Chapter 32: Young Wisdom

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August 11th, 2041


6 days, 0 hours, 1 minute and 10 seconds to War.

Thoughts spiraled through the air, each one carrying something different. All of them were clouded with fear and doubt. All except for two. These two were the strongest thoughts of certainty and leadership that would ever surface. No one else had these thoughts except for two people: Lily and their own resident hero who was going to save them all: Tristan. She let the thoughts continue to spiral around her until she managed to center on a few. They were the thoughts of Zack and Samantha. They were in each other's company, for what reason she didn't know. She pushed a little further, trying to see exactly how far her abilities extended. She took a deep breath and pressed her mind further throughout the hideout.

The further she went, the more dark the thoughts became. Fears on never being able to return home or of a worse fate than what they had now. A shiver ran up her spine as one thought came up into her path. It was a thought of death, or a fate worse than death. This thought seemed to take her completely over as her body went cold. She felt this person's fear, their diminishing hope of ever leaving the hideout and living a normal, more happy life. Tears welled up behind her eyelids as the overwhelming feelings swept through her body. Without her realization, a sonic arm came from behind her and smacked something off of a table that stood about three feet away from her.

The crash brought in a tall man whose hair was black as night and his eyes were like emeralds. He peered into the room from the doorframe and she could hear an audible sigh coming from his lips. "Zoe," her name coming from his lips made her retreat from the thoughts around her, which made her return to her own mind. After a few more moments, Zoe opened her eyes and looked up at the man. She had to blink for a while to try and bring her mind back to her own body. Once her mind had returned, Zoe raised her hands to her eyes and rubbed them like she was rubbing away sleep. "What're you doing, honey?"
"Practicing," was her response, her big violet eyes blinking up at the man. Zack smiled at her and came across the floor to sit across from her.
"Mmhmm," Zoe said, a small smile creeping across her face. "For when the war happens." She watched as her father's face went from smiling to one of slight fear.

"You're too young," his words made Zoe's own smile disappear. "Your mother and I don't want anything happening to you. You're going to stay here with the other young ones."
"But," she began, sitting more forward so that she was almost leaning into her father's lap. "I want to help!" Her words met his ears, that much was certain. The look in his face told her so. But he was scared. He only just discovered her, after all, so it was understandable that he didn't want her to fight. But she wanted to help and she let it show in her eyes, though she knew he could hear it within her mind. After a while, her father gave a heavy sigh and picked up a tiny lock of her hair.
"If you can promise me," he began, raising his gaze to her eyes. "That you'll stay safe, I'll train you. And so will Sammy." Zoe's face lit up and she practically threw herself into her father's arms.
"Thank you, daddy!" Her excitement exploded out of her like a bullet from a gun. She'd show him just how strong she was. This was her chance!

"Zack," a woman's voice called from the hallway, making both Zack and Zoe turn to look. Just in time, too. Zoe could see the black pants of her mother. Sammy smoothed down her shirt before placing her hands on her hips skillfully, like she'd done it so many times before and it made Zoe chuckle. "The others are ready for training."
"Good," Zoe watched as her father stood to his feet, dusting off his pants as he did. "Tell them to stay within the training grounds if they go outside. We don't want the Organization to capture another of us."
"Of course," Zoe watched as her mother gave her a loving look before she left the room to go tell the others about the time to practice for the battle to come. She tipped her head up to look at Zack, watching in innocent curiosity as he gave a heavy sigh. Zoe tilted her head, a soft frown adorning her pretty little face as she heard the thoughts running circles through her father's head.
Can we really win this war?
Zoe felt her heart give way as she struggled to keep her tears at bay. What more could she do? She herself was just a child. And yet... "Daddy," her gentle voice brought his head around to look at her. She brought her head back up and smiled, her cute dimples showing just how much she was like her mother. "We'll be okay. We have Tristan! We can win. You just need faith."

Her words seemed to have soothed her father, for Zack's shoulders relaxed and a soft smile spread across his face. "You're right," he breathed, kneeling down to draw her into a hug. "When did you become so wise, my little one?" Zoe gave a soft chuckle and snuggled into his chest, her violet eyes closing.
"When I learnt to trust that everything would be okay," she responded. "We'll survive, daddy. And I'll grow up to help the world!" She heard Zack give a roaring laugh and felt it through his chest. A gentle pressure landed on tip of her head and it gave her hair a ruffle, causing her to squeal in delight.
"I'm sure you will," Zack laughed in response to her words. He put her down and rose to his feet, his eyes never leaving hers. "Come on." Zoe frowned in curiosity.
"Where are we going?" She asked as she rose to her feet, quickly scampering after her father as he left the room.
"The training yard," his answer startled her and made her curiosity turn into confusion. Zoe watched as he turned to her with that smile of his. "You want to learn to fight, don't you?" At his question, Zoe brightened and nodded, jogging after him eagerly.

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