Chapter 3 ~ A Different Side

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A/N I just wanted to yet y'all know that I named this chapter A Different Side because in the former chapters it shows how Stiles feels and this chapter will be showing Derek's feelings on everything.

        Derek was already up and finishing up his daily morning exercises when his alarm went off. His torso was dripping sweat as he pressed the snooze button on his alarm clock. He decided it was best to take a quick shower before heading to school. Stepping out of the shower Derek grabbed two towels. One he wrapped around his waist and the other he used to rustle through his hair to dry any excess water. Looking into his closet he quickly chose his outfit for the day. A white tee shirt and jeans with a black leather jacket to top it all off. After fixing his hair and completing his morning routines Derek was out the door and off to his new school.

Derek's POV

        Entering the school doors the first thing I saw was the clumsy boy from yesterday conversing with his slightly more buff friend near the lockers. "Hey, Little Red Riding Hood," I teased with a smirk on my face and proceeded to get to my first class. 

        "Hey! Little Red Riding Hood has a name! He also has feelings! The name's Stiles," he yelled from the other side of the hallway.

        "Bye, Stiles!" I shouted back while waving and slowly walking away.

        I couldn't help but laugh at Stiles's dorkiness. All day the only thing my mind allowed me to do was smile and think of Stiles. I even thought about him during class which made it almost impossible to pay attention to what the teacher was saying. "Mr. Hale! You seem a little out of it. What's on that little mind of yours?" Coach Finstock asked, concerned and bringing his eyebrows closer together. I tried to come up with an excuse.

        "Ummm... I was thinking... about umm.... Joining the lacrosse team!!" I said not thinking before actually saying it.

        "That's great, buddy! You know what, Hale? We could use someone like you on the team. Tell you what, show up at the lacrosse field after school for a trial-practice. Pass it and you're on the team.," Coach Finstock happily agreed with my decision.

        The bell rang dismissing us from our last class. Just as I was about to walk out the door I remembered the trial-practice. Taking a deep breath I hesitantly walked to the lacrosse field.

A/N Oh my glob. Can you imagine Derek Hale in a lacrosse uniform?!! Well anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'll most likely update soon since I've been having a lot of free time lately. CHAPTER 4 COMING SOON ~!

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