Chapter 14

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Kang Ryu:

I'm surprise. Heck, I want to run but my body choose to stay calm and breathe in. It's weird because my mind told me to run and scream for help but it didn't seem to came out as well. Even a word.

Here I am being an idiot for being scared but trying to be calm, waiting for a vampire king to finish his cold bath. I wonder why vampires wants to take a cold bath when the temperature is also cold.

When I saw what he did there, I was disgusted and I started to feel chest pain. Maybe because I was disappointed that he's like that? He finally showed his true colors and I don't like it. I'm scared. Sure I practice black magic but this isn't gonna stop him. He's a high ranked vampire, the highest.

"vasílissa mou, can you bring me a towel? It is in the cabinet. The last and left drawer to be exact." He suddenly shouted. His voice was calm and always that it doesn't seem that he is shouting. His voice always sends me chills but this time, it sends me dangers.

"Any specific and favorite towel over here?" I tried to make a joke to avoid him sensing my fear even though I block it using magic but it won't last long since every spells will fade.

"No. Choose or pick any towel with any designs you like" he chuckled softly that I almost couldn't hear it. With my freedom to choose a towel, I noticed a black and cute floral flowers that is for girls. So I decided to have fun.

"You alive?" I said while knocking the door carefully. We don't want to be desperate like those other girls because you know, I have a reputation to keep.

"I'm an undead vampire vasílissa mou, remember that" for the first time, I heard him talk in a sarcastic way. "Also, I might be showing my true self now since you saw it already but I'll make sure to take it slow so that you can adjust" he added. I gulp when I imagine him being a vampire with no mercy.

"Yeah and I want you to show me now, I mean a vampire like you? That makes me more excited knowing that my curiousity will be all answered" I said like I was a top student who wishes more lectures and quizes infact, I am regretting it right now. Me and my untrained little mouth.

I really wanted to say stay away from me or something but my mouth is the polar opposite. Why am I like this? No one taught me being like this.

"So you're saying that you like that I will directly show my personality?" He said in amusement. I lean to the door and cross my arms while giving a second thought about it...carefully of course.

"I think you should take it slow" I finally said and sigh in relief that I spoke something that I really wanted to say or else, I would be a dead meat right now.

The door suddenly open making me fall as the towel being thrown in the air. My back hit the wet and cold floor while the towel directly covered my face before I can saw the naked Taehyung. Well, I saw a bit...just his abs nothing more and nothing less so don't have weird thoughts conscience. I was about to get the towel off of my face but was stopped by Taehyung.

"You know, if you want to see me naked then I suggest you to get that off but if you wont, which I know that is in your mind, I also highly suggest to not do something ridiculous" he chuckled and my cheeks were hot because of what he said. Good thing, the towel covered my face or else he would be teasing me right now.

"Just hurry up. I'm dying here" I hissed. I'm glad I did that he wont notice my red face. I feel him walk away since his steps become lighter.

"I know. Even if your face is covered, I know you're embarrass. I can see you ears getting red." He teases and chuckles. I finally took the towel because I want to glare at him.

There he is in his black that looks like polo but it is obviously not a polo with his jeans with lots of chain. I scoff in disbelief while he stuck his tongue out.

"Did you just got me prank? I can't believe it. You knew this would happen" I gritted my teeth because of annoyance. I don't like being played or being pranked.

"Hold your anger. It's not me you should blame." He wiggle his left eyebrow cooly and trust me, he is the only person who can pull that off.

"I did lean in the door but you're the one who opened it so who's going to take the blame now?" I fought back while adding some eye role to finish my bad girl attitude which is fun to do it sometimes.

"Don't give me that attitude. It's your fault you're leaning in the door and not in the- nevermind" he hissed, sigh and then ruffle his messy and wet hair making some droplets fall in his polo-like shirt from frustration.

"About tomorrow. vasílissa mou, will you go out to a date with me?" He look at me deeply making my heart skip a beat. Gosh, this vampire is making my heart go wild.

"I-I don't kno-" I stutter and stop midway because I'm a bit speechless. Taehyung seems to notice it sonce his face is turning into a painful expression like he is expecting to be rejected.

"Please?" He whispers softly while giving me a force smile. He reach his hands to mine and held it dearly. He kiss my back hand and added, "vasílissa mou, I have no ther person in mind. I have been sleepless. Do you know why?" He look at me as I shake my head from left to right.

"It's because my mind is full of you. This guy doesn't want to think some extra works or persons." He hissed playfully that I chuckled.

"Can't believe you just joke in your invitation" I smirk while I flink my fingers in his forehead my him glare but obviously, it doesn't hurt a little for them. I mean, vampires doesn't feel physical pain unless there is magic.

"Thank me because if I didn't do that, you will be an ice. You're frozen like a statue a while ago" he chuckles. I smack his shoulder playfully earning his laughter.

Again, that beautiful and rare laughter making my heart beating fast. This is not normal. Don't get me wrong but I'm not falling inlove with him. I'm just shock because I heard his laugh again.

He stops laughing with a shock expression in his face while looking at the floor like he's thinking something but then, he snap out of his thoughts and look at me, saying, "Your answer?"

"My question is, where are we going and when?" I raise an eyebrow showing that I am curious.

"Don't you know curiousity can kill you?" He sighs.

"Nope. It's curiousity can kill a cat. I think?" I said thinking about the idiomatic expression.

"It depends but I do hope you're right but in my case, curiousity can actually kill you. Keep that in mind" he suddenly turns serious.

"Example?" I asked.

"Example, you found this kingdom and you're curious. So you step inside in this palace. But don't you know, once you step in, a sharp air will came at your direction and kills you? We haven't name that magic but yeah, it exist. Unless you have the permission to step in then you can survive" he shrugs like it was a simple thing while I got goosebumps.

"But anyway, tomorrow night will have a festival and that's it for now. The other will remain mystery." He smiled and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Sure My King, I would love to go out with you" I sarcasticly said.

"Why are your gowns like this? Can't I have the most comfortable one here on planet?" I sigh when I saw the big gown infront of me. And fire ball, the waist is so thin and I don't want to happen again.

"My Queen, that is what the King has told me to give ye. For ye shall wear it under his command."  The old lady bows politely and left me in the room. I scoff in disbelief. Can't believe she left me so that I have no choice but to wear it.


"Taehyung!" I called. I didn't care how loud my voice is. It's great to have noise in this room. It's dead silent and it makes me feel scared if I was a scaredy cat.

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