Chapter 24: Back to the Mortal Plane

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January Tenth, 2041


7 months, 7 days, 6 hours, 24 minutes and 40 seconds to War.

   I've been training for what seemed like an eternity. Mom's been very helpful. She's taught me so much already. She still claims there's more I need to learn before I'm ready to return home, back to the mortal plane. I don't know what else there is that she can teach me. I've completely mastered everything she's taught me thus far and she's already shown me how to summon my true form. What else could there be to learn? "You've done well." The sound of her voice made me look up, across the crystal basin that housed the amulet. "There is only one more thing I must teach you before you can claim the amulet and return to the mortal plane."
"I'm ready for whatever you throw at me...mother." I said with a swallow. Over these past....two years now, was it? She had been nothing but kind to me, showing me the affection a mother would always have towards their child. I watched as a smile spread onto her face at my response.
   "Then watch carefully."

   My eyes remained on her as hers closed. Her nails clicked against one another, their sound backed only by the cracking of her fingers. I saw the air beneath her hand move as it began to warp. I blinked. Something was materializing, or perhaps it was just my eyes playing tricks. A solid looking hilt, black wrapped in blood red ribbon and tipped with the same blood ruby that adorned her crown, appeared in her hand. The blade itself was a deep ruby color edged in black runes. She'd shown me pictures of those runes before. They were one of the only set of nightmarish runes that could ever touch her hands and give power to her when she needed it. I was in awe. It was beautiful, but I knew it was deadly as well. "Wow." I managed to say, awestruck. Mother smiled, her eyes flashing with pride. She lifted the blade up for me to get a better look at it.

   "This," she began, "is the Nightmare Blade. It's the most powerful weapon you will have at your disposal, along with Amiel. I caution you, however. When you summon it for the first time, it requires a...sacrifice in order for its power to grow."
"What's the sacrifice?" Mother's gentle, pride filled smile turned into a sinister, deadly one that looked crazed.
   "It depends on the blade itself." She said simply, twirling the ruby colored blade before allowing it to disperse. "No two Nightmare Blades are alike. Never forget that. When you summon it, the blade may require the blood of your enemies or the blood of an alley or even of a family member." A dark chuckle came from her throat and she settled herself against the stone wall that surrounded the training grounds.

   "What did yours require?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me. Yes, she was my mother. Yes, she was kind towards me but she also terrified me. She was the worst nightmare anyone could ever have. Mom smiled darkly and clasped her hands together, fingers interlocking perfectly together.
   "The blood," she said slowly, "of an angel." A shiver ran down my spine. Did she kill an angel? I was about to ask, but a simple hand raise from mom told me to still my tongue. "Your questions will have to be answered at a later time, my son. For now, remember that simple lesson, take the amulet and return to the Mortal Plane. They're waiting for your return." Without hesitation, I turned my gaze upon the amulet sitting in the crystal basin.

   My feet carried me to stand next to it. My heart was beating rapidly as my eyes fell upon the glittering silver design and that glimmering dark sapphire gem. I knew that this amulet was meant to be with my bloodline. It belonged to those who would come after me until the day my bloodline died. With a deep breath, I reached my hand into the basin and scooped the amulet into my palm. It felt cool to the touch and I could have sworn I heard whispers rising all around me. When my eyes lifted, I saw my mother giving me a small nod and a soft smile. "Keep yourself, and your loved ones, safe my son."
   "I will, mother." I said with a small bow. With a wave of her hand, she beckoned me to follow her. I studied the amulet as we walked. The intricate silver design fascinated me. It really was a stunning sight to behold.

   After a while, I sensed mom stop and looked up. Before us stood an obsidian basin shaped in the same fashion as the crystal one that had held the amulet in the training grounds. Behind it was a large, stone ring. It had long, shallow steps leading up to it. I couldn't see the portal, but I could see the air warping and moving around inside of the stone ring. My eyes traveled to find my mother. She was removing a small vial from around her neck, uncorking the top of it. Curious, I watched as she walked to the obsidian basin and poured the contents of the vial into it. I felt the ground tremble beneath me and found myself looking back to the stone ring. The warping air moved faster now, bending inwards like a black hole. Replacing that swirling effect was a soft blue glow. I blinked a few times, the sight of this portal differing greatly from the one I had stepped through to get here.

   Instead of a fiery edged blood red color, this one was edged in white and colored with a sky blue coloration. After a moment, the ground ceased its trembling and the portal stilled to a quiet swirl. I turned to look at my mom and saw her smile a soft smile. I thought I could see sadness enter her eyes, as though she was going to miss me. My heart ached. I would miss her, too. After all, I had only just begun to really get to know her. "Stay safe, my son."
   "I will." I said, feeling my voice crack. When mom opened her arms wide for a hug, I threw myself into her arms, feeling them wrap around me in a protective manner. "I love you."
   "And I love you, my little nightmare." I pulled away with a smile and turned towards the portal. Somehow, I knew it wouldn't stay open forever. If I was going to return to the mortal plane, I had to do it now. I drew in a deep breath and walked up the steps to the portal, where I took a pause to look back at my mother. She gave a small wave and I smiled back at her before I stepped through, feeling the portal shimmer over my body.

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