Ughh School ||Chapter: 4||

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Adam and I were still watching Jurassic Park when Keith and Shiro left.
"You should head to bed soon we have school tomorrow" Adam said to me

"What about you? Are you gonna go to bed?" I asked
"Yea I'm just waiting for Shiro to come back" he said
"Ok" I said and got up and walked over to the stairs "goodnight, tell Shiro I said goodnight when he comes home" I said and walked up stairs
"Goodnight Y/N!" Adam said

I smiled to myself and walked into my room and put my pjs on.

I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.
I walked back into my room and got into my bed and turned off the lights. I watched YouTube for a bit.
After a while I heard Shiro get home.
Nothing really exciting was happening just Shiro and Adam talking and probably just watching tv.

"Guess what" I heard Shiro say to Adam
"Yes?" Adam said
"Keith said we were cool!" Shiro said sounding excitedly
Adam chuckled "Oh Shiro" he said "I should be heading home now"
When I heard that I got up and opened my door and walked downstairs.

"Hey Y/N I thought you were asleep" Shiro said looking at me with a smile
I shook my head "I wasn't sleeping I was just in bed" I said "I heard that Adam was going so I wanted to say bye"
"Oh ok" Adam said "Well Bye, I'll see you tomorrow at school" he said with a wave and then left.

"Ok time for you to go to bed" Shiro said to me
"Shiro you know we have parents right" I said
"Yea?" He said sounding confused
"Well I don't need another dad" I said
He chuckled and we went to our rooms.

Once I got to my room I laid in bed and went on my phone for a couple more minutes until I fell asleep.

*Timeskip to morning*



I wake up to my alarm going off.
I always hate waking up for school, it's too early I'm too tired and I'm so done with this alarm.
I turned my alarm off and laid down and started to watch YouTube.
I gotta be careful to not fall back asleep since I'm so tired in the morning.
I hear Shiro's alarm go off a couple minutes later.
Then a couple minutes after I hear Shiro's go off I hear my dad's alarm go off.
I've memorized my family's alarms, my mom wakes up before me, then I wake up, then Shiro, and then my dad wakes up last, but he's the first one to leave.

I got up and went downstairs to eat breakfast.
"Good morning Shiro" I said to him as I was getting cereal out.
"Good morning" He said back to me
I sat down beside Shiro and started eating my cereal

"Ready for school?" He asked
"No, I can't wait for the weekend" I said
"Yea me too" He said "but school can be fun"
"Eh, when your teachers like you yeah" I said to him, all of Shiro's teachers like him because he's smart and never gets into trouble and helps everyone.

"Do your teachers not like you?" He asked
"I think they have high expectations of me since I'm your sister and they love you and expect me to be the same" I said

" Oh Y/N your teachers don't hate you" Shiro said and got up. He rinsed his dishes off and out them in the dish washer. "Now hurry up you still need to get dressed and I don't think you want to go to school with crazy hair"

I stuck my tongue out at him and he stuck his tongue out at me and then went up stairs

I went up stairs a little bit later after I was done eating.

I grabbed a sweatshirt just Incase I got cold and I grabbed a ponytail holder for gym class. And then I yeeted myself downstairs and made my lunch and put it in my bag. Shiro was waiting for me by the door.
"I'm going to leave you" Shiro said as I was putting my shoes on
"Shirooo noooooooo" I said as I finished putting on my shoes.
Shiro opened the door and we walked outside of the house and he locked the door.
"Lettttssss gooooooooo Shiroooo I'm gonna leave youuuuuu" I said
"Y/N I'm Locking the door unlike you taking forever to get ready." Shiro said in a joking voice
"Aaahahaha Shiro Why you be exposing me like that" I said
Shiro just rolled his eyes and we started walking to school.
"I don't wanna go to schooooool it's so booorrrinnnggg" I said in a whiny voice to Shiro. I was just speaking the truth, school is pretty boring, it can be fun but it's boring.
"Oooohhh hush child" Shiro said putting his hand on my head. "You'll be out of school soon anyway"
"'mmMmmM" I said and we continued walking.

We got to school and I could see Lance teasing Pidge and Matt laughing at them. Lance was holding up one of Pidge's books and since they're heights are so different all Lance had to do was lift his arm up and Pidge wouldn't be able to reach it and that's what he's doing.
Matt was finding it so funny and not helping his poor sister.
Shiro and I walked over to them and Shiro grabbed Pidge's stuff and gave it back to her.
"Here you go kiddo" Shiro said to Pidge as he gave her, her stuff back
"Thank you Shiro" Pidge said as she took her stuff back and gave dirty looks to Lance and Matt.
"Awww come on Shiro we were just having a little fun" Matt said and Lance nodded in agreement.
"I needed my stuff, losers" Pidge said to Lance and Matt
"Hey I'm not a loser!!" Lance and Matt said in sync.

"I think we're all losers here" I said
"Oi! I ain't no loser. Dad tell Pidge that Lance and I aren't losers!" Matt said to Shiro in a kind of demanding kid voice.
"Uh- Matt shut up let's go to class" Shiro said and started walking into the school with his kids, Matt, Lance, Pidge and Me, following behind.
"Bro bro bro I should get a skate board I'd get with all the ladiessss, well not that I need help with a skate board I can get the ladies easily" Lance said winking and a girl, she blushes obviously Lance was the biggest flirt in our grade possibly even in our school.
Pidge sighed "God Lance shut up" Pidge said rolling her eyes.
I smiled and shook my head a bit "So, changing the subject, Shiro when's your next baseball game?" I asked
"I think Y/N just wants to see the mullet dude" Lance said
"I have no idea what you're talking about now shut up" I said
And yea maybe I did want to see the 'mullet dude' MAYBE I did,,
Ok I wanted to see him..
"Ah! We need to get to class!!" Pidge said and ran down the hall to her class and we all did the same.

Woowowoowowoow I haven't been here for a hot second. Sorry about that, Happy New Year!! Im determined to finish my story (finally jeez what's up with me) so yea, 2020

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