The Funeral

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[A/N] So, This next part is going to be Johns POV at the funeral. Whenever it's not Alley's POV, it'll be in italics. So yeah, vote if you want.


Sherlock sat on the couch. He's hasn't even talked since Alison. God, I can't believe we let her die.

"Sherlock, John." Mrs. Hudson bustles into the room, "It's time to go."

"I'm not going." Sherlock blurts.

"Sherlock!" I gasp, "You liked her most out of all of us. She was there when I got shot! Sherlock, you are coming."

"Or what?" He sneers, "We dot even have a body. No body no murder. I'm not burying someone who might not be dead."

"Sherlock, she's gone."

"She is not!" He shouts, standing up off the couch and storming to his room.

"You grab Molly and Mary outside, I'll persuade him." I tell Mrs. Hudson, "Give Mary my love."

"You'll see her in just a minute!" Sherlock shouts from his room, "Don't act like you're leaving for good!"

"Sherlock!" I shout, barging into his room. Oh god. He wasn't wearing his shirt. I blush intensely. Apparently he was changing from his suit and I should probably start knocking before I go along and barge into my flat mates room. Sherlock doesn't seem phased. He turns to me, eyes red.

"I can't go John. I've never been to a funeral in my life and I'm not going to start now." Sherlock seethes.

"Sherlock, Alison is dead!" I shout, "Alison is dead and she's not coming back. Now stop throwing a fit and come with me you absolute arse!"

"No." Sherlock walks up close to me, towering over me, a sneer on his face. "She isn't dead."

"She isn't you, Sherlock." I snap, "She won't fake her death and hurt all of her friends only to come back and think she'll be magically accepted into life."

"Dammit, John, why does it always end up here?" Sherlock leans over, his nose just above mine, "I left to protect you."

"You could've said something-"

"It was all a trick John. It was just a magic trick." Sherlocks whispers but it sounds like a scream in my ears. I stand in shocked silence. "And I did this for you." He turns around and I see so many scars on his back. "All for you, John. And all I got was you attacking me."

"You insulted my mustache." I mutter, now thoroughly embarrassed.

"Funny how you forget everything we did for each other after a few years gone." Sherlock walks away. God, all I wanted him to do was lean down just a little further. No! No I didn't. "Even funnier how it took so little time to get over Alison."

"I didn't know her that well..." I trail off, feeling horrible for what I just said, "I haven't gotten over her, Sherlock. I still hate getting up-"

"Lies. John, you're okay with waking up. You're okay with carrying out your day." Sherlock sits on his bed, still very shirtless. "You don't understand what she did for you. She has almost killed for you. She died for you. She died for me and Molly and Mary. She died for people she just met. And she would kill for then too."

"I thought she wasn't dead." I sit next to Sherlock.

"She isn't. I mean- she is. She's non-existent right now. Ever hear of that fellow with the cat? Well, she's alive until she's found dead." Sherlock runs his hand through his damn hair. I love his hair. You could stretch out the curls and- no. Nothing. Mary. I love Mary. "She felt horrid for yelling at you. She probably feels horrid you think it was her last words."

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