Baseball and friends ||Chapter: 2||

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"Y/N the games starting!" Pidge said


I liked watching sports but I never would stand up, yell, throw popcorn or any other stuff that people do who are really into the game.
I usually sit quietly and watch the game. Unlike my family and friends they yell and get all excited.
"The boys are cute eh?" Lily asked/said
"I guess" Serenity Said
"I think some boys on the other team are pretty cute." Allura and Eva said
"Pft Hell Yea, have you seen that Shiro Guy, oh my god he's such a cutie" Matt said jokingly

We all laughed at Matt's joke. 
"Nah I'm not really into any of the guys" I said
"Woah really?" Lily asked
"Yea, probably because I know none of them will like me back or whatever. I'm just not into anyone" I said while shrugging at the end
"Are you serious?! A lot of guys liked you in Middle school and I think a couple guys who like you are on Shiro's team." Pidge said
"Yea But I don't really like them, I guess I just don't want a boyfriend I'm good being single for now." I said

"Ooh~ look at that guy" Allura said pointing at guy that had Kogane 08 on his back. He was sitting on the bench waiting to bat.
"Haha look at his mullet" Eva said.
I elbowed Eva In the arm
"Owww.. What was that forrrrr??!" Eva asked
"What if he heard you." I said looking at him 
and he looked back at us.

I waved at him.

WHY DID I WAVE AT HIM?!?! I mean it's not a big deal it's not like he's going wave back at me.-
He ended up waving back at me
"Ooooohh~~ Y/N's gotta crushhhhhh" Everyone said, Even Pidge.! No surprise the Holts love to tease me.
"I barely even know him! Plus he goes to Marmora High school." I said
"So, I've met people who are in a relationship and go to different schools." Lily said
"Yeah But I don't even know him...!" I said
"Ok ok ok" Lily said.

We continued watching the game, the Kogane guy was up to bat.
I heard people cheering for him, I think his name is Keith.. Atleast that's I heard from people who were cheering him on.
The "Keith" Kogane number 8 guy ended up hitting a home run.
Of course I clapped for him cuz it's nice but I only did it for like three seconds since he was still on the other team.

"So is anyone else staying after the game?" I asked

"We are" Matt and Pidge said

"I am too" Lily said

"Nope we aren't" everyone else

"Oh ok just wondering" I said

I reached into my bag and pull out some gummy bears for a snack. I didn't feel like paying money to buy some other snacks here.
So I brought my own.

Pidge gasped "Give me gummy beaaarrrssss" She said

I sighed "fine" I pulled out another pack of gummy bears and gave them to her.

"Yayyyyyyyyyyy" Pidge said

I rolled my eyes at her and continued watching the game.

*After the Game*

"Hey guys Matt's asleep" Pidge said

"Let's stack hotdog buns on his head." Lily said

"I don't think there is any hotdogs left" I said

"We will find some" Pidge said and quickly got up and speed walked to the concession stand a before it closed.

We watched her talk to the person at the stand.
Pidge smacked $10 on the table
"I want as many hotdog buns that I can buy with this. I won't take no for an answer." Pidge said seriously looking him straight in the eyes.
I think the guy got scared so he gave her hotdog buns and took the money.
Pidge came back with 10 hotdog buns

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