Ch 6 - Pack decision

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Midnight growled at Ethan, effectively making him shrink into his seat. Mark huffed. He didn't really care how the others treated him, as long as he wasn't injured, it was fine by him. 
Anyway, after he mentioned Ethan's addition to the pack, he immediately got bombarded by "No way"s and "Hell no"s. He had to use his alpha status to shut everyone up after a good 5 minutes of complaining.

He then got everyone to - calmly as possible - sit down and make a rational decision to add Ethan back. Ethan was in the background, squirming in his chair, not used to all the negative attention. Jack was sitting next to Ethan, who looked super confused about the current situation in front of him. I knew we'd have to get him out of here if we were to talk about this. I looked at Ethan.

"Ethan," Mark slowly muttered. "Go take Jack outside, he doesn't need to hear this." Jack looked at him with an angered expression. Ethan nodded his head quickly and got up to take Jack outside.

"Excuse me lad, but I have my rights too y'know! I wanna hear this!" Jack said in protest.  Ethan stopped were he was and looked at Mark.

Mark grit his teeth. "I'm sorry, but you need to leave." All eyes were on Mark and Jack. The pack haven't seen anyone openly oppose Mark's decisions before.

"Well sorry, but I'm not movin'."

"Well then ''lad'' I'll have to make ya." Mark got out of his seat and moved over to Jack. He promptly shoved Ethan out of the way and stood over Jack, effectively making him shrink in his seat. However, Jack promptly got up himself, staring at Mark. Well, as much as he could. He was a bit short of Mark's height.

"Then make me, smart-ass." The pack looked at Mark with wide eyes. If Jack were one of them, he'd get a beat down, no doubt.

Mark grabbed Jack's arm in a jarring move, and Jack's eyes widened. Not by surprise, but by pain. The same white-hot pain that was haunting him earlier when he woke up. He screamed, grabbing his arm and falling on his knees. Mark let go of Jack's arm and jumped back in surprise. 

'What the hell?'  Mark thought. Jack's eyes were shut tight, and he was gritting his teeth. Blood trickled down from his lip, he most likely bit into it, without realizing. The whole pack got up and crowded around Jack,  asking 'Are you okay?' and 'What's happening?!' Mark looked at Jack from above. Did he do this? He figured no, he couldn't have inflicted that much pain on a human just from a rough grab to the wrist. But he wasn't sure. He knelt down, looking at the spot he grabbed Jack from. It seemed fine, no bruising or irritated skin. He was confused more then panicked. He reached over and grabbed Jack's wrist, and Jack quickly passed out, falling backwards onto the chair.

The others were very panicked and confused. Bob picked Jack's limp body up and took him to his room. Bob was the most calm out of everyone here, besides Mark. Mark was just plain confused. Bob then came into the room, looking at Ethan and pointing behind him. Ethan got up and passed Bob, going into Jack's room. I mean, that's one one to get rid of a guy from a conversation. It's not the most normal way, but I guess it happens?

"Everyone sit back down please." Mark bellowed, sighing. He himself sat back down in his seat, rubbing his face. He'd think about this later.
"So, Ethan."

"Hell no." Midnight snapped. Expected.

"Let me finish." Mark said, sending a glare to Midnight.
"If he were to come back, he'd be the omega, and you can torture him all you want. Also, this hunt whould be pretty short lived too."

"Hunt?" Felix asked, perplexed. Mark's face contorted for a second, then went back to normal. He forgot to tell everyone about the body.

"Oh right. You remember the scream from earlier, right?"


"Well, me and Midnight found the source of the scream, and it was some dead guy with a weird scent on him. We buried him not far from the building we stayed in that one night."

"Oh, okay. WAIT WHAT!?" Mark flinched at Felix's sharp scream.

"We need someone with a good sense of smell, and Ethan is really the only one I know with a real good one."

Felix huffed, nodding slowly. He knew no one here had a great sense of smell, besides Bob's sorta good one. Midnight rolled her eyes. Midnight may be a rogue, but for some reason she really hates Ethan. Mark had no idea why.

Bob was looking down at the floor thinking, as well as Cry. Ken just stared into space. Mark knew Midnight's decision already, he didn't even have to ask. Bob looked up, nodding at Mark.

"I see your point." He said. "However, is it wise to let him stay? For all we know, he could have joined another pack and is spying on us."

"Ethan is too cowardly for something like that. He knows I could tear him in two." Mark remarked. He looked at everyone, and the slouched down in his seat.

"I'll give you a few more minutes to think this out.  I'll stay here and wait."

. . ( ♤ • ♤ ) . .

Mark sat up, huffing. "Time's up." He paused. "What's your decision?" He looked at Felix.

Felix crossed his arms and looked toward the kitchen. "Fine, he can stay." Midnight snorted.

Mark looked at Bob, "Sure..."
Ken, "No."
Cry, "Nada."

Mark looked down, frustrated. Split decision. He was the tie breaker. Great. He could say yes, and then he'd may lose respect or, he could say no. He didn't want to. Mark looked up and crossed his legs. After a few quiet moments...

"Ethan is staying."


I'm still grounded, but I used my phone to finish this, despite what my subconscious was screaming at me not to do.

Sorry for this coming out SUPER late, but i diggity darn goofed so...



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