Ch 5 - Old "friends"

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Mark stares at the creature in front of him, a growl forming in his throat.
"What are you doing here?" He growled, narrowing his eyes.

The creature in front of him was a werewolf, like him, but a no-pack. Don't worry, he wasn't at all dangerous, he just tries to scare his foes when encountered, not kill them. There was no way he was the killer. The wolf molded his scared face into nonchalance when he realized who was in front of him.
"S-sorry, alp- I mean- M-mark. I thought you were someone else..."

"What the hell do you mean 'someone else'?! You're in MY territory!" Mark shouted, his fur bristling.
The wolf lowered his head in submission.
"My apologies, Mark. I-I heard screams and smelled some odd scent, and I came here to investigate. I'm guessing you found it? That dead man had a weird scent on it."

Mark was stunned. How had he not smelled the scent on the dead man? Or Midnight? This "murder mystery" is getting more confusing by the minute.  Don't get him wrong, the cowardly wolf in front of Mark had an excellent sense of smell, far greater than anyone Mark has encountered before. But then, why had he only smelled that scent he talked about. Unless...he was lying.

Mark looked deep into the wolves eyes, trying to sort out if he was lying or not. He could usually tell when this wolf lied by looking hard enough into his eyes. However, he might have corrected that from the time he was gone. He saw no trace of a lie in the wolf's eyes, so he snapped out of his trace and stared the wolf down.

"Ethan. Why must you enter our territory for our business? This does not concern you. I must ask for you to leave before I tear your throat out." This scared the young wolf, Ethan, as his mask faded into terror.

"I-I'm sorry! I-I just wanted to h-help... maybe I could?" A sparkle ignited in Ethan's eyes. "I can help you find the killer, and-and, you can be in peace, without having to worry about more killings in your territory!"

Ethan had a good point. With his great sense of smell, it would be easier to find the murderer. Mark pondered this for a moment. He looked away and looked back at Ethan.
"Follow me. You will help me clean the blood up, and we shall head to the camp and make a pack decision if you can stay." Mark raised his head, staring down at the wolf. Ethan jumped in excitement.

"YES!" He jumped up and down circling Mark. "Thank you, thank you thank you!" Ethan shouted.  Mark barked.
"However, if you are allowed to stay, you will become the omega. Are you willing to become the omega?"

"Oh yes! As long as I can stay with you and the pack once again!" Ethan shouted still bouncing up and down.

Ethan was once apart of Mark's pack, before he ran off from a pack battle and was banished. Ethan's pelt was a light blue, a natural blue. He had grey spots on his eyes, kinda like a mask. He also had grey front paws, with a grey sock on his right back paw.

They headed toward the river, cleaning up any blood they encountered and masking it's scent into the dry dirt. Ethan sauntered behind Mark, cleaning up anything he missed. As they reached the river, Ethan's head pirked up and he cringed  at the old smell of the moved corpse. He gagged and Mark rolled his eyes, huffing.

"Do you smell anything else?" Mark growled moving his head to look at Ethan.
"No sir." He replied, and Mark grunted heading toward the cabin.

As they approached, Mark told Ethan about the human, and told him to always be in his human form in front of Jack. They morphed into their human forms as the clearing emerged from the blanket of light seeping through the trees.

Ethan instictivly cowarded behind Mark, not wanting to be hurt by any other angry pack members. Mark knocked on the door, and impatiently tapped his foot on the ground with his arms crossed, and a scowl on his face.

The door creaked open, reveling Cry, who noticed the cowering human behind Mark's figure. Cry let out a grunt and opened the door fully, letting the two in.

As they walked into the living room, Cry whispered,
"What is he doing here?"
"I'll explain later."

Ethan was looking around, soaking up the interior of the cabin.
"Wow..." he muttered. Must have been used to crumpled abandoned buildings, because Midnights cabin wasn't that impressive.

Mark plopped down on the couch, sighing heavily. Ethan hesitantly sat down on the chair closest to Mark, careful not to get close to Cry, or anything that wasn't his. Felix sauntered out of the kitchen, drink in hand, immediately going stiff after seeing his alpha.

"Mark! You're back! Took you long enough." He took a sip of his drink before spitting it back out, noticing Ethan.
"What in the name of...!" He immediately pounced on top of Ethan, earning a terrified squeak from him. Mark quickly got up and dragged a snarling Felix off of him, Ethan with a terrified expression on his face. He was whimpering, and Mark rolled his eyes.

"Back off for a sec, will you? I brought him here, so at least act like you have a little dignity." Mark snarled at Felix, causing Felix to dramatically back up and gasp, placing a hand on his chest.

Bob walked in with Jack and Midnight, allow them chatting together, not noticing the commotion going on. Jack noticed everyone else, and quickly pointed them out to Bob and Mid. They both turned around, looking from Mark, to Felix, to Ethan and back, confused.

"What's going on?" Jack asked,  noticing Bob and Mid freeze up.
"Nothing of importance to you," Midnight said through clenched teeth.  Her and Ethan never really got along, they were like rivals before, and she hated Ethan for running off from battle.

Mark sighed, pick up his self-esteem.
"Guys, we have a decision to make. "


Guess whaaaaatttt?


please kill me. This is why I missed 4 weeks of uploading, that and visiting family.

Sooooo uuuuuhhh, yeah! I'll still try to hack out a chapter a week, but uuuuhhhh,,,, no promises

Guess I'll die 👍


(More like, fallen at dishing out chapters,,, amiright????? hahaha?

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