The Hospital

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I stand outside the depressing building for about an hour, bags in hand. I can't help but feel automatic repulse for the hospital. I hated them. My grandparents died in one. My aunt and uncle both died in one. And now, my brother might die in one. There are sirens out back and I hear a British voice screaming and yelling.

"He got shot! John Watson got shot!" The voice repeats over and over again. I ignore the agony in his voice and step inside. I had too many problems of my own to deal with. Like, where the hell am I supposed to put my bags? I just roll my eyes and go up to the desk.

"Drew Copper?" I ask.

"Family members only." The woman does not look up. I can't help but get angry. I drop the bags and slam my hands against the desk.

"Listen. First, you don't even have the damn decency to look up. Second, you didn't even ask! Third, Drew Copper is my brother and I will burn down London to get to his room so sign me in!" I seethe.

"Do I need to call security?" The woman huffs. I hear people gasp around us and mutter about the nerve of me sassing a hospital worker.

"I'm his sister." I whisper quietly, "I need to visit my brother."

"Do I have proof of your identity?" The woman smirks. A man pushes me aside, begging to be let into John Watson's room. "Let me see..." She types something on her computer, "Name?"

"Sherlock Holmes." The man looks over at me, then mouths an apology about my sister. What the hell?

"The Sherlock Holmes?" She gasps, blushing, "Go ahead. It's immediate family only, but don't tell on me." I clench my teeth.

"What the hell?" Tears sting my eyes, "I can all the way here from America. Effing America, to be denied, disrespected, and dissed? No, I'll find his room by myself, you asshole." I pick up my bags and the lady picks up her phone, dials a number quickly, and starts speaking into it.

"Security, please come to the main floor, we have a girlfriend or something here." The woman says. Even Sherlock, the guy that passed in from of me, looked shocked. He doesn't even budge from where he is, although he has a pass from the stupid desk person. He looks at me with utter shock and back at the woman. I drop my bags and wait to be escorted out. No way in hell am I going unless someone makes me. Two super buff guys in uniforms come around the corner. The woman points at me. The grab me forcefully off the ground and set me on my feet. I turn to them and start ranting.

"This woman here won't let me in to see my brother. I asked her politely at first but she was very rude. Very very rude. She didn't even look up. And then she let this Sherlock dude here in to a guy who has family only, even though they are so not related. She then went on to continue to be very rude to me. So before you force me out of the building, I'm going to see my brother and you can't stop me." I explain, "My name is Alison Copper."

"Merith, is this true?" One of the guards ask.

"I wouldn't put it like that-"

"We all saw it." Sherlock cuts in, "This woman cheated on her husband with six men while he was taking care of her father. She got pregnant but didn't tell her husband and doesn't know who it is. She doesn't feel guilty, obviously, but is nervous, see her nails? She doesn't want to be kicked out on the street. She's planning on playing the sympathy card, as she took the night shift and has worked all day."

"Merith, where is this girls brother?" The other guard asks. She gapes at Sherlock, looking betrayed, scowls at me, looking furious, and bites her lip at the guards, look afraid.

"Here." She says after a long while before slapping a guest badge at me, slipping me a not with my brother room number, "And I only cheated with four guys." She wipes away a single tears before ripping Sherlocks badge off of him, "They updated it. No visitors." Sherlock scowls and sits down at the chairs.

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