Chapter 12

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Kang Ryu:

"How's my potato doing? Is the palace great? Is the King Of Nights handsome?" I can feel Areum's face lit up while asking some questions while I am in this old fashion but comfortable bathub cleaning my body. He really did send me a maid but I told her to stay outside since I don't want to be expose.

"I'm doing fine. It's great. He's okay. I guess?" I said in boredom since she has been asking me lots of questions ever since she snatch the phone. I also told them where I am now and trust me, their voices were priceless! Even so, they told me to continue to study Taehyung.

"You guess? Come on, where's the fun?" She scoff. Areum really likes boys and she will go nuts in them especialky if they are handsome and talented. Perks of being a single scientist but not all scientist are like her. They usually don't care about relationships.

"Fine. He's indeed handsome but he can be a jerk, pervert, maniac and bipolar so I ask you not to fall for him." I groan in annoyance. Then, I suddenly remember his other side. "He can be kind, mysterious and sad?" I continued thinking about his personality.

"So the history books were wrong about him?" She raise her voice at the end to make it a question. I can hear her tapping her pen in the table. I furrow my eyebrow in confusion of what she said.

"What does the history books says?" Instead of saying yes or no, I return her question with a question too. Even thought it just took her a second to answer my question, it looks like it was taking forever. I usually grow impatient whenever I took interest about a specific topic.

"Let's see" she said. I can hear some pages being flipped. I guess she is scanning the book right now. "It says he is the most ruthless, heartless and vicious vampire you can see in that era. He killed his own kind and buried them alive or use his powers to see their bloody hell what? Why did I not know this!" She suddenly shouted over the phone.

"Areum, please continue. So their what? What do he want to see?" I said growing more and more imapatient. I mean, he is with me in just a few meters away and I have to take caution. To do that, I have to learn about him.

"He wants to see their head and body being deattached meaning, he wants to beheaded them. He also likes to be feared by everyone everytime he is angry. Good thing he is kind in real life or else you will be a dead meat right now!" she exclaims and sigh in relief.

"And this is why I never listen to my history class. There's mostly false information!" I said feeling proud of myself because I wasn't tricked. Although, I did listen a bit everytime it is interesting.

"Yeah, right. Anyway, gotta go. Yoongi will go nuts if he knew I contact you and stole one of his beautiful creation" she said jokingly sending me some of her laughter as I did too since we all know how the Cheif will go angry. He will rap and he is good at it but some dissing will might send our ears fly away.

"Be safe in there and don't forget to bring me back or else I will hunt your soul" I threaten. I don't want to live here for the rest of my life! I want to go home and relax in the lab. I grew in there.

"Same to you especiall to that King. We never know if he is disguising himself and have plans in his back" she sang happily and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"No, he wouldn't. He even put a war for his dearly friend" I said dreamily as I stood up from the bathub and dry my body using the black towel.

"For his dearly friend? It's not for his friend Ryu but for his-" I quickly end the call  since the someone knock the door. I quickly hide my body using the towel. Good thing Areum told me how to do it or else I would go back to the water.

"Ryu, are you still there? You have been bathing for an hour now. I'm worried if something might happen to you." Taehyung's worried but smoothing voice filled the cold night air making me relax unknowingly.

"I am about to get dress. So you don't have to worry. I'll be there in a minute." I shouted making my voice echo roughly. Now I'm embarrass, I mean, with a voice like him? Like an angel voice? Look at mine, it's like a demon!

"Bunny don't wear that." He suddenly said making me stop from what I am doing. I look at the door in horror even though it didn't do anything wrong but because of his statement, it made run towards the door hurriedly and lock it.

"Don't you dare make me naked you perv!" I glared even though my voice is cracking because I am nervous and it totally did not sent some butterflies in my stomach.

"How many times did I- nevermind." He sigh in frustration. I know he facepalm himself because of the noise it made. "Anyway, I have a gown for you to wear. I am going to tour you to my palace and I don't want you to be seen in that nightgown which is not appropriate." He continued.

"Hey, Taehyung, before I wear your gown you are telling me to wear at, I have a question. It might be nonsense but I am hoping if you could answer it." I gulp. "Please say yes. Please say yes" I thought with devotion since all the scientist I knew never let me ask a question since they know how nonsense it is.

"What is it?" He finally answers making me open my eyes happily.

"Why do you guys call this a nightgown when you guys sleep at morning? Shouldn't this be called morning gown to you guys?" I spoke the nonsense question happily of course.

"Ask your kind why they name that." He chuckles but he do have a point though.

"So? Why not change it?" I look at the door weirdly.

"Because we thought that it was a bit weird and we got used to call it nightgown so we didn't even bother. Anyway, my maid will give you the gown. We'll be going somewhere" he said. I can feel his excitement from his voice.

"Where are we going anyway? What's the occassion?" I shoot back some questions.

"It's a surprise. Once you see it, all your questions will be answered" he chuckles lightly.

"I do hope it's a good surprise or else I wont wear the gown" I sigh in defeat. I want to reject him but because he sounds excited, I can't help but accept it.

"Taehyung slow down! I can't breathe to this thing. It's too tight!" I almost shouted. We are running right now since he is too excited for the surprise. Ain't I be the one should be excited for this?

"You're still breathing infact, you're still alive." He chuckles. Good thing he didn't use his vampire speed or else my legs will give up.

"It doesn't mean I am not going to die due to lack of oxygen" I said. He stop and I quickly catch my breath starting to sit in the floor and fanning my self using my hands. Those maids tie my corset too tight even though I have no belly. It's like they wanted my waist to be more curve and small. Taehyung stiffly turn around to face me. He gulps and then squat in the floor, worriedly.

"I'm sorry I'm just a bit excited." He scratches his nape lightly. "Well, what can I do for you?" He asks after he clears his throat.

"My corset. Loosen it or remove it. I don't care as long as I can breathe then I'm ok with it" I quickly said hoping he would take this out immediately.

"But I'm a man. Isn't that awkward?" He blushes and I look at him with disbelief. I decided to play a prank at him. I quickly acted that I fainted because I wanna know his reaction but when I did, I was shock to hear his reaction. I never expect that to come out with his own mouth.

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