Leave Her Alone!

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Esme and I drove in the dark of the night, trying to lead Victoria elsewhere. We have been driving for a few hours, successfully keeping Victoria away from the others. My thoughts were all over the place. Thinking about Bella, Jasper, and if the plan would work. Until, I lost track of her smell.

"Esme... she's not on our trail anymore. She rerouted to go South," I informed. Panic rushed over both of our faces. I picked up the phone quickly, ringing Edward.

"Hello? " I heard over the other end.

"Edward, Victoria is going South looking for Bella. She caught wind to our operation."

"What!? Okay. Run to Phoenix after you leave Bella's truck at the residence. We need all of the help we can get. I booked a plane and it will be in Phoenix first thing in the morning."

"Alright, we're putting the new mission into action," I said before I ended the call. Esme turned the truck around, heading back to the Cullen's residence.

*Time Skip*

We arrived at the house and took off running as soon as we got out of the vehicle. It was still dark outside, so no one could see how fast we're running. I seen the sign for Phoenix after five minutes of running.

"Okay. Esme go to the airport while I find the hotel that Bella is staying in. Edward said the plane will be here first thing in the morning," I informed her. She nodded and sped off in the direction of the airport.

I ran discreetly in the direction of the hotel. It was a huge towering building that sat beautifully against the city. I ran inside at a human pace, looking at the staff that was seated at the front desk.

"Excuse me, is there a Bella Swan staying here?" I questioned.

"She was here, but she left a few minutes ago."

"Thank you!" I ran back outside and pulled out the phone, dialing Alice's number.

"Hello, Y/n. Bella is right here in the car. She described a ballet studio in my vision and she said that you two used to go there. And we're going to the airport."

"Thanks, Alice." I ended the call as I got a feeling. 'If Alice seen the old ballet studio in her vision, it might be something bad happening there.' I concluded to go near the ballet studio, but keep my distance.

*Time Skip*

My phone rung as I looked for any signs of Bella. She'd most likely go to that studio. "Hello?" I said as I answered the phone.

" Bella has gone to the studio. Where are you?" Edward asked.

"I'm staking out the studio. I'm trying to see if I spot Bella."

"She's in danger! Go there now!"  

I did as he said, running to Bella's aid. Upon arrival, I seen broken glass and blood everywhere. Bella was against a broken mirror with James towered over her. He held a camera recording her as she screamed in agony. I froze taking in what was happening. He then lifted his foot and slammed it on her leg, breaking it in a snap.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" Everything happened so fast. A flash of silver light engulfed the room. My vision went black and all I could hear was the voices of my new coven faintly.

'I never knew that a vampire could pass out,' I thought as a bunch of memories and dreams came flooding as I was trapped within the darkness of my mind.

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