Homeless (2)

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Keith woke up at around midnight and couldn't fall back to sleep. He grabbed his phone ,got out of bed and made his way downstairs. As he passed the living room to go to the kitchen he heard soft crying. Keith looked inside, it was too dark to see anything he turned on the lights to revel the boy no longer sleeping but hugging his knees in the corner of the couch crying. Keith has never deult with this thing before and clearly had no idea what to do. Keith's heart broke to see that boy cry and him not doing anything. Keith slowly walked up to the boy and sat down on the couch. The boy felt the movement and looked up. Keith was dumbstruck of his eyes. They were like the entire ocean in his eyes.Tears were overflowing from them. Keith pulled the boy into his lap and rubbed his back in circles to clam him down.

" hey it's ok, your safe now"

The boy looked up at Keith and smiled then nuzzled his head in the crock of Keith's neck. That smile oh that smile, it made Keith's heart flip. After a few minutes Keith noticed that the boy was calming down more and his breathing was getting steadier. The boy rapped his arms around Keith's neck. Before Keith knew it the boy had fallen asleep. Keith felt guilty if he left the boy alone and then he wake up and this happens all over again. So Keith decided to bring him up to his room. The boy was pretty light, which was not a normal thing. Keith eventually made it up to his room after carrying the boy up the stairs. He gently layed the boy down on his bed and walked around the other side and climbed in, the boy immediately cuddled into Keith and smiled. Keith smiled to and to this day you can not convince Keith that he had gotten a better sleep then that night.


Keith and the boy both jumped up at the female yelling from down stairs. Keith sat up and rubbed his eyes, looking at the boy slowly waking up. The boy looked at Keith with his gorgeous blue eyes and then sat up too. Keith yawned and stretched.


The boy jumped and clug to Keith from the yell that had seemed to have come from right out side of the door. Keith looked at the scared boy in his arms and smiled. He rapped the boys legs around his waist and slowly stood up. Keith grabbed the boys ass and squeezed it a little making him squeak. Keith chuckled and kissed his ear. The boy blushed at Keith's actions and nuzzled his head back into Keith's neck.

" why, and how would he leave allura?"

" I don't know!"

" well where would he have gone with that size of an wound?"

Keith heard voices from the living room and headed there first. He walked in to see shiro and allura yelling and pointing to the couch. The boy turned his head to see the tow strangers yelling and pointing to the couch.


The boy hugged Keith tighter making Keith groan at the tightness. Keith could hear Pidge stomp down the stairs and stand right next to Keith angrey. Pidge looks at Keith then the couch then back to Keith and smirked.

" was he really that hard to keep your hands off him?"

Keith's face went red and he glared at Pidge, then smirked.

" yeah, and I guess if allura wasn't worried you would still be in bed."

Pidge crossed her arms and huffed with a blush on her face, Keith chuckled at how easy it is to fluster Pidge, he then  walked over to the couch and put the boy down. Keith sat Down beside the boy starring at the two idiots in fronting him agueing about nothing. Shiro was the first to notice Keith sitting there with the boy beside him looking scared.lance hated fights happened and especially if they were about him, lance looked at Keith and then at the people who were yelling. Keith could tell that the boy was on the verge of crying from his eyes watering up. Keith's eyes widened and he panicked but it was to late the boy started to cry saying.

" I...I'm....s...s...sorry.. I  d....don't want to ...m....m...m...ake you y...yell ....a ...at ...me"

Allura shot her head around to the sobbing boy on the couch and a panicking Keith frozen still. Allura s motherly instincts kicked in and she dove to the crying boy and hugged him almost like Keith was hugging him last night. The boy was mumbling into allura a shoulder still crying. But from the lack of nutritious in his system he passed out in her arms, allura layed the boy back down on the couch. She looked at shiro and then at the boy again.

" well, let's get breakfast made so when he dose walk up he'll have something to eat"

Shiro nodded and following alllura off to the kitchen. Keith just looked at the boy now sleeping beside him on the couch before deciding to play on his phone. Pidge sat infront of the couch waiting for hunk to wake up to the smell of food. Soon enough coran made his way downstairs and waved to the people in the living room who waved back.

" soooo why was he sleeping in your room?"

Keith blushed a little. But it went away as soon as it started.

" he couldn't sleep and I don't want to leave him alone, you would have done the same"

Keith said blankly stil focusing on his phone. Pidge hummed in agreement and looked to the kitchen where some laughter was going on.

" well yeah you have a point but I'm wouldn't have brought him to my room"

Pidge said looking at Keith smirking. Keith's face held a light red blush but not looking at Pidge. Lucky alluraa voice calling them to tell them that breakfast is ready aloud Keith to no longer continue with the conversation. Keith and Pidge both raced to the kitchen and nearly crashing in the process.

" careful you too!"

Shiro said in his dads voice which made Keith and Pidge both freeze and nod there heads. Hunk came through the door yawning.

" morning' "

He mumbled and subconsciously walked to the stove where the food was layed out. Keith and Pidge sat down at the table. Waiting for allura to bring all the food to the table.
About half way through the meal in silence coran broke it.

" so what do you kids have planned for today?"

Pidge shrugged.

" well I was thinking that we could stop into town and get the boy some new clothes sence he doesn't really have any, we could also ask the police if there was a missing persons case here?"

Allura said take omg a drink of her coffee. Keith shrugged.

" well that would be nice but we can't bring him with us remember how shy he was around you guys?"

Keith said. Pidge smirked.

" yeah Keith why was he not shy around you?"

Keith glared at Pidge and she glared back.

" clam down you to, Keith you stay here with the boy and try to get some information out of him and we'll head into town"

Shiro said. Keith slumped back into his chair crossing his arms. Shiro smiled at Keith and the continued eating.

Time skip

" ok Keith the boys breakfast is in the fridge and we'll be back in 3 hours if anything happens call us"

Shiro was worried to leave Keith alone, he was scared because last time he did that Keith had to be sent to the hospital with a broken arm from falling off the shelf. Shiro to this day dosent know how Keith got up there but somehow he did. Keith roomed his eyes and started to push shiro out the door.

" yes shiro I will be fine!"
' sLAM'

Keith sighed and locked to door. He turned around to see the boy still sleeping. I wonder what allura had here for fun?

Ok so hi author here. You are some luck reader cuz it took me quite a long time to do. I will try to keep the chapters over 1,000 words. And I will be posting a question on my story on the 23 of June about what's going to be in the next chapter so please follow


And remember to DM me and tell me the code in the ' hi another here' note in the beginning. I will be putting up a poll about what kind of fandoms you would like to see me right about or join. Anywasys for more into go to my isgtam account.


Voltron one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora