to go home. All I've done is tell you the truth." "You told the Avengers you couldn't speak English." "I didn't know who they were, and I didn't know where I was. I know they're not going to hurt me. I will never hurt them. I don't want to hurt anyone. As I've said multiple times, I just want to go home." Dick was trying to keep himself calm. He really didn't like Fury.

Fury grunted, but moved back. He left the room, and Dick let out a sigh. Bruce hurried back in, pulling Robin into a hug. Natasha quickly followed, as well as Thor. Dick dug his head into Natasha's shoulder, silently crying. He just wanted to go home. He didn't understand any of this, and it was all piling up. Natasha gently shushed him. "It's alright. He won't touch you."

Dick nodded, but stayed sitting. He liked being held. It made him think of Bruce, and Wally. He let a small whimper out at the idea, missing home. He wanted his dad, his grandfather, his best friend. Hell, he even wanted Joker. At least the clown made a bit of sense at times.

Natasha wiped the tears away, cupping Dick's face. He was shaking, curling in on himself. She pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead, feeling as if he was her son. She felt a need to protect him, especially from Fury and his distrust.

"We need to get him out of here, at least for a while." Natasha said. "I know another kid. A hero, Spiderman. Robin can stay with him while Fury cools down." Bruce responded, grabbing his phone. Thor rubbed Dick's uninjured arm, feeling him shake. Even in his short time with the boy, he could tell Robin didn't scare easily.

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