Part III

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Into your eyes are the conditions of which I faced before the docking boat. In the fade of minuscule hatred for what eventually consumed you, it was your fate, I couldn't match that. I could not be the enemy of it, for it almost consumed me, but god remembered that my cease of existence would drowned those in my life which yielded to this ideation. And from that, I was reborn, again, and again. Until I fell from the cliff which Helios guided through the turmoil of the soul, and the hatred of the heart.

In troth, he hadn't and seldom condone the actions for that which regarded him. For as the knock to the door was hearken afore his reckoning, he felt the punishment of his savior sulk and beseech unto him the omen he was destined to perceive with dim hues of russet pigmentation alight by the setting sun. He was stoic, the boy with the eyes of a reaper remained unmoving. Quiver the subjacent tier of Aiden as he espied Cricket, in that juncture, uncertain of his reality.

He would accept any actions to become of his situation in the following seconds. Remembrance of Mitchell Abrahms, for his soul in the starlit sky was mightier than the wind and any power governed by the United States. Mitchell, he was purposeful. He felt inhuman from the amount of purity which radiated en route of the boy whom was shorter than himself; A being of not only wistful soul, but the intensity of a rabbit hole.

And the remembrance continued with wrath and venture. In my eyes reflected your death. Grief and sorrow had no quarrel with the reference of bereavement, a sudden disappearance of the sun would be emotions unearth. And so it may be that as Normandy was won, and he was vowed to remove himself from the position of Mitchell's body, which lies warm amongst the melancholy coldness of the concrete.

He lied in enemy bloodshed. He lied with the rats and ghouls of nothing more, wasteful pride was bound by the shackles of redemption unfound. Shrouded by the memory that Aiden would be sewn with, begot by his own mind, and those thoughts which possessed the ability to drive him mad.

Taken from this recall, he could feel the presence of Cricket desert his company. And so, without motion, and even through -- "Aiden, where are you going?!" -- He continued to sprint after Cricket. Whom was rather hasty amongst his bicycle, he was unhappy with this version of Aiden, and the tall, living version of David was very much aware. And so, as he reached the frontal entryway to the Abrahms' household, the right fist of the rain-washed boy well-nigh thrusts through the matter of the crimson pigmented door.

"Mitchell!" His voice, once gentle, became of him a beastly man in search of his pray. As it was the nonacceptance of a man consumed by colère, tear-ridden man whom lurched open the front entryway of the Abrahms household, to press betwixt the pectorals of the male; A model 1911 pistol in the color noir, intimating not in a zilch.

Aiden, with a brisk motion, disarmed the man; tossing the firearm from him. And as shoulders incite the ebb and flow of once reflected emotions, he was torn by the likelihood of his belfry. As ashen-leucous mane remain stained by rain in acute helices, his truest self erupts, to be unleashed upon the shorter male. A hand to clasp within itself the soft material of the male's shirt, he seethed through his frontal enamels. "Where is he, you German bastard!" As if a rottweiler, snarling into the visage of his abusive master.

"Get the hell off of me, you babbling schizophrenic!" Upon an answer unhelpful, he discarded the man. Into the house he delve, discarding the cadence of a women, which pleaded. "Please, just calm down!" Angrily, he continued to motion in search of Mitchell. Each door, starting from the northeast of the home was opened with force. He shouted, "Mitchell!" Another door with the thud of hatred reverberated.

These actions of his were not only irresponsible, but also horridly rude to those which held ownership of the home. They would need to repair doors which now showcased deterioration, cracks in each door to prove his loss of self as he rummaged. Entering a wider room of the home, russet hues scan the restroom of it, only to uncover nothing. When at a loss he was, it was the humming of a washer which felt hostile to the boy.

He lowered in position, recalling the loss of Mitchell in various directories. I look towards you and it is not you that I see. But upon you is blood and selfish departure, as for what I can perceive is only the insensitive disposition of your soul. It had left you, someways I wondered if you would see it. But you waited far too long, and therefore, it had departed from you.

The animosity of the German reaper was caliginous to Aiden's position, reaping first, Aiden's ability to perceive reality. And so, if prehensile ability was warranted, how could he deject what they were to do? Those demons. Those horrible, horrible human wastes. Mitchell, what genuinely occurred betwixt he and those beasts? And of what nature did that involve Aiden?

Perhaps his devotion to that boy had been unbreakable, and so whatever torture he would receive, would be shared with Aiden. Perhaps everything was forgotten, perhaps it had been too great in throe to recall, as the content of his belfry had expanded too marginally for him to deter. And it simply became of him what he was meant to fear; The truth.

He remained amongst the restroom floor, a grimace of features as lamentation threatened russet hues. Dampen bangs of his ashen pigmented leucous-mane shrouded his physiognomy, he was met by rather prominent knuckles to his left cheek. Immediate cruor did seep from his nostrils, as well, he had realized the disappearance of a tooth. He arose, to face the man, he would vellicate himself towards the shorter male. His fists, simultaneously to one cheek after the other, injuring the man he did not know.

Until he had halted, and the red mist had disbanded his indignation. He had been risen, plump roseate labium ajar as he shivered in realization who that man had been -- Mitchell's father, a man he did not appreciate entirely, though had become accounted for. Without word, it was haste which drew him from that latrine and into the hall of that which he once stood. The patter of bare plantar as strenuous respiration became evident greater, and greater still. As he exits the home, unaware of the position of Mitchell. He fled home, contorted by his visions of War.

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