The First Day ||Chapter:1||

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My alarm was going off. I turned to the side and picked up phone to turn it off. I turned back to the other side.

"Beep Beep Beep"

Did I hit the snooze button?
I didn't turn over but I reached my arm and grabbed my phone, I looked at it but there was no timer on it, it wasn't beeping. WHATS THE BEEPING NOISE?!?!

"Beep Beep Beep"

I heard again
I sat up
"WHERES THE BEEPING?!?!" I said angry because I'm tired.
I heard laughing...a lot of laughing and some snorting.
I looked to where the laughing was coming from. No surprise it was Matt and Shiro,,, holding a camera..great.

"Please tell me this not going on one of your guys' YouTube channel.." I said
"It's going on mine!" Matt said

"Hey is Pidge here?" I asked
"Yea she's downstairs." Shiro said
"Thank god. Now get out I'm going to change." I said and they got out of my room.

Ok now what to wear.?

*Puts on whatever outfit you chose*

I put this on cuz ya know I can.

Before I leave my room I put some extra makeup, a small hairbrush, a small bottle of hair spray and some hairties just Incase. Ooh yea I need to do my hair.
I went into my bathroom to brush my teeth and stuff and then I started to so my hair.

*insert hair of your choice*

After I finished I put hair spray in it, of course, so it wouldn't get ruined, I ran downstairs.

"Finally I've been stuck listening to their YouTube Ideas it's been torture. It's almost as worse as the science teacher getting facts wrong!" Pidge said

I chuckled a bit. "Ok ok stop torturing Pidge. How long until we should start walking to school?" I asked.
"Uhhhh t-minus 5 thousand hours" Matt said
"He means in 15 minutes." Shiro said
I chuckled. "Ok weirdos."

I grabbed a granola bar for breakfast and started making my lunch,
I packed a sandwich, apple, granola bar and a juice box. I put it in my actually backpack and I put a small water bottle and a few snacks in my smaller one.
"Why don't you just put the snacks in the bigger backpack?" Pidge asked.
"Well since we're going to Shiro's baseball game I didn't want to be looking through my bigger backpack, plus it already has a lot of stuff in it. Also I can get good seats if I get there early and already bring my own snacks." I said

"Ooooh Good idea." Matt and Pidge said
"You guys really don't have to come to my baseball game." Shiro said
"Yes we do, well I do, because I'm your sister and you've been working really hard." I said
"Ew that's cheesy"

They chuckled
"Ok let's just go to school." Matt said and we walked out the door and Shiro locked it.

"What time is!" Pidge said like she was re-enacting the scene from Highschool musical.
"Not summer Time!" Matt said
"Let's not have a vacation!" Shiro and I said.
"You guys aren't fun." Pidge said
"We're just saying the truth" I said

Pidge frowned and crossed her arms. And then I ran into a pole because I don't like looking on where I'm walking...I should probably stop doing that..
"Are you Okay Y/N?" Shiro asked
"Yea, Yup, Yes, huh" I said
"Are you sure?" Shiro asked again
"Yup" I said.

A few thousand hours, actually three minutes, of walking we got to school.
I saw Lily, Eva and Serenity.
I waved at them ya know cuz I'm a good friend.
They waved back.
Then, Lance,Allura and Hunk came out of no where but it's all good because our squad is here.

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