Horace Joins the Party

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Halt and Gilan bedded the two horses down and strolled through the fields toward Castle Redmont in companionable silence. Gilan sensed that Halt had something he wanted to discuss, and before to long the older Ranger broke the silence.

"This embassy to Celtica could be exactly what the twins need," he said. "I'm a little worried about them."

Gilan frowned He liked the irrepressible young apprentices."What's the problem?" he asked.

"They had a bad time of it when we ran into those Wargals last week." Halt said. "Will thinks he's lost his nerve."

"And has he?"

Halt shook his head. "Of course not. He's got more courage than most grown men. But when the Wargals charged us, he rushed his shot and missed."

Gilan shrugged. "No shame in that, is there? After all, he's not yet sixteen. He didn't run, I take it?" 

"No. Not at all. He stood his ground. Even got another shot away. Then Alex shot and missed where she was aiming, but hit the Wargal in the upper shoulder and it backed off. Then Tug took a hand and backed the Wargal off farther. Then Alex killed the Wargal half a second before I did. She freaked out because she killed it. Tug is a good horse, that one." 

"He has a good master," Gilan said, and Halt nodded.

"That's true. Still, I think a few weeks away from all of these war preparations will be good for the twins. It might get their minds of their troubles if they spend some time with you and Horace."

"Horace?" Gilan asked.

"He's the fourth member I'm suggesting. One of the Battleschool apprentices and a friend of the twins'." Halt thought for a second. "Yes. A few weeks with people closer to his own age will do him so good. After all, folk do say I can be grim from time to time."

"You, Halt? Grim? Who could say such a thing?" Gilan asked.

"You know, Gilan." Halt said. "Sarcasm isn't the lowest form of wit. It's not even a wit at all."

Even though it was after midnight, the lights still burned in Baron Arald's office when Halt and Gilan got there. Sir Rodney was with Baron Arald, helping plan for the upcoming war.

When Halt explained Gilan's need, Sir Rodney was quick to see where the Ranger's thinking was heading.

"Horace?" he said to Halt. 

The small bearded man nodded almost imperceptibly. 

"Yes, it's not a bad idea at all," The Battlemaster continued, pacing the room as he thought it over. "he has the sort of status you need for the task, he's a Battleschool member, even is he is only a trainee. We can spare him from the force leaving here at the end of the week and...."

The Battlemaster paused and looked at Gilan. "You might even find that he's a useful person to have along."

 The younger Ranger looked at him curiously and Sir Rodney elaborated. "He's one of my best trainees, a real natural with a sword. He's already better than most members of the Battleschool. But he does tend to be a bit formal and inflexible in his approach to life. Perhaps an assignment with three undisciplined Rangers might teach him to loosen up a little." He smiled to show that he meant to offense.

He glanced at the sword Gilan wore at his hip. "You're the one who studied with MacNeil, is that right?"

Gilan nodded. "The Swordmaster. Yes, that was me."

"Hmmm." muttered Sir Rodney, regarding the tall young Ranger with new interest. "Well, you might see your way clear to giving Horace a few pointers while you're on the road. I'd take it as a favor and you'll find he's a quick learner."

Ranger's Apprentice: Alex + The Burning Bridge (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now