Prelude 1: Wooden Explorer

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The boat as been calm for around all day. The dusk of the sun lights the sky with an orange, almost unreal glow. The wind as been slow from dawn. Because of that, the boat asn't moved alot since yesterday. It was a good opportunity for the passengers to relax for the day, since there is nothing to do except taking care of the ship's sails and the deck.

The captain rested for all day, but in a strange manner. Since noon, he as been standing in the edge of the deck, watching the endless ocean. He was thinking, Imagining what would be a peaceful pirate life. of course, he knew that it would be impossible. It was a contradiction. A peaceful pirate is either a rich pirate or a dead pirate. The captain was not a man like this, but he always dreamed of peace, harmony within the seas. How much would it hurt to try and be friendly with each other? Of course this would mean that there would be no more looting, but that isn't a problem.

Some members caught up to his strange behavior. They were really confused, seeing their captain so calmed. It was a shock for  everybody, since they saw the captain as a bloodthirsty killer who as no mercy. He was always like that in battle. He had no mercy with any of the enemies, to the point where he could even fire his gun at the faces of the assailants, a painful and brutal way of killing. Even the merciless pirate would have pity on the attacker.

 Finally, after some debating in the pirate's cabins, they decided that the newest would go to ask him what he was doing. It was clarence, a young sailor who decided to join the piracy a month ago. Everybody was relieved. Whatever the captain would do to the sailor could have been to them. Of course, the veterans didn't care, since they applied the day the captain employed his first crew. Clarence, though, knew that he would be chosen.

Clarence met up to the captain, as planned. What wasn't planned was the reaction of the captain when he saw the sailor next to him. He immediatly took his bronze-covered flintlock and aimed at the torso of the poor boy. Instinctly, Clarence took away his hatchet as a way of defense. The captain smirked, took away his cannon gun, and looked away at the sky aimlessly.

- You have good reflexes. You will have a bright future as a pirate, Said the captain.

The boy was extremely confused but flattered at the same time. Being complimented by the captain is an honor to every pirates.

- What are you here for my boy? It's clearly not to enjoy the view with me!

- I was wondering what you were doing alone in there, responded the sailor.

The captain laughed a bit, seeing that everyone else has the same question. He responded;

- You see, as a pirate, it is very rare to have peacefully beautiful moments like that. Usually, after that, a big ship of the armada or other pirates arrive and attacks you. Sometimes, you just need to stop for a second and think about who you are, what you do and how much it costs. Well, you can't do that whilst in battle obviously, you would die. So moments like these are precious and shouldn't be wasted.

Clarence was shocked. So the pirate who commands him as finally a heart. He isn't a ruthless bucanner who kills just for the fun. Though, he seemed like one. It was maybe to gain more respect from the other crew members.

- Does that mean that you don't like chaos? Asked clarence.

- You have a rich vocabulary, said the captain. To answer your question, no, of course not. If by chaos you mean battle, I don't like it in the slighest. People dying isn't my cup of rhum. The most painful is when a battle is engaged for no reason. It is just a pointless battle and pointless deaths.

- But, if you don't like battles, why are you so skilled?

- It's killed or be killed in the seas. Either you are the stronger, either you die trying to. Piracy is dangerous and illegal job. Any misstep and it's assured death. I just adapt to the rules and situations.

- Then why are you a pirate if you don't have any fun being one? demanded the boy.

- I don't hate all of it, not in the slighest! The adventure, the suspens, the treasures hidden deep, the liberty, all of these things are good things in piracy. In fact, I think this job as the best positive aspects than the others.

- I see, responded Clarence.

The captain laughed, realizing what he said.

- Of course, it's just a point of view of some experienced pirate. I have different opinions than other captains. Most of them will tell you the same thing, others will respond with either saying that killing is the best thing or by shooting a bullet in your heart.

Clarence shivered a bit. One time, he had a bullet in his arm, almost in his shoulder. The pain was indescriptible. It was burning but freezing at the same time. He could sense the metal inside of his arm. It was unpleasant to say the least. It felt like he was stung by the most poisonous kraken venom. Still, he hid his feelings about this experience by continuing to fight

- Captain, I got one last question.

- Go on. it is rare for me to be opened to people like you, so I don't mind.

Clarence was relieved. If the captain would have refused, his chances of surviving would be reduced greatly. Still, it is a very touchy question, but he proceeded.

- What is your name?

The captain was shocked. Of course, he was well known from all over the ocean, but only by nicknames. Still, some of his mates tell his name, but only few. It was usually not a big deal for captains to be told their name, but he is a bit cautious about his privacy. Every little information helps more for bad people to profit out of them. Srangely, he feels like he trusts the boy.

- My name is Tylor Claridge, Said calmly the captain. Since I told my name, what is yours my boy?

- I am ClarenceYeardley. Well, I think. At the orphenage, they told me that it was my name. Whenever I wanted to know more about my parents, they shrug it off and change subjects.

The captain feels genuinly sorry for Clarence. Pirates always have a reason for why they became sea tyrants, but it's almost never by choice. Most stories are grim, mostly childrens. Even if it is rare to see one, there is at least one per ship.

For the rest of Clarence's stay near the captain, enjoying the night coming. Hours passed, but they felt like minutes. Clarence finally understood what his leader said. It is peaceful and feels like everything will be okay.

But it isn't. It will never be. It is what pirates are.

That is why, coming out of nowhere, another pirate ship arrives, and It looks like war will begin soon.

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