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erika pov
this morning i woke up to literally the whole fam in my room, blasting music.
erika: IM UP IM UP!!
angle: well get dressed we have a fun filled day ahead
jc: yup! with the whole dam fam!
dani: the whole dam fam
we all laugh
morgan: come on get your lazy ass up!
dan: breakfast is ready in 5
erika: okay
lauren: did i here someone say food?
dani: yup come on lo
erika: well can you all please leave so i can get dressed?
they all leave my room shutting the door leaving lo and i.
lauren: so what do you think they have planned?
erika: honestly, i have know idea
lauren: well this is going to be one interesting day
erika: you said it! okay i'll grab my clothes and change in the bathroom you can change in here
lauren: sounds good to me!
i get changed into light blue ripped booty jorts, with my red basketball pinny like jersey, along with my white yeezys. as i finished up putting on my makeup there's a knock on the door
erika: come in!
and in walks lauren, morgan and dani
erika: what's up guys?
dani: can you braid our hair?
i look around at them
erika: of course! who wants to go first?
dani: meee!!
as she shot her hand up in the air
erika: come have a seat!
dani: can you braid three on the side of my head into a pony tail?
erika: yes i can!
as i was braiding dani's hair we had girl talk.
morgan: so rik spill the tea
erika: what tea?
morgan: ohh come on the tea with bad boy jake(she winks and nudges lauren)
erika: what do you want to know?
dani: are you guys dating
dani blurts out
it was silent as continue to braid dani's hair. that this point i'm in the third braid.
morgan: ooo so you are
erika: i never said if were are or not
morgan: i mean if you guys aren't dating then what are you friends with benefits?
i couldn't help but smile
erika: well if you guys must know
erika: yeah and keep it down the last thing i need is jc questioning my every move
morgan: my lips are sealed!
erika: dani?!
dani: i have know idea what y'all talking about*pretending to act clueless*
i finish putting dani's hair in a ponytail
erika: done!
dani: woah this looks really good!
erika: thanks! who's next
morgan: i'll go! (as she's jumping off the counter)
morgan: can i have the same thing as dani?
erika: yup!
i started parting her hair when my phone goes off, dani grabs it
dani: who's lover boy?
i try my best not to crack a smile but morgan sees it through the mirror
morgan: awwwe you guys have nicknames for each other that's cute!!
erika: okay now i'm taking the spot light off of me to lauren!
lauren was sitting on the counter next to dani on her phone and looks up clueless.
lauren: what about me?
morgan: gotta special someone??
lauren: uhh—
dani: who you texting? (looking at lauren's phone)
erika: who's she texting dani?
dani: a nathan
morgan: ooooooo! is he cute?
lauren: well duh (covers her mouth after realizing what she said)
erika: awwe lo!!
lauren: okay morgan what about you?
i finish putting her hair in a high ponytail.
morgan: what about me?
erika: done! next
morgan and lauren switch spots
lauren: i'll have the same has dani and morgan please!
erika: you got it!
lauren: ohh you know
dani: morgan do you have a special someone in mind
i noticed she blushed really hard
erika: so cupid did find someone
morgan: maybe
girls: who?!?!
morgan: his name is chase
erika: awwe! wait isn't that the kid that you have been crushing on?
morgan: yup!
erika: so are you guys a thing?
morgan: yes and no but you can't tell jc, i want to tell him myself
jc: don't tell jc what?
erika: speak of the devil and he shall appear!
jc: so what you girls talking about
as he gets up on the other side of the counter
dani: girl talk
jc: ohhh i remember these talks
morgan: i remember when you came and asked us for girl advice
lauren: he did what?!?
erika: yeah, he wanted to ask this girl out
dani: but got rejected
jc: really guys?
girls: really
lauren: ooo
morgan: well speaking of girls, jc you dating anyone?
he gave us all a look and nodded his head
lauren: who?
morgan: who?
dani: tell us!
than morgan turned to me
morgan: rik don't you want to know?
erika: i already know!
jc: how?
girls: what?!
erika: i saw them in the hallway kissing
girls: tell us
jc: her name is mackenzie
morgan: wait like my best friend mackenzie?!(sounding a little mad)
jc: uhh— maybe (sounding scared)
morgan: that's why she keeps blowing me off
erika: okay everyone chill
i pulled lauren's hair into a ponytail
erika: lo your done! now i'm going to do my hair the same.
morgan: chill me chill my best friend doesn't want anything to do with me, we can't hang out anymore because she's with jc all the god dam time. not to mention she doesn't even talk to me only when she has nothing better to do!!
morgan: i can't believe you guys are dating behind my back! my own twin brother dating my best friend!!
morgan: save it jc!
she stormed out of the bathroom
erika: really?
jc: what?
lauren: you don't date your sisters best friend
jc: why?
dani: even i know this answer!
erika: because she's going to know all the embarrassing things about morgan that morgan probably doesn't want her to know. not to mention what will happen when you guys break up?
lauren: yeah she could make morgan's life a living hell
dani: are boys seriously this stupid?
jc: i didn't know? how am i supposed to know?
girls: #1 girl code don't date you best friends brother!
jc: that's stupid
erika: no it's not
lauren: and if you want to date her you should have told morgan before because finding out your brother was dating your best friend behind her back it's like she can't trust you anymore.
jc: why can't she trust me?
erika: you guys literally tell each other everything but this why not?
jc: i don't know?
erika: she probably feels betrayed
jc: i didn't think about it that way
girls: boys never do until it's too late.
jc: what should i do?
girls: talk to her
jc: okay, thanks
i finished my hair my putting it into a high ponytail as jc walked out.
erika: now we all look good!!
dani: pictures time! but we need morgan!
jc pov
wow i never thought about how betrayed morgan must feel. that i was dating her best friend behind her back. i mean if she did that to me i would probably do the same thing she's doing to me now. i walked to her room and knocked
morgan: who is it
jc: it's jc, mo please let me in
morgan: no
i tried turning the doorknob it locked of course it's locked
jc: i want to talk mo, please let me explain
i can hear morgan walking towards the door unlocking it
morgan: you have 5mins
jc: that's all i need!
i explain to her how sorry i was for ruining her friendship with mackenzie not only that but for ruining our friendship.
jc: mo i really sorry we didn't tell you sooner, we were afraid of what you might think.
morgan: jc don't be stupid, i love to see you both happy but it hurt more that my own twin brother and best friend felt like you guys had to hide your relationship from me.
jc: i know and i'm sorry i promise from know on i'll tell you everything about my relationships promise!
morgan: okay and i promise to!
jc: so we good now?
morgan: yeah we're good
i brought her into a hug
morgan: jc there is actually something i want to tell you/ask you
jc: what's up?
morgan: well you know your friend chase
jc: yeah the one you like?
morgan: yeah well, yesterday he kinda asked me out but i didn't say anything because i wanted to talk to you about it
jc: oh yeah i already knew that
morgan: knew what?
jc: that he was going to ask you out because he asked me if that was okay and i said anything to make her happy!
morgan: so i can?!
jc: yeah you can
i saw the excitement in her face as i said those words. i got up and headed to the door than turned back to morgan
jc: he's liked you for a while now*winks*
erika pov
lauren let's go get morgan to take a picture
dani: okay!
we walk in her room to see jc leaving and they both have smiles on there face
erika: well i take y'all make up?
morgan: yup and now i have a boyfriend
erika: no way!
morgan: way!
dani: well let's take pictures with our hair looking fire
we all laughed and walked back into my bathroom and had a mini photo shoot.
we all ran down the stairs to see a buffet of food on the counter
erika: dammmmm
dan: dig in!
everyone: don't mind if i do!!
we all laughed

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