Chapter 21: The Escape

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12:30a.m. ...

   The alarms were blaring, red light illuminating most of the facility. People were running about, shouting. Cell block number Eleven was wide open and empty, as were blocks Five, Six, Nine and Ten. Five of their most dangerous Soldiers had escaped their cells and were still somewhere inside. Nick had refused to fully leave until all of the unwillingly made Soldiers were freed. Tristan understood how the young man felt. He himself hadn't left the Asylum until the other patients had been freed, so why would this place be any different? Tristan looked behind him now, counting the heads of those they had freed.

   Tristan could see the golden brown hair of Austin in the back with a crimson number Five on his pure white tank top. He was standing next to a girl with short red, wavy hair. On her tank top was the number Six. In front of her was Lily and Zack. Everyone was accounted for. Tristan sighed softly. Good. "What's the plan?" Asked the redhead in a hushed tone, her voice almost lost behind the blaring alarms.
   "We were thinking," Lily answered, "that Tristan could use Amiel for something. We hadn't exactly thought that through." He could feel eyes on him after she'd spoken. It all came down to him. He knew he had to get everyone out safe and sound, or die trying.

12:35 a.m. ...

   I don't know what went wrong. We were close to the exit when the soldiers had spotted us. I remember shouting to the others to run, to get to the exit. I stayed behind, blocking our persuers from the others. As long as they got clear, everything would be alright. I saw a look of fear and pain in Lily's eyes as she ran past me. She didn't want to leave me behind. I forced myself to smile at her. No matter what happened, she would always be my beautiful Lily flower.

   After I turned my eyes back onto our attackers, everything faded. I could hear nothing except the beating of my own heart; could smell nothing but the rising fear in the men as they approached me. I saw nothing except for them. My body went numb as I brought my palms up at my sides. The shadows at the edge of my vision blurred and warped. I could feel the monsters rising, could hear them making their strange but calming noises. Each one was different, but each was cloaked in shadow. They didn't even look real yet here they were, taking form right in front of me.

   None of them moved. They stayed where they were, awaiting my command. My blood burned through my veins and my eyes narrowed into slits, the pupils slanting. The world felt as though it had slowed down for this single moment. Then, it sprang back to life. My hand shot forward, fingers splayed and the monsters reacted. They leapt at the soldiers, making them scream in terror. This was my chance. Under an unspoken command, the monsters kept the soldiers down, along with everyone else inside the building while I turned and made for the door.

   My mind is blurred. I can barely remember what happened after I had escaped. I remember reaching the others and turning to face the building we had been held captive in. I could feel my upper lip tremble as it peeled away from my teeth. "Burn it." I said, my voice unrecognizable. "Burn it to the ground." I watched as Amiel left my side.

12:40 a.m. ...

   An explosion behind us made us all turn around. Except for me. I knew what had happened. Our prison had exploded and was now burning, just as I had commanded. A sick, twisted smile appeared across my face. No one could have survived that, I was certain of it. They, and the others who had refused to come with us, were dead. I knew they were. Taking a deep breath, I turned to the others. "We need a way to stay in touch." I said, gaining startled looks. This was the first time I'd spoken to them. "You know, to keep each other updated on what's happening at home." Lily nodded her agreement.
   "Good idea." She said, looking from me to the others.

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