Chapter 6 - Moving out

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After the tour I had given Aiden I hadn't seen him for the last three days and I was seriously worried.

I knew that he had a pack to run and ,as much as I wanted to, he couldn't spend all his time with me but 3 days? 3 FREAKING days?!

I was going to my father's office to ask him if there was anything I could do to help with the pack work so I could get my mind off of him.

When I was outside his office I saw that his door was very slightly open like someone didnt closed it correctly.

I heard my father talking to his Beta and as I was ready to knock on the door and tell them that it was left open. Which was very bad since his office was soundproof but with the door opened anyone that was passing by could hear them. I heard them talking about me.

"It seems like you haven't thought this through Andrew!" My father's Beta yelled at him which was really bizarre as be was usually a very calm person and a very good friend of my dad.

"Now that she met her mate, her wolf will communicate with her and not only that but they will be combined which means that she will remember!" he continued saying still very loudly

"I am very much aware of this Sean but there is nothing we can do" my dad replied calmly like usual

"Yes but you know what will happen if she finds out. Your daughter is very persistent on some things and I'm certain she will seek revenge" Sean said calmer now but still upset.

'I will seek revenge about what?'

"I know but we can't stop her from getting those memories all we can do is keep her here until she does and then try to explain to her why we haven't told her and protect her till we have found a more permanent solution" my dad said

What the he'll are they talking about?! Is my father keeping secrets from me?...

I quietly left from my spot beside the door and went to my room as my eyes had welled with tears. What could I possibly remember that my dad decided to keep from me and he is only forced to explain it to me after I learn it from my wolf?

I went to my bedroom and lied on my bed even though I had woken up only a few hours ago. I stared at the ceiling tears falling from my eyes.

I had to leave. I didn't know what my father meant but it sure didn't sound good and I wasn't going to stick around to find out.

I stood up from my bed wiping my tears, determined to find Aiden and to tell him that I would go with him in his pack.

I left my room and went on the 3rd floor where the guests were staying. Down the hall the second door to the right from the end was his room.
(Don't even ask how I know this...)

I took a deep breath and knocked on his door. After a few seconds the door opened and I came face to face with an extremely tired Aiden who seemed shocked to see me.

"Clary! What are you doing here? Ie everything okay" he said a worried expression taking the place

"Yeah everything is fine I just wanted to talk to you about something. Again" I said with a sigh in the end

I went inside the room and sat on the bed. I took a few minutes gathering my thoughts and thinking of how I could tell that without him getting suspicious.

"Are you sure everything is okay? You seem awfully worried" he said with a worried expression and came to sit next to me

"Well I have decided that it's probably best if so went with you to your pack for a while so you can introduce me to the pack members and then we can talk about the rest" I said

"Okay, I just thought you wouldn't want to come since you seem very devoted to your pack" he said.

Damn it he still got suspicious...What do I say now...? Aha found it!

"Yes but I have to accept the fact that your pack is now my pack like you accepted that my pack is also yours and you stayed so long" I said

Yup nailed it!

"Alright it's your decision" he said while tucking my hair behind my ear
(A/N: I'm not sure if this phrase is correct if it's not please tell me to change it)

"Why didn't you come to see me so long?" I said while looking at my hands. I had to ask...

"I'm sorry I just had a lot of pack work we have had some problems with rogues going on lately" he said and sighed.

"They have increased a lot, like they also did in other packs including yours and it's a little difficult to handle from here, so it's probably for the best that we will go there" he said

"Do you mind if we left tomorrow? And if you see that it's to much we can come back here so just need to monitor the situation a little bit" he said

"Okay no problem" I said swilling knowing that this was exactly what I wanted

We talked for about an hour and then I went to do some pack work.

It's probably for the best that we will leave. I want to remember first what my father is keeping from me and then be able to process it with a clear mind and with no influences from my surroundings.

I sighed, what could he be hiding? I guess I'll find soon my wolf should start appearing in a little while...

I'm also worried about another thing, Aiden may be sweet and nice to me but how is he with other persons. I haven't exactly heard the best things...

And I also know that when we go to his pack I'll learn a lot of things about him, I just hope they are mostly good...

Hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to update but to be honest with you I thought about deleting it...In the beginning it had zero views for quite a couple of days and I got sad because I was really trying to make this as nice story but then I saw many of your votes and comments and I really am really grateful❤ You guys are awesome so I'll try to update as much as I can. I am leaving for vacations tomorrow so it'll be a little bit difficult to upload chapters but I'll manage!😁 Now to the classics if you liked this chapter please vote, comment and share and have an awesome day/night wherever you are!😙

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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