Chapter 12: Return to Life

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October 31st, 2040
8:23 a.m.

   Everything felt cold at first and she could have sworn she heard Tristan's voice, muffled as though her ears were submerged in water. Then peace came on wings like that of a dove, calm and serene. A brilliant white light filled her vision before fading to give her a view of a wide room filled with a cloud-like fog.
   In the distance, she could see the figure of a man within the fog, his hands tucked into his pants. Slowly, she began to move toward him, the fog swirling around her legs and her feet making a soft tapping noise against the floor.
   The man began to take on more details the closer she drew to him. She could see now that he was wearing a suit of pure white, his feet hidden by the fog that surrounded him. His hair was a hazelnut color with bangs cascading gracefully into deep, sapphire blue eyes.
   His jawline was a well-chiseled diamond shape and adorning the space between his bottom lip and his chin sat a small soul patch that was a few shades darker than his hazelnut hair, border lining black instead of brown.
   His head lifted so that he was staring directly at her, his hair swaying with the motion. Sudden familiarity flooded into her veins as she stared at him. Her throat grew dry and stuck when she tried to swallow.

   The man offered a smile. It was warm and inviting. She knew that smile. Now certain this was her father, she looked around them before resting her eyes on him again.
   "Where am I?"
   He said nothing and instead crossed the remaining distance with long, slow strides. Only when he was standing mere inches from her did he stop and pulled a hand from his pocket to rest at his side.
   "I don't understand," she said, confusion settling into her chest.
   His free hand now lifted into the air, his index finger resting against her lips to encourage her to stay silent. Her heart pounded in her chest at his light touch and she almost didn't notice as the white, foggy abyss she was standing in moved with more of the white, fluffy fog floating around them.
   Lily felt her breath catch in her throat, her gaze drawn off the man before her to stare behind him. Heavily packed clouds led up into the air, disappearing behind a curtain of thick, white clouds that obscured the top.
   Now unsure of her surroundings, Lily returned her gaze to her father, fear spiking into her chest to make her heart hurt. The dryness in her throat worsened until her entire mouth felt as though cotton had been stuffed in it.

   A question was rising into her throat, one she knew would be asked sooner or later. "Am I...dead?" The question tumbled from her lips like water.
   The man's face twisted from the happy smile he'd worn until now into one of sadness, his eyebrows rising as his smile faltered. His hand moved from her lips to her cheek, his thumb caressing her skin like he used to do.
   Another round of realization smacked her across the face. If she was dead, then this...Lily felt tears rise into her eyes before she threw herself into his arms, feeling them wrap around her tightly in a protective manner.
   "Daddy!" Once the tears began, she found it hard to stop them, her face burrowing into his chest. "I've missed you so much!" She sobbed.
   His grip on her tightened while his hands glided across her back in a soothing motion. Lily pulled away to gaze into his eyes. After a while, she gazed down at the foggy floor beneath her.   "Are you here to guide me?" She asked. He shook his head, his hands resting lightly upon her shoulders. He turned her around so that she was facing the open space behind her, her back now toward the clouded steps that rested at his back.
   He walked with her a few paces as a door of light appeared in front of her. Together they stopped between the door and the steps. A frown furrowed her brow and she turned to look back at him, confused.

   He lifted a hand off her shoulder and stretched his arm passed her head, his index finger pointing toward the door. Reluctantly, Lily turned back toward the door. Its light-filled frame had opened to reveal a dark room beyond.
   She could see countless bodies there, including her own near what she thought was a door. The room itself was dark and matched descriptions the other Variants had given her. Then her heart felt as though it was being torn in twine and a single name entered her mind: Tristan.
   A sudden need to be with him overwhelmed her so much that she felt she would collapse from its weight. Lily turned to face her father again, his features holding a look she knew well; he was telling her what she needed to do.
   She remained silent for a while before flinging herself back into his arms, giving him one last hug. "I look forward to the day I get to see you again, papa." With those last words and eyes filled with tears, Lily turned away from her father and approached the door. Taking in a deep breath, Lily stepped through the door without looking back.

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