Chapter 7

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Austin's POV

I sighed, sitting on the couch of the tour bus. None of this was supposed to happen. It was supposed to just be a normal day at Warped Tour!

"What can we even do?" Alan asked. Every body who had ever met Ariel was crowded into our bus. All of Pierce The Veil, Of Mice And Men, as well as Kellin, were spread out in the front room, that had full access to the kitchen, so a few were in there as well.

"We have to get the police involved. There's no other option," Kellin said. "It'd be the right thing to do."

"But then she'll be sent to an orphanage!" Tony said. "Haven't you heard all the horror stories of them. I mean, c'mon, hasn't anybody seem Annie?"

"Yeah, but she'll probably be adopted or fostered," Phil said rationally.

"Most people adopting look for the youngest babies. Although she's cute and small for her age, she's at that age where she's no longer a baby, but she still needs help and care almost 24/7." Alan said.

"Plus, you hear about all these foster homes being abusive, and only getting involved for the money. Would you really put her through that?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, and I know we've got that orphanage by where we live. Isn't it called the St. Joseph's Orphanage of Hollywood? Guys, she listens to metal. I had a friend who was in a Christian orphanage. It was so strict, and she wasn't able to do things she wanted, or listen to what she wanted. And have you seen that place? It's so old and rickety, and it won't stand much longer. You really want to put Ariel through that? Austin, you've been in an orphanage before. And yours most certainly wasn't the best. Are you gonna let her go through that?" Alan piped up.

I was going to speak up, before Vic cut me off.

"Guys, what else could we possible do?" Vic asked. "Nothing. Not unless somebody adopted her."

"You know, that's not the worst idea," Alan said. "We could ask one of our parents to adopt her."

"Alan, all of our parents are a bit too old to care for a three year old," I told him.

"Let's just call the police, go see Ariel, and then figure it out from there. There's not much else we can do," Mike said.

Kellin stood up and grabbed his cell phone from his back pocket. "I'll call the police while we drive to get Ariel. We can all fit in the van, right? It's an eleven-seater."

"Yeah! C'mon, let's go!" Alan said, hopping out of his seat and running to the driver's side.

"Alan, you don't know where you're going," I said.

"It's called GPS, dumbass."

I sighed. "Fine. But could you possible go the speed limit, and not endanger our lives?"

"No promises!" Alan cheered, before climbing into the driver's seat.

"Should we be fearful for our lives?" Vic asked.

"Yup," I said simply, before sliding into the front passenger seat. There were three rows of seats leading from the front of the car to the back, besides the two front captain chairs. The others fit themselves into the back seats, but not without a few arguments.

"That's my seat!"

"No, I sat here first!"

"I was born first!"

"Yeah? Well, you're old!"

"My feet go here!"

"Your feet are too big!"

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