Chapter Thirty-Five

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In the days that followed the trial of Petronella, Dome Erba became Paola Equina's home. Upon his insistence, Giovanni filed the necessary paperwork, and she moved into Alessandro's house, an event that became one of the most notable in the dome's history. No equine had ever owned land. On the momentous day that she took possession of the dwelling, two librarians recorded it on their crystal tablets. The one that glared at her remained sulky and silent under the watchful eyes of her sister librarian, who criticized each perceived error. She wondered if the day would ever come when Petronella would set down her hatred for her and all that had happened.

To help humans, Paola knew that she had to become even more human and follow in their ways. She earned many titles in the process. The silliest was "Equina Who Sleeps in a Bed", as if that fact alone defined everything about her. Almost every night, on her soft linen mattress filled with straw, she dreamt of Alessandro, Paolina and Cappello.

By royal decree, the citizens of all the domes provided for her needs and requests as the "One Who Will Open the Domes". It was a title few understood because the queen had not elaborated on its meaning, and neither had Paola. Whenever she traveled between the domes, she met resistance. Transforming into her winged form swept away any reluctance by the citizens to do as she asked.

Between her journeys, the equina read and organized Alessandro's tomes. She sought to learn and practice his art, so she might join the other equine healers of Dome Pasture one day as an equal in skill. She delved deeply into the study of the magic controlling the input of information into the gems of equinii, much to Celso's impotent disdain.

When she grew restless, she entered the Maze and ran freely for her own pleasure, secure in the knowledge that she would never get lost. She often caught the sweet scent of Cenere, who practiced his necessary office.

In the passage of her days, she became a mare and understood her yearning for Ercole. The grey stallion continued as a Transporter, for he was well suited to his task. But if she needed him, all that was required was a touch of her mind against his, and he would return to Dome Erba, faithful in his service to her and to humanity, and at her disposal by the queen's command. Together, they continued to restore the connections of the lost domes to the others.

One cool winter day, Ercole knocked on her door. He presented to her a bag of sweet treats. "Peppermints," he said pleased at his acquisition. "From Dome Culinaria! I know that they are your favorite."

Paola touched his strong arms and squeezed. No equine who wore a gem could ever conceive or bear offspring naturally. Only in true form in Dome Pasture, without servitude or gems ruling them, could that blessing happen between a mare and a stallion. And those equinii who chose to have their gems removed prospered in this way.

She often wondered what they felt and comprehended as they ran across green fields under stars that were real. Did they forget their lives in service to humanity; or did something of humanity, and the Cristalli, remain within them? Those were questions that she would not get the answers to until the day the domes opened.

She was the Seraph, unique and alone. Ercole would continue to age and would go to Dome Pasture in his time, but the natural process of aging had ceased for her when she had become a mare. In order to guide both humans and equinii out into the World, she would remain alive and unchanged until all the domes opened. That was the ultimate price the Cristalli equina had extracted from her for all the blessings she had received.

Ercole lightly touched her wrist. "Your mind wandered again."

It always would stray with the burden she carried. But on this cold winter day, to be held and comforted was what she desired most.

She wrapped her arms around the big equino and rested her head against his body, breathing deeply of his familiar scent. The strong pulse of his life beat steadily in her ears. "Come sit with me by the fire, Ercole," she said, her gem blazing bright with passion.

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