Give Her BACK

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Zane's POV

I've never seen Aphmau so mad before... we were at the group house and Aphmau secluded herself in my room. 

Z- Hey Aaron, why is she so mad at Ein?

Aa- She didn't tell you.... he um abused her... he had a group of kids at her school also beat the crap out of her every day.

Z- Why didn't she fight back?

Aa- She was too weak from Ein, Zane when I first went into her house there was fresh blood covering the stairs and floor. And it wasn't Ein's... she wasn't allowed to eat or talk to anyone... the kids at her school wouldn't go near her in fear of being beaten. 

Z- But you weren't afraid?

Aa- Hell no... I know what it's like to be secluded, for the most ridiculous reasons too. 

We continued talking until we heard the break of glass coming from the second floor... my room.  I was the first one upstairs, Aaron was right behind me... I caught a glimpse of Aphmau running into the forest behind the house. I picked up her phone...

Aphmau, I have your sister with me... meet me in the forest. You know where, our old spot... 

The message was from an unknown number, the gang gathered around me... I threw her phone on the bed and jumped out my window. Aaron and KC right behind me, KC ran ahead of me and Aaron matched my pace.

Aa- Zane i'm gonna do something and you have to trust me and not freak out. Take my swords and daggers because this might freak out. 

I took his weapons and stared in awe as he transformed into a huge wolf and ran ahead of KC and I. I looked back and the gang started to run after us... Dante going into a wolf as well but he was much smaller than Aaron was. I shook my head of all other thoughts and sped up to KC, she looked a little shocked but focused nonetheless. 

Aph's POV

I couldn't stop running, I could sense Aaron behind me but I ran faster... he is so fast as a wolf. In a matter of seconds he was at my side... I led him to the spot the text was talking about. I grabbed my sword as I came to a stop, Aaron stayed in wolf form. The tree-house had a door and a hollow inside leading up to the house part, such bad memories. I threw a dagger at the door, it opened and flew past the cloaked man. He snickered and stepped out of the tree...


???- It's not that easy, I need you first.

Aaron growled deep and loud, Zane and KC appeared at my other side. My anger took over me, I felt a strange emotion and was now hovering in the air. My eyes were totally black, the tips of my hair were red hot fire. What was happening? The dark magic symbol appeared on my hands, my parents powers! I got them! I smirked and formed a ball of black gas and threw it at the cloaked man. Aaron went into his human form and took his weapons back from Zane, KC smirked now. 

She sped in circles around the man and when she was back at Zane's side the man was tied up with chain. He struggled but I put a barrier around him and went back to the ground in my normal form. Zane took over his mind and made him tell us everything, he told us that Cyra was in outside Phoenix Drop being held by Ein and the SK's.

A- Why is he doing all of this?

???- I have no idea, just that he wants your powers.

Phoenix Drop is so far away though! Lucinda has a teleportation spell... she can use that to get us there quicker. I hope the gang didn't see Aaron in his wolf form, I sent him a mind link...

A- Hey, who all saw you in wolf form? 

Aa- Just Zane and KC I think... ask Zane because as soon as I was in my form I was at your side. 

A- K... I don't know what happened to me back there, my anger just took over me. 

Aa- Well Irene told me some things about you and you have much more power than that. 

A- That's why Ein kept me so weak all the time! That a*shole... and he has my sister! Oh he's gonna get it now! 

Aa- True but you need to learn to control you powers now, and Lucinda and Zane are going to teach you. 

A- But my sister?

Aa- I'm going ahead and getting your sister with KC and Dante.

A- Okay, she knows them both but I will try and contact her to tell her about you because with her power she will blow your brains out. 

Aa- Noted... we're meeting back at the group house right?

A- Yeah, why? 

Aa- I'm gonna go grab something from my house really quick. 

A- Okay, see you later... i'm gonna start trying to contact Cyra. 

Aa- Alright babe... be back soon. 

I got back to the house and talked this out with the team, I then walked upstairs to the room KC had set up for Aaron and I. Black decor with red accents... nice touch KC, I sat in the desk chair and started searching for Cyra's magical presence. Once I found the smallest bit I contacted it, the connection was bad and I could tell she was on the verge of death. I couldn't wait to send in Aaron and stay here and train with Lucinda and Zane. 

I walked downstairs and found Aaron just getting back, I told him what I had just found out. He told the team while I gathered my things... I set up a mind link:

A- Cyra... Cyra can you hear me?

C- Who... are... you?

A- It's Aphmau, i'm coming for you okay and I have a team and my boyfriend with me. We will be there soon. 

C- O...k....

She's dying... I threw my things together and ran downstairs. I looked at the group and in a matter of seconds Lucinda had us at the gates of Phoenix Drop. 

~Hope you all enjoyed~


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