New life.

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"Mr Grey your brother on the way to your office,Sir".Andrea voice tell me from intercom.
"Thank you Andrea." Elliot open my door and flash his gummy smile like kids without any sin in their life.
"Hello lil bro, whatss up.... are you busy today?" "Hey Lelliot what happen? Do you have much time to visit me today?? I ask Elliot. We start close again and spent more time together for each other after I come cleqn to my family about my dark lifestyle.
Yes, I feel bored and lost interest in BDSM this not make me satisfied anymore just make me feel like monster. I told my family about all my dark life except how I know that lifestyle.
First time when I open to my family I feel scared if they will hate me and throw me from family. But they hear me and not judge me or hate me, but the with open heart forgive me for distance from family and tell me they love me althought I am fucked up. Thank God for give such incredible family now I start close to my parents, brother and my sister. We spend more time together for dinner or family time every weekend.
"I just want ask you for going out tonight bro. We can hit the bar or hiking together maybe."
" I cant for tonight bro because my new company will be open next month so I need prepare the think. Maybe next week we can go to hike and dinner out." I tell Elliot with feeling sorry to him. This week my time almost I use for my company. Weekend before I use for fuck my sub but now all change. I use it for work or hang out with my siblings.
"Ok but promise me you not work over to hard bro and dont ever thinking you are alone again, because you has me the most handsome brother in the world." He told me with playfully but sincere tone.
"Cristal Elliot. I will call you and let you know my schedule nexf week okay.....".
Elliot leave my office with smile and told me if he love me. He is Elliot  Seattle manwhore but in family he is big brother who love his sibling with all his heart. But even he is playboy he still like 10 years old who always has crazy idea. Back to work again and finish my plan for new office.

Morning is coming the day also change its like just yesterday I graduate from Stanford Univ. Now I am work as stewardess at Grey Airlines one big company under GEH. Its like my dream for travelling around the world become true without use my parents money. I had visited 4 countries like what I dream like England, France, Italy and Spain. Maybe I just visit for short time but I can visit some place for refreshing or little bit shopping.
  " Kateeee..... wake up we have flight to New York and early meeting today." I calling Kate from outside her room. Katherine is my bestfriend plus room mate for over than 9 years. She is granddaughter of Eva Kavanagh my foster family who take of me when I  still 13 years old. Before my now new parents The Lambert family adopte me. When the adoptation process finish I move with my new parents to Sidney but Kate being close to me like a real sister so she move together with us. My parents died from accident and leave alone. But Kate and her grandparents welcome me to her family. We went to same school and university together work also together. We are work in the same company sometimes has same schedule.
"Godd.... can you not shout Ana!! I am not deaf. But what kind of meeting today will be hold??"
"Dont say you forget what Martha said last time if we will visit GEH for meet with the higher and CEO for brieving about our job." I tell Kate who cant open her eyes because of sleepy.
"You just have 30 minutes for prepare yourself missy. If you use longer than that time I will leaving alone." I tell Kate who is running to wash and change her uniform. 30 minutes pass and our cab wait to take us to airport.
Start to work again and today our flight will landing in New York. But after this flight I will take abreak for a week because we will move to new apartment. We will move to Escala one of  big apartment in Seattle and this all thank to Josh my other room mate plus Kate cousin and one of pilot in Grey Airlines. He got the apartment from his parents as birthday gift and he want we move together because Escala has bigger place and 3 room with private bathroom for us. Great I  cant wait to move at new apartment and hope life will get better in new place. Actually daddy tell me if he will buy apartment for me so I can have my own privacy butbI decline it cause I hate being alone.

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