Chapter 2

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Austin ran backstage to me with Ariel in his arms after the set was finished. "I hope you don't mind me bringing your daughter in stage. She just looked so cute, and I wanted to do something different with my set. I'm sorry about not warning you before hand."

I smiled. "It didn't harm Ariel in any way, and she's the happiest I've seen her in a while. So, if it makes that big smile appear on her face, then I'm all for it."

Austin laughed. "I'm glad you're not pissed. I know a lot of mothers wouldn't trust their kid with an 'irresponsible' rockstar."

"Well, I trust you with her."

"Austin, this is Erin and Ariel," Kellin interrupted.

Austin stuck out a hand. "Nice to meet you."

I grinned. "You too."

"So, how'd you manage to make it back here?" Austin asked.

"I managed to score an All Access Pass."

He grinned. "How do you feel about meeting the rest of Of Mice?"

Ariel answered for me. "We'd love to!"

Austin laughed. "Well, we'll have to head back to our bus."

I smiled, "that's fine."

Austin looked at Kellin and Pierce the Veil. "Are you guys coming too?" They nodded. "Alright, let's go!"

Kellin came behind me once again and pushed me out and into the field.

"Whoa, it's so bumpy!" Ariel squealed, and I laughed at her.

"Yes it is, Baby Girl," I replied.

She pouted. "I'm not a baby."

I laughed, tickling her. "You'll always be my baby." Peals of Ariel's laughter rang throughout the air.

Vic smiled at us. "She's adorable," he told me.

Ariel smiled, "thank you."

Kellin stopped in front of a bus. "Any ideas on how to get your wheel chair in?"

I frowned, "I have no idea." Jaime walked over to me, mischief in his eyes. "What are you planning?" I questioned, before squealing as he threw me over his shoulder after putting Ariel in Mike's arms. "Jaime! Let me down!" Still, he continued to run with me on his shoulder, my beanie long forgotten on the ground. "Mike, can you cover Ariel's ears?" Confused, he held his hands over Ariel's ears. " Jaime, me decepcionaste antes que patearte el trasero de aquí a Japón!"

Slowly, he put me down. "¿Sabes a Español?"

I nodded. "Si. You can uncover her ears now Mike."

"Cool beans! Now I have a friend who I can speak Spanish to, because the only people I could talk to before was the assholes over there," Jaime said, pointing to the rest of Pierce The Veil.

"Hey!" Vic cried indignantly.

"Sorry, not sorry!" Jaime screamed, before running off.

I laughed picking my beanie up and placing it firmly over my head before grabbing Ariel from Mike's arms. "You know, we could just sit out here, if it's not too much trouble for anyone?" I asked.

Austin smiled. "That's a great idea. I'll go get the guys, and we'll have a dinner on the barbecue out here." He bounded inside, returning a few seconds later with the rest of his band in toe. "Guys, this is Ariel, the little girl, and her mom, Erin." They smiled and waved.

Ariel pouted. "I'm a big girl, right, Mommy?"

I laughed. "Yes, mi princesa." She smiled.

"Told you so!" She said to Austin, poking her small tongue out.

The Last Wish (Austin Carlile Father/Of Mice And Men)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu