Chapter Thirty-One

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Each phantom equino leapt into the World and happily cast his spirit upon the wind. And in their moment of release, the herd on the plain stopped grazing; the neighs of each equine, whether young or old, male or female, rose up in a chorus of greeting and rolled across the landscape in celebration under the brilliant twin stars. As long and as hard as she looked, Paola could not spy Cappello among a small group of equinii in their humanoid forms, who also watched the spectacle.

Cenere frowned. The being who had been a monster regarded her and the stallion still harnessed to his carriage. Ercole's eyes remained wide with surprise, for Cenere had met them without his disguise. He had revealed his true self to the big equino for reasons he had kept to himself. Perhaps, Ercole, through his bravery, had earned the truth for the role he had played in restoring balance to the domes.

"It is still not your time to enter Dome Pasture," Cenere finally declared to both of them as he blocked the portal, but not the view beyond. Go back to Dome Erba." He spun about and crossed into the World. The gateway folded closed.

Paola looked up at Ercole.

Sensing her scrutiny, he returned her gaze. "We have both gone to the doorstep of Dome Pasture and will have returned to Dome Erba from there." He laughed and the merriment in the sound made the walls of the Maze sparkle. He put his large hand on her shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze. "No equine will ever believe us," he said with a wink. He turned slowly and his carriage followed his movement. "You haven't told me how we can explain Alessandro's disappearance or how we can rectify my gem record before Celso."

Paola gestured for the grey stallion to kneel. She touched his gem, and her fingertips glowed a rosy pink. Ercole gave a surprised gasp, but he did not pull away from her and the comforting light radiating from her fingertips. His gem took on a lilac glow. The energy signatures of the dome map coursing within her confirmed what signals remained in his gem. She made the final adjustments necessary to conceal their strange journey as the healer had decreed.

She told him, "Alessandro decided to stay in Dome Scienza, where he passed from this life due to an illness. We returned as expected to Dome Erba to complete the Transport. That is what Celso will know from your gem, for that is what Alessandro stored within it when he released you and the others from the wall." She removed her touch. His gem rang sweetly and flashed white; then, it glowed a steady bright green. "The rest you can guess."

Ercole grinned broadly. "The blessing of your gift?"

Paola nodded, pleased at his display of intelligence.

"I wonder if Alessandro always knew that he would not return to his home," Ercole added thoughtfully.

Paola said, "I should have guessed it would be so."

The grey stallion cupped his chin with his right hand. "It is said among our kind that I am a legend, Paola Equina, but it is you who truly are. It is a shame that none will know your of achievements," he said, frowning. "Maybe, one day, when we are both in Dome Pasture, together, you will tell me everything."

Paola smiled, her heart warming under the big equino's compassionate understanding. Who could say what her life would be like now? After everything that she had experienced, and all that she had learned, how could she go back to being a simple Courier?

She pointed to his carriage. "Do you mind if I rest inside, Ercole. I am suddenly feeling very tired."

"With my pleasure," Ercole said. "I will be glad of a bath, a fine meal and a rest too once we return to Dome Erba."

"Perhaps, we can eat together," Paola said. Having a deeper friendship with Cappello had been denied her. Would Ercole mind her companionship to ease her loneliness?

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