Before Reading

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Unfortunately, my request to own Of Mice And Men, and many other bands was denied. Any lyrics mentioned were not created by me unless stated otherwise.

DO NOT COPY THIS STORY! This is my plot, and the fine for plagiarizing is huge.

I've also gotten a few messages saying that Ariel is too advanced for a three year old. Well, that's not the case. I have a lot of younger cousins, and I'm basing her off of one of them; Brooke.

Brooke's parents, my cousin and his wife, don't believe in sitting a kid down in front of a TV. Her mom stays home with her before she starts school, and by the time she was a bit over 2 she could complete 20 piece puzzles, knew her ABC's, and could count to 20.

The big words are me. I was using really big words really well when I was that little. I remember seeing a home video where I was telling my aunt she was gorgeous. Apparently, I also really liked the words "humongous," "television," and "canary."

Anywho, read on. I believe that is all.

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