Chapter 4

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Austin's POV

Ariel was currently resting in my bunk, fast asleep. I was attempting to contact Ariel's grandparents, in the hopes that thy might take care of her.

"Dude," Kellin said. "Why don't you call the hospital that Erin was taken to? They should be able to contact her parents."

I looked up him. "Why the hell didn't I think of that? I'm the smart one here!"

"Smart? Ha!" Kellin scoffed.

Everybody, meaning Pierce the Veil, Kellin, and the rest of Of Mice was still up and we were all just sitting around, talking quietly.

"Guys, shh. I'm gonna call the hospital." I said, grabbing my phone from it's resting place; Alan's lap. He claimed he was keeping it warm, but I knew that he was taking hundreds of selfies when I wasn't looking. Asshole. "Actually, can somebody please look up the number?" I asked.

"Already did," Mike said, reciting the number to me.

"Thanks," I said, dialing it.

"Hello, this is Day Kimble Hospital, how may I help you?" A woman asked.

"Hi, this is Austin Carlile. I was wondering if I could have a phone number?"

"I'm sorry, we can't give out that information."

"Please?" I had to think quickly. "My sister, Erin, just died, and her body was taken to your hospital. My phone was stolen, and I need to tell my parents the news. I'm using a friends," I said, trying to make it sound like I was crying. I saw Vic looking at me, shaking his head.

"You sound like a retarded seal," he whispered, laughing. I pouted at him.

"Well, I'm sorry for your loss Mr. Carlile, but I still can't give out that information."

"I just lost the only sibling I have, and you won't even let me tell the only family I have left?" I asked.

She sighed. "Fine, but if anybody asks, you never even called the hospital. May I have the patients last name?"

"Her last name is Valentine," Kellin whispered.

"Valentine. That's V-A-L-E-N-T-I-N-E. And her first name was Erin."

"Okay, I found her in the computer," the lady said, quickly giving me phone number before hanging up. Luckily, I managed to track down a paper and pen and wrote it down.

I looked at the time; 6:30pm. Dinner time. "I'll call Ariel's grandparents around 8-ish," I said. "That gives them enough time to eat dinner, right?"

Phil nodded. "We should probably order pizza too. Ariel must be hungry."

"I'll go grab her," I said, standing and walking to the bunks, opening the curtain to mine. Ariel was curled into a ball, her thumb in her mouth, and she was cuddling with my blankets. "Ariel," I said, lightly tickling her sides. Nothing happened. "Ariel, sweetie, time to wake up!" I tickled her neck, and her eyes shot open, giggles tumbling out of her mouth. "There's those pretty eyes."

"Austin!" She squealed. I laughed. "Food?" Ariel asked, rubbing her tummy. I laughed, placing her on my hip, and walked out to the other guys. Ariel rubbed her eyes tiredly.

Kellin walked up to her and pulled her into his arms. "Tired, sweetie?" She nodded. "Well, after we get some food in your tummy, you can go straight back to sleep!" He said tickling her stomach.

She burst into a fit of giggles. "S-sto-op!" Ariel squealed through her laughter. Kellin chuckled too, and stopped his roaming fingers. She pouted. "Meanie."

Kellin smiled, "awe, I'm sorry. Will pizza make you feel better?" She nodded, and Kellin looked at me. "Can you hold her while I cut up a couple of pieces for her?" I nodded, and pulled her onto my lap as I sat on the couch. She was tiny.

"Hey, how old are you, Princess?" I asked her, playing with my hair. She held up five fingers, before stating, "three."

Kellin looked up in surprise. "Three, really?" He looked at me, confused. "Coco, er, sorry, Copeland, is almost two, and Ariel's smaller than her. But Ariel also seems to be way ahead in her vocabulary." He looked at Ariel. "Copeland's my daughter," he added for her benefit.

"Mommy said I was born pre-manure," Ariel said.

Aaron burst out laughing. "Do you mean pre-mature?"

Ariel nodded. "She said I was two pounds, six oasis."

"You mean ounces?" I asked her. She nodded.

Kellin stood and handed her a plate with pizza pieces on it. "Here, sweetie." Ariel smiled.

"Thanks." She picked up a piece and placed it in her mouth with her hands, and I smiled at her. She was honestly adorable.

Jaime handed me a plate with three pizza slices on it. "Thanks," I said, nodding at up him.

"No problem."

Ariel continued eating with her hands, and when she proclaimed that she was, "done!" (Although she had a third of the original amount of pizza slices left to be eaten), she had more sauce on her face and her hands than in her tummy.

"C'mon, let's get you cleaned up," I said, sitting her on my arm facing away from me so my shirt didn't get ruined. I grabbed a The Ready Set shirt from my bunk and walked I to the bathroom, leaving the door wide open. I didn't have enough hands to close it, and I couldn't close it with my foot because the door opened outwards. Besides, it's not like it was anything horrible. I mean, I was only changing Ariel's shirt.

I pulled her shirt over her head, placing it in the corner of the room. I'd wash it later. She looked up at me, smiling. Even though I was kneeling I was still a head or two taller. I grabbed a wash cloth and wet it with a water bottle before wiping her face and hands off. I moved it down so I could wipe off her tummy from the sauce that was smeared on it. Ariel giggled, and flared her tiny stomach at me. I couldn't help but chuckle at her, and blew a raspberry on her (now clean) stomach. Peals of laughter escaped her lips.

I stopped torturing her poor belly, and pulled my shirt over her head. It dwarfed her. Literally. The shirt trailed along the floor, and I knew I'd have to carry her everywhere so she didn't fall. I grabbed Ariel by her torso, and placed her on my hip.

She looked at my shirt. "That word says 'Slipknot.' I like that band."

I looked at her in surprise. First of all, most three year olds can't read, and what three year old listened to Slipknot? "Where'd you learn that word? And how do you know Slipknot?"

"Mommy listens to Slipknot, and she taughted me how to read." I chuckled at her three year old grammar. "But I still have some trouble with reading."

I smiled. "Are you sure you're three?"

She nodded proudly. "My birthday is on December 26."

I smiled. "You're getting to be a big girl, huh?" She nodded, and that was the end of the conversation. I carried her into the bunks, and laid her down in mine. "It's bed time now."

She yawned. "Mmkay. Night night. Nice dreams."

I smiled. "Good night." I walked back to the front lounge, collapsing on one of the couches.

"You're so good with her. Why?" Vic asked.

I shrugged. "I've always wanted kids, and it's not exactly to hard to take care of them for a day. And, I used to be my towns baby sitter."

Alan smiled. "Maybe you should adopt her."

I snorted. "No. Not happening. Tour isn't the place for a kid, and besides, her grandparents will take care of her."

At least, I hoped they would.

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