Welcome Home

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Days, weeks, months went by since the Cullens left the small boring town of Forks. Bella has been very depressed since then, only sparing me a glance every once and awhile before turning away. I stayed with her discreetly for a couple of months before returning back to the empty mansion that I called home.

"I wish they haven't left," I mumbled to myself. I walked along the halls of the large building, letting my fingers graze the walls that were warm to the touch. Though, I knew they were cold without the kind of warmth the family tried to keep here.

"I know. I wish we haven't left either," an angelic voice sounded. I spun around quickly only to be greeted by Alice and Keith. She had a small grin on her face while Keith had a stoic look. "Hello Y/n, how are you?"

"Please don't ask. I don't want to answer because it makes my cold blood boil." I was angry with the family for leaving Bella and I here. It resulted with her hanging out with the wolf pack for quite some time. But I didn't mind because they were helping me protect her at all times.

"I want to apologize for all of the pain we have caused you two. But now is not the time for small talk. Something is brewing that Edward and Jasper were caught in." Upon the name she said, I perked up and gave all of my attention to her. "They went to Aro requesting that their lives be ended. He didn't agree, stating they have done no wrong to be punished. So they're trying to disturb the peace."

"Why are they doing this?"

"They apparently see no purpose to live without you two. Ed and Jasp has been through immense sadness since they've left you both," Keith said. I felt guilty for letting him leave without me, but I had to protect my sister whom I've recently reunited with.

"We have to get them back," I inquired. "But we can't do it alone. We need Bella to convince Edward to come back. I'll convince Jasper because I'm pretty sure he'll listen." They both nodded, knowing that the plan would most likely work. Hopefully.

"I'll collect Bella and make my way back here. We need to get there as fast as possible, so put some layered clothes on. It'll be sunny by the time we get there," informed Alice. I nodded, heading off to be layered in heavy clothes. I made sure none of my skin was showing. Don't want to risk catching attention of the people of that town.

*Time Skip*

We are currently on the plane, heading to get our men back. Their decision to die is very stupid. Thinking about it makes me want to hurl. Not like I could.

The plane touched down sending a small jolt. That's when I knew everything would go downhill. I was very excited and filled with adrenaline. Now that we're actually here, I'm scared. I ran away and now I'm coming back to the place I hate. Aro would most likely want me back.

"Alice... I'm not so sure this will work," I deadpanned. She rolled her topaz orbs that shone in the rising sun. Alice is a motivational person but not at this time.

"No need to worry! Everything will be under control. We'll get your boyfriends back and run off into the moonlight," exaggerated Alice. It was my turn to roll my eyes as I listened to her little speech.

*Time Skip cuz I'm lazy*

"Well, well. Look at my stunning creation," Aro mused with a creepy smile. I sneered trying to look intimidating but failing miserably.

"What do you mean, creation?" Jasper drawled in his accent.

"Oh my," he started. "She hasn't told you? I changed her into the being she is now. Y/n was supposed to be my honey, but she ran away from everything she could've become. She could've been the next in charge, forcing any law that she wants. Ah, the luxury she could've had."

"I ran away because I didn't like the lifestyle you expected me to live in. Killing scared innocent civilians that had something that they could grasp in the future. It's just something I never wanted to inflict on others." My eyes softened to sad pools of gold.

"What a heartfelt monologue, Y/n," Jane mocked, looking at me with a face that held no expression whatsoever.

"And you've finally found your dear sister. How exciting this is! I've heard that vampires can't use their abilities on her. Jane, mind giving us a demonstration." Aro gave a devilish smile to all of us.

"Don't you touch her!" I shielded Bella with my body, hoping that the tingles and sharp jabs that I've felt before wouldn't touch her. Jane flashed an evil smile of her own.

"Pain." I lifted off of the floor, feet dangling as excruciating pain took over my senses. Veins popped out of my neck from being lifted from the head. No screams or grunts could escape from my lips as the sensation started to get overwhelming. Flashes came from my eyes, but this time I didn't black out.

"Intriguing!" Aro yelled.

I seen things that I've never had before. Spirits roamed the room, observing the scene that unfolded. The light faded as I dropped to the ground. I still panted even if it was unnecessary.

"You three can leave peacefully." Aro pointed at Jasper, Bella, and Edward. "I'll be taking back what's mine."

All of a sudden, all three of them were being dragged out of the room. Aro spared me a glance, staring with cold eyes. Then, an identical evil smirk formed on his pale face.

"You deserve a punishment for trying to bolt from my grasp. Jane, take her to the torture chambers. She'll have a long welcome home party including her screaming and me figuring out what her ability can do." 

Jane nodded before saying, "Welcome home."

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