Chapter Forty

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"Scarlett's becoming real isn't she? She's gaining true solid form, even her tears are wet, I mean actually wet enough that they've soaked into my top."

Once again around the table, the eight tired bodies of Guardians and Powers slumped over the sturdy wood. They'd been here since the morning and it was taking its toll.

Sam adjusted his position in his chair. "If that were happening, wouldn't we be able to see her?"

Pulling up his shoulders, Josh shrugged. He didn't know what to think; at the mercy of his frayed nerves and tattered emotions the only constant thought in his head was a worrisome one. As each second thundered by he could only pray for Nikki, hoping against all odds that they hadn't hurt her, at least not too badly, yet. He itched to get to her, every muscle tense with the effort of staying still and keeping calm but rushing in wouldn't solve his problems. He'd tried that approach before and it had driven them apart, he wasn't about to relive the nightmare of losing her forever. So instead he forced himself to remain focussed on the matter in hand. Scarlett. What was she, who exactly she was to Juliet and how could he get her to take him to Latébris.

"I don't know, but yesterday Scarlett wasn't able to touch things and now she can, and this morning her tears disappeared. Just now, they wet my top."

Opening her thin lips, Juliet let out a tired grunt. "I need a drink."

Josh glared at her retreating body with resentment. She was possibly the only person in the room who could realistically help him save Nikki and yet she was being as obstinate as ever. His blood boiled in anger. Taking a deep breath he rolled out the tension in his shoulders, trying hard to cap his volotile temper. To his left, Juliet shuffled to the sink and snatched up a glass before plucking a grimy bottle from inside a cupboard. "Anyone else?" she asked, the suspicious looking liquid sloshing around in the container as she held it up.  When no one took her up on the offer she unscrewed the lid and tipped the bottle to her lips. After swigging a generous amount she cursed the burning liquid and smothered a cough. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand she put down the bottle in favour of the book in the centre of the table. "Josh, have you thought about reading the book now you can understand it?"

Eying the leather bound tome Josh shook his head bitterly. "I can't say I've given that thing much thought since Nikki vanished."

"Well maybe you should." Juliet said, shoving it towards him. "I'd suggest skipping the first few chapters though, I think you've got everything you can from them. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a prior engagement with a confused and scared little girl."

"Hang on!" Roxy, who had remained as quiet as she could up until this point, spoke up. "Where are our answers? Am I supposed to just sit here without saying a word just because you told me I have to? I want answers. I want to know what all this has to do with Jake. Why can't we leave?"

"Patience Roxy."

"No! I've run out of any semblance of patience. Stop with the riddles and tell us what you know, because it's clear to all of us that you know a whole lot more than you're letting on."

Juliet sighed, "Let Josh read--"

"No! Tell me what you know now or I leave. As far as I can see there's no reason for Jake to be here and I've got to admit I'd be much happier if we could just go home. I'm tired of putting my Power in danger because I don't know what's going on."

"It would be simpler if you told us what's happening." Mikey agreed.

Sam nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah, and the sooner we know what's actually happening the sooner we can go get Nikki."

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