Government Business

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I wake up in less than a half an hour. Dream that I hadn't expected had attacked me in the short nap I had taken. I remember all those small naps now and why I stopped sleeping even for seconds. Dreams. Moriarty. Moran. Skulls and Blood. Nothing good came to me as I slept, despite being exhausted.

"Great job, Alley!" I scold myself, "You just one the prize for being the most screwed in the brain person of the year. You get vomiting every time you try to eat and horrid nightmares. For a special prize you get extreme paranoia and a limited amount of friends!" Groaning, I lift myself off the bed and pull the flash cards out of my bag answering questions as fast as I could.

Three hours later of complete and utter concentration, my phone rings. I answer it, eyes tired from looking at the same questions over and over again.

"Hello?" I yawn.

"Alley, it's Sherlock. I was wondering if you could come home tonight?" He sounds rushed.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I can't find John." His voice cracks, "I can't find John and he's not answering his phone. Alison-"

"I'll call you back. Sherlock, don't do anything stupid." I snap, hanging up and quickly dialing John.

One ring.

Two rings.

Three rings.

"Alison?" John answers the phone.

"Where the hell are you, Watson?" I snarl, "Sherlock is on the verge of tears! He called me, John! I'm studying. He called me and he's scared. So where are you?"

"America... I just got off my plane." He sounds utterly confused, "Sherlock was worried about me?"

"Oh don't act so surprised, you stupid hedgehog. Call the goddamned genius." I hang up, shoving my face into my hands and groaning loudly. "America?" I ask minute later, "Why is he in-?" My phone rings once again and I answer it quickly. "What?" I shout.

"I'm hear to pick you up. Mycrofts orders." John sighs, "He's actually got everything you needed I be done, done. Whatever that means. I apparently need to know where you're staying so I can pick you up?"

"Oh my god, that ass." I roll my eyes and art packing, "Why do I need to go home?"

"Something about a huge government case he needs you for. But... never mind. Where are you staying?"

"Um, Grassers Motel?" I look out the window to check the name, "Yeah, Grassers Motel."

"The car is coming- oh Jesus!" I'm positive he dropped his phone because I hear loud thumping noises until he gets ahold of the phone aain, "Sorry. Your roads are horrible."

"Tell me about it." I scoff, "I'm ready and will be standing in the parking lot."

"Okay. Almost there, I think." He hangs up and I lug my suitcase to the parking lot. A limo pulls up and I hop in, hoping it's mine."

"You called Sherlock?" I ask.

"Yeah. He's, um, he's not happy I didn't tell him I was leaving." John sighs.

"In your defense you probably didn't know you were leaving until you were on the plane." I point out, sitting my suitcase down next to me. John laughs, nodding. "Government business, eh?" I ask after a few minutes of silence.

"Mycroft says it's dangerous. Sherlock won't go for it." John sighs, "And Mycroft called a family meeting while you were all the way over here."

"That bastard." I grumble.

"Which means as soon as I went out to get milk, I was told to bring you back." John ignores my comment, "I'm sorry. You had things to do."

"No. It's fine." I grin, "Actually, I'm just fine with the whole 'going back to London' thing. I'm sick if being here anyways."

"What's wrong with here?" John asks as we go over a hug pot hole and something up front crashes.

"Hm, I wonder." I roll my eyes, "It's too much. I see my family everywhere." John gives me a look full of pity. "Oh god,please don't do that."

"Why not?"

"I wasn't asking for pity. I was looking for a conversation."

"What should we talk about?" John asks, "I mean, we could talk about the government thing..."

"No." I shake my head, "Let's just get back to your flat and we'll talk about it then."



I shove my suitcase back into the book of the bathroom and stalk back out, watching the Holmes brothers carefully.

"She can't." Sherlock growls.

"Just tell me what I need to do and I'll decide whether I risk my life for this goddamned country or not, okay?" I snap, sitting down next to Mrs. Hudson on the couch and taking the tea she hands me.

"Fine." Mycroft sighs, "Someone has infiltrated the British government and you need to find out who it is."

"Sherlocks smarter. I don't see why it has to be me." I point out.

"Well..." Mycroft can't spit the words out.

"Mycroft is trying to say that you need to be someone very important so they attack you. Not an imposer. You. You need to be you."

"I'm important?" I scoff.

"The adoptive niece of Mycroft Holmes and the adoptive daughter of the most brilliant mind in all of London? Yes. I would say you're very important."John rolls his eyes.

"We think they're trying to get a large ransom." Mycroft glares at John, "But if they attack you instead of anyone else then you can defend yourself."

"Who says I can defend for myself?" I laugh, "I can't even bench press a fifty pound weight."

"Well, you survived Moriarty." Sherlock points out.

"Fine." I groan, "I'll do it."

"You could die!" Sherlock snaps.

"I could've died lots of times, don't act like it's new." I smirk, "What exactly do I have to do?"

"We are throwing a... party, if you must." Mycroft presses his lips in a thin line, "A fancy party so wear something nice. We think the double agent will strike then."

"What should I wear?" I ask.

"I'll have a dress sent to here tomorrow. The party is on Saturday so I expect you to be ready." Mycroft stands.

"Mycroft, she's not doing this." Sherlock snarls, "She's not your daughter."

"And she's not yours either."

"You don't have to raise her." Sherlock keeps his voice low and harsh, "Don't make her do this."

"She wants to."

"She wouldn't if-"

"Sherlock?" I wave him over, "I'm doing this, okay? It's the least I can do. Watch this." I stand up off the couch, "I'll do this on a few conditions."

"You'll what?" Mycroft turns to face me.

"You hear me." I cross my arms, "I want to become a British Citizen without going through all the crap. I want to get paid. And I want free ice cream for life at that really good place a couple blocks away."

"You're such a child." Mycroft sighs.

"That's the point, Myc." I laugh.

"Fine. Do not disappoint me on Saturday."

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