Coming out

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        Keith has been wanting to tell the team for a while. He first noticed it when he was clam or happy, so he tried to stay angry as much as possible to hide his ears and tail from them. Keith finally decided to tell them but he would tell them in the morning.

         Tonight lance has planned for them to have a small Christmas like thing, allura decided to invite some of the allies that she became fond of and allowed the paladins to bring guests to if they wanted. Keith was also invited because he was and still is to them 'family'. He was also told to bring gifts for everyone. Hunk called him and told him about a few more people that will attend but He had an option of getting them gifts, Keith said yes and said there goodbyes. That was 5 weeks ago and He has almost everyone's gifts, Keith still needs to stop bye the water planet lance got stuck on because the queen had a gift for him and said it was urgent.

        He also needed something for hunk and Shay but He didnt want to be cheesy and get them a couples gift but that just makes it harder, he doesn't even know if there dating or not.
          Keith flopped on his bed that klovain gave him till he's not needed anymore. Keith turned his head to look at the time that he was taught how to tell and it said 5:50. Keith was told to be there at about 7:30 and to bring things for over night. He sat up and began to pack his things to leave. Klovain gave him a ship to use and made sure no galra were in his way but that could always change in a sec.

                 Keith finished packing the gifts and his clothes and swung the duffle bag over his shoulder walking out to the dimly lit hallway. The ships weren't that far away from where he was staying but it still was a walk. Once Keith reached the hanger he loaded his ship and set the Coordinates the water planet. The flight there wasn't too bad but there were a few obstacles to get past. Keith was told to land on a small piece of land. The land was yes quite small but Keith managed, he climbed out of the ship and dove into to water. Keith just kept swimi g hopefully finding civilians soon. Soon enough Keith spotted a few aliens swimming to a cave with lights. He followed them to see 4 huge Gards by the cave entrance. Once they spotted Keith they put there spires up facing him, on instinct Keith put his hands up to show that he was not a threat.

" intruder!"

Keith shock his head saying no.

" intruder! Leave us or we will take darastic measures!"

Keith stayed where he was trying to not talk with the mask on. Just on time the queen swam out telling the gards to lower there weapons.

" commander he is not a threat he is a guest"

The gards complyed to the command and returned to there original positions.

" I'm so very sorry former red paladin, please follow me"

           The queen motioned for Keith to follow her which he quickly swam to her still worried in the water. As they swam to the castle he passed a few stores and houses but mostly lights and very colourful mermaids swimming passed as well as mermen. The fish the passed by ignored him which he didn't mind at all and proceed to follow the queen to the castle. Now inside the castle the queen snapped her figures signaling a servent to fetch the gift while another brought out some sort of liquid offering them to Keith which he said no to. No much later the servent brought out a crown like object and other jewelry from the planet.

" this is for the red paladin, but there is a gift you for you"

She snapped her fingers again.

" My people have made you some grooming attire"

The same servent brought out a bag like thing filled with hair and fur objects. Keith just nodded knowing the he most likely won't use them. The queen told a guard to guide him back to his ship which was a weird.

        After arriving back at his ship Keith called hunk to send him the coordinates for where the ship is.

" hey hunk I nee—"
    Keith looked up at the camera to see hunk in the most ridiculous outfit ever in the history of ridiculousness.

" don't laugh please your gonna have to ware something like this too. Princess orders"

Keith held in a laugh and shock his head.

" ......... I'll send you the cordintents "

      Keith nodded trying to act casual but once the camera was off he laughed so hard he was crying. Eventually calming down he looked at the message that he received and entered in the coordinates to the ship, Within seconds he was in the view of the ship. The outside looked normal as can be with a few new dents but Keith new that if lance had any say the inside was horrifically hilarious.

         Docking his ship on and open entrance Keith took a deep breath ready for what was about to happen next. Thinking that he could maybe just sneak in the hangar and then not to his 'room' with out anyone noticing him, but that plan was quickly diminished when there was a knock on the door.
     Walking t the entrance of the ship, Keith was nervous on how the others would react to seeing him again. Or seeing him at all.

        Taking a deep breath Keith opened the ship's entrance and there was the smallest green fluff ball in the world starring curses into my soul. It was the devil in a puff ball.

    Keith just about fell over laughing so hard while getting baby kicks from pidge who could barley move in the get up they were in.

" I will kill you once I get out of this!!!!"

      Keith eventually stopped laughing and followed pidge to the room where everyone was at the moment. There was everything from globs to almost human creatures. Looking around at the amount of allies they have been able to abstain without him shattered his hard but also amazed him. Seeing shirt wave to him over by the table of food Keith waved back and started walking towards him.

      What surprised him the most is he was blind folded within seconds. Tackling down the villan with in seconds.

    On the ground layed abs tarrafid lance with the biggest red bow on his head. The shock on his face satisfied Keith's motive for attacking.
Retiring to stance and helping lance off both shared and small chuckle and a few words or welcome. Leaving the team really broke Keith's heart expecally after he had to leave red.
        The princess soon walked next to lance and smiled with greeting. Nodding Keith followed her to a room where the ridiculous outfit found its way on Keith's body.

~~~~~~~ hello it's me ~~~~~
I've decided to finish all my drafts and publish them. With votes for the next chapter comment or like the story. If you would like more check out my langest shirt story book. I will be adding on as usual now so keep updated!!!!!!! Till next time !

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