Meeting part two

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Natasha was worried. Robin spoke a language that few people did. He was sitting in the jet, picking at his cape. She put a hand on his shoulder, making him jump a little. "Esti bine?" "Da. Ne obișnuim doar cu toate acestea." "Hey kid, where are your parents? Aren't they worried?" The suit, now known as Tony, asked. "Plecat.  Mort. Nu mai sunt cu mine." Dick sighed, looking down. It was the anniversary of his parent's deaths, and it was hard for Dick to talk about it.

"Nat? Translate?" "He said they're dead." She said, hugging the poor boy. She knew what loss felt like. Robin leaned into the hug, feeling tears line his eyes. "Dead! How long have they been dead for?" Tony exclaimed. "Tony! You don't just ask a kid how long he's been without his parents." Nat growled, covering Dick's ears. Hawkeye glanced at Robin, who was hiding in Natasha's body.

"Maybe once we can get to the tower, Bruce can teach him English. If he stays, he'll need to learn it." "I don't need lessons." A small voice said. "I though he didn't speak it." "I had to make sure you weren't enemies. You haven't tried to hurt me yet. You've shown me nothing but kindness, besides when you freaked me out. Who were you talking about when you said Bruce?"

"We were talking about Bruce Banner, our chemist and muscle. He's the Hulk, a big green guy, or he's Banner, a human." "Oh." Robin seemed disappointed. Nat hugged him tighter, which he seemed to enjoy. He held onto her arms, needing her presence. Something had happened to the boy.

"Welcome to Avengers tower, pride of New York." Dick looked at it. It didn't look like much. Not like Wayne Industries. "You don't look too impressed." Natasha whispered. "Most of this is outdated in my world. We don't use half the stuff you do." Robin whispered back. She grabbed his hand and rubbed circles into the back of it, feeling him relax. He probably wouldn't be too much trouble. He ran before because he'd been spooked. Sure, he was a little jumpy, but he wasn't bad.

The group walked towards the elevator, Steve and Tony arguing about who scared Robin. Robin trailed slightly, observing the tower. It was…interesting. More like a home than a base. It was similar to the cave, just not in a mountain. He saw them heading to the elevator, and took his chance.

"So, kiddo, how old are you?" Tony asked. Silence met his question. "Kid? I know you don't like me, but you don't have to ignore me." Natasha turned around. "He wasn't ignoring you. He's gone." "That can't be right. I swear I saw him here a second ago. Jarvis, locate the kid." "Negative, sir. My sensors have been turned off. "He's trained, Tony. We've got to find him before Fury does."

 Little did they know, a certain figure was watching from the vents. While the heroes had been talking, Dick had snuck into a vent and downloaded a map. Then, just for fun, he decided to hack into Jarvis. It wasn't often he could play around, so he played his version of hide and seek: see how long I can hide without dying.

Dick made his way through the vents, heading for the lab. Tony said Bruce was a chemist. Maybe he could help Dick find out what happened. Maybe he could help being Dick back to his family. Dick found the lab easily, where he saw a middle aged man typing. He looked so much like his Bruce from behind it hurt to think about it.

The archer, Clint, ran in. "You didn't happen to see a brightly colored child, did you? We brought him here, took our eyes off him for TWO seconds, and now he's gone." He said, obviously out of breath. "No, but I'll let you know if I do." The middle aged guy replied. "Thanks, Bruce." And he ran off again. After that, Bruce got up and stretched, then walked out.

At this, Robin dropped in, and began messing with chemicals, working on foam. He was so glad this works was similar to his. He needed to restock his belt, and this would help him do that. He could feel the exhaustion returning, his adrenaline fading. After fitting the concoction into the small pellets, Dick slipped into the vents again. He was tempted to just collapse there, but it probably wasn't good for his body.

After locating the bedrooms, Dick chose the nearest empty room. He slipped out of the vents, nearly collapsing. He trudged over to the bed and sat heavily, his body pleading to sleep. He kicked off his boots and put his gloves on the nightstand. He pulled the blankets up and finally got to sleep.

In all truthfulness, Thor had not been expecting a search. Tony had found a boy on patrol, and her escaped from four Avengers. Even after Bruce and Falcon had joined, the boy was still hiding.

In Thor's mind, he decided he sounds check places that the boy might like more. All of Odin's creatures had to eat and sleep, so he started at the kitchen. After concluding that Robin was not there, Thor moved to the bedrooms. He open each door quietly, peeking in before leaving. When he came to the seventh room, there in the bed, a boy was sleeping.

"I believe I have found our stowaway. He's in the seventh bedroom on the forty fifth floor. He is asleep, however, so I would advise silence." Thor informed the Avengers, closing the door softly. "Good work, Thor. We're on our way. Make sure he stays there. Fury doesn't know about him." Tony responded. The Avengers slowly joined together, Thor showing them the sleeping figure.

Robin was woken by soft voices, whispering about what to do. Dick rolled over, not having enough energy to deal with them yet. He pulled the blankets closer, snuggling down under the covers. Based on the sky, and the fact that the moon was still up, Dick inferred it was early morning. Unless Dick somehow slept and evaded the Avengers for twenty four hours. He really doubted that.

Dick closed his eyes again, still feeling mildly sore. Someone, probably Natasha based of the sound of it, pulled the covers up to his chin. "Noapte bună, Micule Robin." She whispered, brushing the hair from his face.

When Dick woke up, the sun was shining through the giant window. Looking over at the clock, he found it was nine AM. Alfred would kill him, were he there. Dick sat up with a groan, grabbing his arm. The scratches were an angry red, the scabs itchy. Dick grumbled, but swung his legs around, putting his boots and gloves on. His arm stung, yeah, but it wasn't the worst he'd dealt with before.

Dick went to the kitchen, where the Avengers were. Natasha was tapping her finger on her arm, worried about something. Dick slipped up next to her, gently grabbing her hand. She smiled and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, holding him close. They watched as Steve made breakfast, which smelled pretty good. Maybe not Alfred good, but good.

A guy walked in, dressed as a bird. Dick leaned into Natasha, and she looked up. "So, you're the kid we tore the tower apart looking for." He smiled. "Considering I'm the only kid here, I would assume so." Tony choked on his coffee, causing Hawkeye to laugh. "Didn't expect that out of you, kiddo." "For the last time, I'm not a kid! I'm a teen!"

"Well, it's nice to meet you. Name's Sam, but you can call me Falcon." Sam held out his hand, which Dick shook. "I am Thor. This here is my friend, Bruce. We welcome you to the tower." Thor smiled down at the boy. "I'm Robin. And thanks for welcoming me. I might be here a while."

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