Chapter 27: Rescue Mission

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April 16th, 2041


4 months, 1 day, 5 hours, 1 minute and 23 seconds to War.

   Rain was beating against the side of the building and the wind was howling. The clouds in the sky made it look almost night during the middle of the day. Footsteps outside of her room made her flinch and cower in the corner. She hated it here. Each doctor was more cruel than the last; each one finding new ways to suppress her abilities. She didn't trust any of them. The only one she knew she could trust was Jordan. His mind wasn't blocked off to her constantly whenever he entered her room. He was kind and treated her like a regular human, which is all she had ever wanted. She could remember everything these bad men did to her from the time her mind had begun to develop. Jordan was the only man here that had actually taken the time to teach her so she would know how to do certain things, like read and write. But where was he today?

   Zoe drew an arm across her eyes as tears began to form. Jordan promised he'd get her out of here. It had been four months since his promise. She was beginning to think that he was exactly like everyone else in this blasted place. Zoe shook her head. No. Jordan would get her and all the other children out of here. She was sure of it. She heard the doorknob to her room jiggle and her head came up. Cautiously, Zoe inched her thoughts beyond the door to try and feel for the mind behind it. She could feel anxiety and nervousness in the mind behind the door. Jordan? "Zoe? Are you awake?" The voice was full of distraught. Was he afraid?
   "Jordan?" Zoe slid off the edge of her bed and crossed the floor to her door. The knob jiggled again, a little quicker this time.
   "Can you let me in, sweetheart? I need to talk to you. Quickly, now!"

   Zoe jumped just slightly, her hand reaching for the doorknob. When she turned it and the door swung open, Jordan came through. He turned immediately around, back to her, and clicked the door shut with such a force that she could hear the mechanism click rather loudly. Zoe tilted her head and studied Jordan for a moment longer. His mind was active, more so than usual. Something had him riled up, that much she could sense. But she couldn't sense what had gotten him all worked up. She watched as he turned around after making sure no one else had followed him. Her eyes followed his face as he sank to a crouching position and felt the gentle weight of his hands resting on her shoulders. "Honey," he began softly, his voice dropping to a soft whisper. "Listen to me. My friends are waiting outside, ready for my signal." Zoe tilted her head, an eyebrow raising up slightly.
   "But why are you so worried?" She asked.

   She watched as Jordan gave a quiet sigh, his head turning to face the door one more time before he looked her in the eye, his gorgeous hazel eyes shivering. "Because," he began. "I'm going to get you out of here before they can attack the building. I need to do it quickly and quietly." She felt his mind grow still, as though he were quietly contemplating something to himself. He licked his lips and looked down for a brief moment. "But I need you to sleep in order for me to do this." Zoe stayed silent for a moment before she threw her arms around his neck in a hug.
   "I trust you, Jordan," she said sweetly. She pulled away from him, revealing a smile that made her entire face light up. "Whatever you need to do, do it." Her eyes moved away from his face to his hands as they moved.

   Jordan reached his hands into the pockets on either side of his pants and pulled out a syringe. Zoe stayed still despite her rising fear and urge to pull away. Jordan was helping her. She wasn't going to fight him like she fought every other man in this forsaken building. How could she? Zoe forced herself to stand still, her eyes never leaving the syringe. "It'll pinch for just a moment," Jordan said, trying to calm her. "But then it won't hurt so bad." She could only nod and flinch as the needle went into her skin. Cold medicine was pushed from the needle into her bloodstream, making her shiver. After a moment or two, Zoe began to feel drowsy and felt Jordan wrap his strong arms around her small body. Not long after, her eyes closed and her breathing regulated. She was asleep.

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