Chapter 5

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Austin's POV

I walked towards my bunk, hearing sobs coming from it. I knew it was Ariel, as I'd laid her in my bunk to sleep. I pulled open the curtain, to see her little body shake with cries.

"Princess?" I asked, resting my hand on her back. Ariel tensed, them rolled over to face me. She rubbed her eyes with her tiny fists, before more sobs burst from her body. "Awe, Princess," I cooed, lifting her from the bunk and resting her on my side. She was tiny, to the point where I couldn't really fit her on my hip. Ariel had to basically sit on my arm, both of her legs towards my stomach because she was so small. "Ssh," I said, carrying her out to the front room so she didn't wake up the guys with her loud cries. "Princess, what wrong?"

"I-I had a bad dream!" Ariel cried loudly.

"Ssh, sweetie. What did you dream about?"

"I dreamt-ed that Mommy was sleeping, but then she turned into a zombie, and then she tried to eat me!"

I heard a groan coming from the bunks, and Ariel let out a cry, huddling closer to me. Footsteps came closer to where Ariel and I where, and a head peeked out from the bunk alley, before the rest of the body followed. "What's going on?" Alan asked sleepily, looking at me, then Ariel. Instantly, he was a bit more wide awake. "Awe, Princess, what's wrong?"

Once Ariel figured out that Alan wasn't a zombie, she stopped shaking, but she still refused to let go of me.

"She had a bad dream," I answered for her.

Alan nodded, frowning. "Awe, that sucks." He yawned, stretching.

I looked at him. "You can go back to bed, I got this."

He nodded, before returning to his bunk. "Night guys!"

"Night, night Alan!" Ariel said.

I smiled at her. "Feeling better?"

She nodded. "I'm tired." Ariel let out a big yawn, before resting her head on my chest.

I secured her on my side before getting up to return her to my bunk. "You've gotta let to now, sweetie," I said, trying to get her to bed.

"No, Austin, stay. Please?" Ariel asked, giving me puppy eyes. I gave in almost immediately, climbing in next to her. She cuddled closer to me, resting her head on my stomach. I wrapped my arms around her, holding her close to me. "Night, night, Austin."

I smiled at her, feeling my eyes start to droop. "Goodnight, Princess."

She let out a soft snore, and nuzzled her face into me. I followed her into oblivion.


I woke up to the sound of people whispering outside of my bunk.

"Awe! That's really cute."

"Guys, ssh, you'll wake them up!"

"You're not helping by yelling at us to shut up."

"She's so tiny!"


I slid open my eyes. "Guys, shut the fu-" I was cut off from the feeling of something tickling my stomach, and I looked down, seeing it was just Ariel breathing across it, as it was bare. I looked up at the whisperers, and saw Aaron, Phil, Alan, Tino... And Kellin? "Kellin, what are you doing here?" I asked quietly.

He smiled. "I wanted to see Ariel before we let her go to her grandparents. The rest of Pierce The Veil is here too. They're just sitting on the couch," he whispered.

The Last Wish (Austin Carlile Father/Of Mice And Men)Where stories live. Discover now