T R I C K Y R I K?!?

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erika pov:
is was morning of the big game against michigan and i'm hype! not only is it a big game but my friends are coming to watch this is going to be a night to remember! as i was thinking to my self i didn't realize that i was wrapped in jakes arms....not gonna lie is looks kinda cute when he's sleeping. i reached behind me to grab my phone and check the time...it was 730 so i unwrapped my self trying my best not to wake him up so i could get ready. i was upstairs in the kitchen when i turned around than dropped to the floor because jake was just standing there which scared the shit out of me
erika: jake wtf!
jake: *laughs* sorry!
he puts out a hand to help me up and i take it
jake: so what are you doing up this early?
erika: well i was gonna get ready for the game than make y'all breakfast and wake y'all up
jake: okay, so i can go back to sleep now?!
erika: i mean if you want too*giggles*
jake: *yawns* okay i'm going back down to bed
erika: *giggles* okay, i'll be in my room if you need anything
jake nods as he walks down the basement stairs (MOOD) i couldn't help but laugh to my self. i ran up stairs got ready for my game by putting on my red #18 jersey and my red and white shorts, with red nike calf socks, i grabbed my white nike LeBron basketball shoes. i finished getting ready by going my hair,light makeup and pre wrap.
jake pov:
as erika was attempting to me quite and not wake me up well she did and went up stairs. i followed her up there than scared her cuz she fell to the ground i helped her up than acted tried and went down stairs. i woke everyone up because erika has a big game today and last night when she fell asleep the boys and i went to the store and bought poster board stuff.
jake:*whipsers* okay guys you ready? we have like a solid half hour before she comes down!
kade: let's do that thang
alex: let's get to work!
we were all working on posters for erika than we heard footsteps coming down.
kade: i got this you guys hide the stuff!*whispers*
everyone else nods
as we are putting away the stuff we hear kade and erika talking
erika: kade your up early! is anyone else?
kade: nah but i would let them sleep a little bit, so you need any help like maybe making breakfast?
erika: sure come on!
once we get all the stuff hidden we all make our way up stairs
erika pov:
something is up with kade....oh well probably boys being boys🙄 kade and i were putting food on plates when we heard the whole tribe coming up the stairs
mack: morning rik!
sunny: mornin e
alex: FOOD!
chance: that's my girl *pointing at alex*
anthony: so rik what do we need to bring?
erika: um...idk whatever you want to bring as long as it is reasonable
anthony: okiedokie
jake: mmm this smells good!
kade: well dig in!
erika: we have to leave by 9 otherwise the bus is leaving
everyone: got it!
when everyone finished eating, they were all showering and getting ready i was chilling on my phone when
kade: hey rik do you have a portable charger?
erika: yeah i have two there charing right now over there*points to the island in the kitchen*
kade: k thx!
erika: np
i looked at my phone and it was exactly 9
i grab my bag, water and keys and i walk out the door. everyone started filing out of the house
erika: okay we are going to have to take two cars
kade: boys in one girls in another?
everyone: sure!
erika: okay follow me
about 25 min later, we get to the gate
guard: are they with you?
erika: yup!
guard: okay good luck today!
erika: thx!
we entered the gates parked in the reserved parking for players, we all piled out of the car and walking to the back door, with a lady standing at it
lady: hey!! it's tricky rik!!
erika: that's my name!
lady: can we get a picture for my daughter?!
erika: of course!
we have kade take the photo
lady: and who might these people be?
erika: oh these peeps? well that's mack,alex,sunny , kade, chance, anthony and lastly jake
lady: i'm julia her substitute guard for lauren, ahhh so i have a quick question
erika: shoot
julia pulls me aside
julia: are you dating the blonde one?
erika: why do people keep on asking that?
julia: it's the way y'all look at each other
erika: no i'm not dating him
julia: yeah okay😉
i walk back over to everyone
erika: can we go in now?
julia: if up insist*opens the door* you know where to go
erika: yup thanks!
julia: ohh tricky rik krista told me to tell you that your friends can go with you out to warm ups i the wanted too!
erika: okay thx!
we make it to the box room they call it which is where my family usually sits when they come to my game because the front is all glass so they can sit in comfortable chairs while watching me play. i opened the door for them to walk through
erika: here ya go
sunny: bro why didn't you tell us about this earlier?!?
alex: bro you even have your own snack bar of literally anything!!
kade: woah this is amazing
once they all settled down there was a knock on the door
erika: i'll get it!
i jumped up off the back of the couch and opened the door
erika: KISRTA!!
krista: ERIKA!!
erika: come on in!
she walked in and everyone turned around to see krista with a bag of stuff which she didn't let me see what was inside
krista: ohh you must be the friends
erika: yup
krista: let me guess your sunny
sunny: yup!
krista: your mack?
mack: that's me!
krista you must be alex, chance aka chalex
chalex: yeah! wait how
krista: you must be kade?
kade: that's me!
krista: lastly but certainly an least jake?
jake: hey!
erika: okay now that y'all know each other what now?
krista: well you have to get your butt down on that court and warm up and i'll show your friends around
erika: ohh boy okay!
i grabbed krista
erika:*whipsers* please don't embarrass me!!
krista: okay *whispers*
i grabbed my water and basketball shoes, then bolted out the door and all i heard was
everyone: GOOD LUCK ERIKA!!
i smiled and jumped down the stairs turned the corner and ran out to the court to see my team standing there. once they saw me and they started playing our warm up playlists.
jake pov:
once erika left we saw her run out to the court through the glass than
krista: so i have your jerseys here *holding up the bag* and also i got you vip passes so you have access to anything, not to mention you all are in the front row behind erika's bench!
everyone: thanks!
krista: no problem!
she passes out our jerseys and they are dope!! the boys jerseys kinda look like football jerseys but it had erika's team logo on it with her number on both sides, front and back, her number was also on the shoulders of the boys jerseys. as for the girls they were the same as erika's a tank-top that crossed in the back with there last names on it along with erika's number on it front and back with erika's team logo on the front!
krista: now let's get a picture both front and back!
we did as she said, than we sat down watched erika warm up for a bit
krista: here put these around your necks and do t loss them!
everyone: okay
chance: jake we have to grab the posters for your car!
jake: oh yeah crap!
anthony: don't sweat it i already grabbed them they are in the cabinet underneath the  snack bar
krista: awwe that's cute y'all made posters
sunny: it was jakes idea
i shrugged than we followed krista around the stadium than we ended up on the court and was sitting down where we would sit when the game started. when we sat down the girls looked at us than a erika
erika: what?
girl: the blonde one is cute
girl: yeah and you know what's cuter?
erika: what?
girl: you and him dating
erika: why do people keep saying that?
girls: cuz it's true
erika: well on that note let's practice our plays and shooting!
girls: yes capt.
after about 25 min they started scrimmaging and i couldn't help but watch erika....dam she's amazing at basketball not to mention she's hot af!
erika: ohio wanna scrimmage?
girls: yeah come on all of you!!
boys: okay!
i can't believe we are playing right now but whatever! well after 15mins of playing we had to stop.
krista: okay girls don't get to tried we need to save the energy for the game!
erika: you heard her meet up in the locker room in 5!
erika pov:
the game just started, the other team won the tip. we were on defense than they scored a three, the crowd cheered as they did. abby passed the ball into me and i took it up the court, the person guarding me lunged at me and i quickly passed the ball through my legs to the other hand to maddie to caught it, bounce passed it to me and i cut to open space and made the layup. the crowd cheered on my way back to my half of the court i look other to see my crew holding up signs, seeing smiles on there faces which made me smile. we continued the game of both teams scoring left and right. half time rolled around and we were losing by 15 baskets. and forth quarter came around and by then we were losing by 20 baskets. everyone was panting, trying to catch there breathe, the person i was guarding had the ball went to take a three but i jumped up and blocked it making it go onto there half i sprinted to the ball dribbled and took a three, i heard the whole stadium gasp as it sores through the air then swish the whole stadium in there feet screaming, my team on the court high fived me on my way back, i was starting to feel hope in my self after i made that shot as i looked at jake who smirked. we scored another basket and before we knew it we had 1 min left in the game and we are down four points five if we want to win. we got the ball on the side abby chucked it in the air to me i jumped up and caught it than went up for layup when a girl on the other team body checked me into the first row of people who where around the court.
crowd: oohhh
erika: ah*groans*
random person: are you okay?
i see the refs run over, i slowly get up and get my eyes in focus.
ref 1: take your time we stopped the clock
ref 2: number 24 blue person foul
crowd: that's five 24 is out!!!
24 get subbed out, i'm still getting my breathe back.
ref 1: do you need a sub?
erika: no i'm good!
ref 1: okay! you get three foul shots with everyone behind the half okay?
erika:*deep breath* yup!
crowd: TRICKY RIK! TRICKY RIK! *chanting*
i put my hand up to stop them so i can concentrate and they did. i wiped off the bottoms of my shoes with my hand, cracked my neck
ref 1: good?
i nodded, he passed me the ball i took a couple of dribbles than took a beep breath, bent my knees and arm, then shot the ball everyone gasped as did i. it bounced along the rim than went in!
crowd: yeahhhhhh
the ref passes me the ball again and the ball swirls in than out
ref 1: that's okay your 1 for 2
he passes me the ball last time, i close my eyes and take a deep breath i shoot the ball and nothing but net, crowd leaps to there feet cheering. than michigan starts with the ball there is 10secs left i go up block the shot i hear the crowd counting down from 5 once i hear 3 i shot the ball from a little less than half court, with one hand at the basket and once the buzzer goes off the ball was half way in the net! we won!! my team ran up to me and hoisted me on there shoulders chanting tricky rik! than the crowd comes on the court after we shake hands with the other team.

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