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Dick followed Natasha, not very impressed by Fury. He didn't seem very special to Dick. Sure, he had only one eye, but what was an eye worth? Anyone could lose an eye. And why did the Avengers seem scared of him?

Fury led him to an interrogation room. "Sit." He gestured to the seat across the table. Dick sat silently, crossing his arms. "What's your name son?" "My name is Robin." "Your real name." "People can get hurt if I reveal that. I can't take that chance, especially with you recording this." Natasha glared at Fury, arms tightening on her biceps.

"Very well. Where are you from?" "I'm not sure, exactly. An alternate dimension, if my theories are correct. I think you'd know if I lived here, Mr. Super-Spy." Dick shrugged. "This is not helping any." "Hey, it's not my fault a Lord of Chaos threw me through a portal without telling me anything. If I knew more, I would tell you. But I don't know. I can't tell you anymore than that."

Fury sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Where are your parents? Do they know what you do?" Fury knew what Stark had told him, but he had to be certain. Dick looked away. "My parents have been dead for four years, almost five. If they did know, I like to think they'd be proud. If there are no more questions, I'll get back to training."

Robin stood up, making it clear he wasn't answering anything else. Natasha led him out, feeling him tremble. "Esti bine?" "Sunt bine, tocmai făcut. Toată lumea vrea să afle despre părinții mei." Dick growled, hands holding onto his cape tightly. He made his way over to the punching bags, taking his gloves off. He had anger in his system. He needed to get it out.

Natasha watched from the side as he attached the bag, punch after punch. He really didn't like talking about his parents. At least, not about their deaths. She hated knowing he wasn't happy. He didn't deserve to be mad.

After about an hour of punching, Dick back away and sat on a bench. Natasha brought him a water bottle, looking at his hands. They were red, one knuckle bleeding. She frowned and grabbed the small medkit from under the bench and opened it. Dick reluctantly held his hands out to her, allowing her to wrap them. It wouldn't do good if he let them get infected.

"Feel better now?" "Yeah. I do. I could feel better, but I'm better than I was." Robin admitted. "Have you ever flown?" "Flown?" "C'mon. Let me show you. It helps me relax." Natasha pulled him up, leading him to another part of the building.

Robin gasped as he entered the room, freezing. It was a trapeze. The Manor had one, but it had been almost a week since Dick had flown on it. "Yeah, I've flown. It's been a week, but I've flown." Dick said excitedly, grabbing the ladder. Natasha watched as Robin grabbed the bar, noticing with concern that the net was gone. "Do you want the net?" "No. I've flown without it. I've been flying without it since I was young."

Dick took a deep breath and let himself swing out. Natasha smiled, watching the small lithe body move. Robin was living up to his name, flying through the air. He might have been better than her, which was rare. Not many could perform the fears she could without powers.

Dick laughed as he flew through the air. Oh, it'd been too long since Dick had last flown. It may only have been a week, but flying was his stress reliever. Dick had been very stressed ever since Klarion had chained him. This was the relief he needed.

After almost an hour of flying, Dick finally decided to try. He was reluctant to use this move, as any little mistake could mean he would fall. He could end up like his parents. He shook that thought out of his head. He couldn't think like that.

Dick let himself swing out, gaining momentum. His heart was pounding, his mind trying not to think of the night he lost everything. He had to concentrate on the movements. Go with the flow.

When Dick felt it, he let go. The room spun around, distorted by the flips. Dick had reached four by the time he needed to grab the next bar, and quickly grabbed it, panting. He'd done it. He done the move only his family could do. The quadruple flip. He quickly made his way over to the platform, panting. He barely made it, sliding against the pole to sit on the platform. His arm was killing him.

Natasha made her way up to see Robin holding his scratched arm. She knelt down next to him, cautiously grabbing his arm. "I think I strained it." Robin said through clenched teeth. "Probably. C'mon, Micul Robin. Let's get you down." She gently pulled Dick up, leading him to the ladder. She watched cautiously, ready to grab him if anything happened.

Once on the ground, she led him to the roof. Robin looked around. "No offense, but I don't think your director wants me to be up here." "He can't control me all the time. This is where I come when I need to breathe, and take time off. With all that people keep throwing at you, I figured you could use a bit of a stress reliever."

Dick sat down at the edge, letting his feet swing. New York was really big, almost as big as Gotham. Natasha sat next to him. "Are you sure you don't want to get that arm checked out? It's looking irritated." "It's fine. It's from when I was first brought here." "How did you end up here?"

"Klarion, a magician, brought me here. My team and I were trying to take him down, but he got the upper hand. We were pinned, and he was pissed. He asked his cat, it's a magic thing I guess, which one of us it wanted gone. Then he asked where it wanted them to go. I ended up being the lucky hero and got transported. I don't want to cause trouble; I just want to go home." Dick sighed, looking down. "Have you tried talking to Thor? He might know." "I don't know. I just...I don't know. My gut says trust him, but my gut says don't trust Fury, and if Thor works for him, he'll know everything."

Dick's attention was drawn to the ground, where a green mist was spreading. "Nat, alert the others. I'm going to check this out." "Be careful. Don't get hurt." "I won't. Now go. You said you trusted me. Trust me to take care of this." Natasha nodded, pulling him into a hug.

Dick made his way down, grappling between two buildings. He landed in front of a guy wearing...horns? What was with these people? At least he didn't wear a beak. That would be a nightmare.

"Out of my way, teen. I have no quarrel with you." The man said, attempting to get around him. "Look, I just got here yesterday, but there are a lot of good people nearby. Let's say I let you in. The destruction from a battle could hit these buildings, and innocent people could die. I can't let that happen. Too many people have gotten hurt because of me." The man grinned. "Then meet your death at the hands of Loki."

Robin and the avengers crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now