Chapter 1 - Preparations

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Well this is it I guess, that painful moment where you have to leave your bed, all you want is to go back to sleep but there is this classic annoying person who will do everything to make sure you don't.

I'm sure we have all been through this, for me this person is my best friend Lexi. She came into my room less than 3 minutes ago and she has already opened my curtains, shook me, yelled in my ear and threw water on me...

And as much as I love her (Ew I didn't mean it that way you pervs! That's right I KNOW what you are thinking) I really want to kill her right now.

I glanced at my clock and saw the red letters that said 06:34. Why God, WHY?

"Come on Claryyy!Wake up, wake up, wake up,wake uuuuup!" she whined while jumping up and down on my bed.

At this point there was only one thing I could do, grudgily I moved my lazy ass from the bed and moved towards the bathroom murmuring curse words.

"That's the spirit! Now hurry up we have some shopping to do!Today is THE day so move that preety bottom of yours!" she said cheerfully. I really don't know how she has such a good mood so early in the morning...

After I finished I went back to my room where an excited Lexi was waiting for me.

"Took you long enough, wear this and let's go!" she said as she threw some clothes in my face and finally left my room leaving me to wear my clothes.

I saw the outfit she had picked for me today, it was a pair of comfortable floral shorts and a white crop top which wasn't very short, just as I liked it!

She knows me very well, I thought and besides Lexi has her way with clothes she wanted to be a fashion designer from a small age and she us currently trying to get a scholarship in design in our near university.

As for me, well I'm not very sure what I want to do... I mean I want to go to university or at least college but soon I'll have a lot responsibilities...

You see being an Alpha' S daughter surely comes with a lot of privileges but after a while it requires a lot of training and a lot of work as you have to learn from a small age that the pack comes first...

I quickly dressed myself and went downstairs to find Lexi and Jackson who will most probably escort us to the mall as Lexi would most probably killed him if he didn't.

Me, Lexi and Jackson have been best friends from a small age and I have already decided I was gonna make him my beta.

My options were between him, Dean and Gina but I thought he was the best for this job as he was very good in training and since we've been friends since forever there is no chance he'll ever betray me.

I found Lexi and Jackson in the dinning room alongside with some members of the pack eating breakfast.

They greeted me with a nod, with a goodmorning and some of them with a smile which must have been hard seeing how much they had stuffed their faces with food, still I apprecieted it and returned it with a small smile and a good morning to everyone.

I was glad I had such a good relationship with most of the pack members of course I had done my fair share of work to achieve that.

They see that I am trying as much as I can to train myself to become a good Alpha in the future and they appreciate it.

And yes you read correctly I said Alpha not Luna, you see this is MY pack and until I find my mate, hopefully not very soon, I'll be the Alpha of the pack.

I sat next to Jackson and started filling my plate with the goods that were on the table. My mouth watering from the smell of bacon, sausages, eggs and a lot of other tasty stuff.

"You might want to close your mouth or you might catch a fly in there and from what I'm seeing the poor creature will probably drown" Jackson said with a teasing smile on his face

"Oh shut up, its too early for me to find a good comeback" I said and hit him on his arm

"Its okay Clary I know not everyone can be as smart as me I have accepted it and moved on" Jackson said while laughing

"Yes Jackson, your intelligence is incomparable" I said while rolling my eyes and started filling my plate.

"Is there any chance that I won't have to come with you guys, I have to train and clean my room and other very importand stuff" he said with a pleading look on his face but I'm sure he already knew the answer.

"Nope" said Lexi " and really when was the last time you cleaned your room?"

"That's irrelevant-" Jackson started saying

"Of course it is!" Lexi said while rolling her eyes

"But still you're not getting out of this, today might be the day we meet our mates don't you want to look your best? Yes that's right we will go look clothes for all of us" Lexi said and looked at us like she was challenging us to refuse

"Okay jeez!" Jackson said and continued eating his breakfast knowing he would need as much energy as possible seeing as every time we go with Lexi to the mall we spend minimum 4 hours.

And I don't say I like shopping just no as much as Lexi and most girls do.

After we finished eating we took my car an old Chevrolet model which thankfully still worked and went to the mall.

I had already informed my father through the mind link as I didn't want to bother him knowing he was most probably doing pack work.

When we arrived we firstly went to shop for Jackson as he wouldn't take much time and as predictable he didn't.

We found him a nice pair of dark blue pants and paired it with dark red and blue button up shirt.

After that we started looking for me and Lexi and after going to at least four shops in which I didn't like anything I finally found 'the one' as Lexi said.

It was a white lacy dress with a sweetheart neck and off shoulders and the front was shorter than the behind and it reached th middle of the thighs while the behind it reached the back of my knees. It was truthfully a stunning dress.

Lexi had found a dark red dress which hugged her body perfectly. I t really suited her.

When we finally finished shopping we went back to the pack house to get ready for the ceremony that was about to take place...We had to get ready not only with dressing, putting make up etc. but and psychologically as this could be the night that would change our lives forever....

Oof that was a long chapter! So for the new readers welcome I hope you like the story and thank you for giving it a chance!😁
Now for the oldies (just joking ofcourse😂, yeah I'm gonna stop now...) sorry I took so long to do this but I had lots and I mean LOTS of work to do, I also was not very satisfied with how the story was progressing so thanks for the understanding and now I plan on updating the story regularly every week perhaps and every day we'll see..
Goodnight/morning/evening to everyone with lots of love from your dedicated author!😙😙

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