Chapter Thirty-Two

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Dome Biblia's orb brought the morning and colored the light mists that had gathered between the barrier and the town. Paola rested under the same stand of trees where she had first seen the women and the child on a day that now seemed to be in the distant past. Barely visible, Ercole stood by his carriage down at the bottom of the hillside and waited patiently as she took a moment of solitude to gather her courage. The rising warmth tempered by a gentle breeze did little to relive the burden in her heart from the knowledge she had gained of a world lost, of domes won and of the battle remaining to be fought in Dome Biblia.

Celso had granted permission for Ercole to accompany her on her journey, the threat of her complaint having worked its power against his pride. In the light of everything that had occurred, the only defense she had against Petronella's very true accusation of theft was the fact that someone had attempted to kill her. How could she get anyone to listen without revealing everything? Maybe, she should simply tell the truth and lance the boil of secrecy. Was this her final test? Should she be glad to be rid of the story of her journey, no matter the consequences? If she died by decree of the librarians for telling her story, Dome Pasture beckoned. She would be the wind that ruffled Cappello's mane, a loving spirit like those equinii whom Alessandro had released from the confinement of the Dome of the Bound Child. But what would happen to Ercole, who had also participated in neutralizing the Authority?

"Paolina! What am I to do," she cried out to the new day.

The atmosphere surrounding her suddenly charged with static electricity, which made the hairs of her mane stand. As if in answer to her plea, the ground began to pulse beneath her like the steady beating of a heart. With a resounding snap, a small rock nestled in a tree root split in two. A tiny, cylindrical purple crystal fell out of it and rolled toward her.

Fascinated, Paola picked it up and cradled it in her palms.

"So warm!" she cooed. "So beautiful."

The crystal began to sing sweetly. The notes had her swaying with the joy and the love it projected.

The Cristalli had never been vengeful; they had been strict in their teaching to force evolution upon the humans. The one she now held safely in her palms put the question to her: You have already served humanity; will you help it just a little more?

It was the purpose she had sought, and in the acceptance, she knew that she would triumph over those who had caused so much harm to her and others.

"Yes," she whispered.

The crystal began to spin, flashes of purple light bathing her and the trees. It raised up above her hands and transformed into a little figure that mirrored her form. However, six pairs of flaming golden wings sprouted from the mock equina's back and unfurled majestically.

The Cristalli equina's hands joined together and from them shot a violet bolt that struck Paola between her eyes. You will open the domes! it decreed to her mind.

Paola cried out not with pain, but pleasure. With the message came more knowledge, both beautiful and terrible, which made her laugh and weep in its completeness. Power followed, which made her not strong, for she already was that, but prepared to fight any evil that kept humanity from progressing.

The Cristalli equina faded with the mists.

"Is everything well?" Ercole said, his deep voice rumbling up from the bottom of the hill. "Does a storm come?"

Paola touched her forehead and the gifts hidden within her. Her fear of Petronella had vanished.

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