The bathroom of secrets

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Keith made his way up the stairs to a booming house covered in collage students. Keith mentally sighed at this scenery that was bestowed before him. Keith was about to turn around and leave when he had heard his name being called.

Keith looked up to see a smaller thin girl with a green skirt and suite on with a bigger guy that had yellow and orange on, Keith immediately recognizes them as Pidge and hunk his best friends who not only forced him to go but also made him dress up in a suite wit a red tie on and hair gelled back his tie was loose and he had 2 buttens undone because it was JUNE!! But nobody really cared sence they were basically naked already. Keith made his way down to the two humans who were leading him to some room. Keith followed anyway and was put into a living room type thing. It was dimly lit and had 4 other people in the room.
Shiro, Keith's brother figure
Allura, Keith's mom figure
Matt, Pidge solder brother
And last but not least lance McLain right dead in the centre.

" who invited him?!?"

Lance shouted crossing his arms. Keith rolled his eyes and sat on a couch that shiro was stitting in.

" well I was blackmailed to come so I'm not willing wanting to be here lance!"

Keith said crossing his legs. Lance glared at Keith who ignored him and looked at Pidge who smiled and started talking to allura. Keith then glared at Pidge and got up.

" I'm getting a drink"

And left. Keith moved and migrated to the drink table witch was covered in alcohol.keith wasn't suprised at the most at the lay out of different kinds of alcohol on the table, this could be a bar and none would know the difference. Keith grabbed one of those glass beer bottles and opened it. He  then migrated again to the room in which he had heard laugh from inside. Keith opened the door and walked towards the couch and carefully sat down trying not to spill his drink.

" lance really, I don't believe you"
" oh really, well I did happen!"
" lance come on I bet that you were scared?"
" was not didn't even faze me"
" well Keith here dose pretty breathe taking things!"

Shiro hit Keith shoulder playfully in which spilt Keith's drink on his lap a little. Keith glared at shiro who shrugged.

" wow really like what?"
" really?"

Keith grabbed a napkin on the table and wiped his pants.

" huh?"

Keith look at everyone blankly giving a confused look. He looked at shiro confused.

" stunts"

Keith gave an '0' face and then looked back at everyone.

" motor bike stunts, I do motorbike stunts"

Pidges face lit up.

" show me!"

Keith pulled out his phone and pulled up YouTube. He went on his channel and pulled up one of his videos. ( ok so this is not Keith but, just pretend.)

Pidge was smiling at the end of the video.

" wow I can't believe that you didn't get killed!"

Keith chuckled

" well I almost did once during a jump but there was no video of it"

Pidge was looking at Keith like he was a god. Lance crosses his arms and huffed.

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