Class ||Chapter: 5||

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Lance, Hunk and I said goodbye to everybody and walked to history it was an interesting class but Mr. Dean made it so boring.

"Ahh I don't want to go to class, Mr. Dean is so boring" Lance groaned "At least I have you guys to keep me company"

"Yea Lance it'll be ok you have us! His class isn't that bad " Hunk said trying to cheer up his buddy.

"Can you just like knock me ouuuttt I'll pay you" Lance said

"Lance please, it's really not that bad" I said, I felt bad for him but history wasn't so bad.

"NoooOOO" Lance said back sounding miserable

"Well too late we're already here, maybe next time I'll knock you out" I said teasing him and walking to my seat. I sat down and took out my books "Hey Lance you think this book would work?" I asked holding up my big hard cover history book

"Oh hell yea, do it, do it right not" He said bending down so I could hit him over the head with my book.

"Ok take your seats take your seats, Lance what are you doing?" Our tall, brunette teacher Mr. Dean said

"uh just, just talking" Lance said running to his seat and sitting down, and as Lance sat down Mr. Dean started our World History class, it was an interesting class I like learning about history but class was just so long with no breaks it became boring. Lance kept looking at Hunk and me and would  make hand motions asking for us to knock him out. 

"Lance please face forward and stop bugging Y/N and Hunk, and do your work" Mr. Dean said

Mr. Dean went on with his class after call Lance out, only 20 minutes until class ended and then we would go in to the next class, I just couldn't wait for lunch I'm so hungry. I stopped paying attention to class I was more thinking about lunch and that pale, long haired kid from Shiro's baseball game, "08 Kogane" I thought to myself,  I wonder if we'll meet again maybe I'll see him I probably will he's friends with Shiro, but does he want to see me again? Eh who cares anyway he probably doesn't want to see me and it would probably be weird if I asked to see him again I just met the guy.

I felt a flick on my head "Ow what the fuck" I said snapping out of my daydream and seeing Lance and Hunk "What what do you want? How'd you get out of your seat without Mr. Dean yelling at you?" I asked Lance

"The bell is about to ring that's why dumby" Lance said " What were you even thinking about, were you paying attention at all?"

" I wasn't thinking about anything, I-uh was just... head empty no thoughts" I said back.

*Bell Rings*

I started walking to chemistry better than history but it gets annoying just waiting for lunch to start, at least I get to see Pidge, Eva and Lily. At least I have a few classes with my friends to make it less boring and miserable.

I finally got to class and sat down next to Pidge "what's up" I said to while sitting down and taking my stuff out.

"Nothing, just waiting for class to start, I have something to tell Eva and Lily" Pidge responded not looking away from her textbook.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2022 ⏰

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