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I woke up in Christian strong arm this morning. I forget when we felt sleep last night.
When I open my eyes the gray eyes welcome me with the beautiful eyes smile I ever see.
God start from last night I'm not single Ana again but taken Ana with handsome boyfriend.
I can erase my smile from my face.

"Good morning baby, are you sleep well last night??"
Christian greet me and give me light kiss.
Hmm such a beautiful morning today.

"Good morning boyfriend, I'm sleep well in your arm thank you!
And what about you? Are you sleep well baby boy did you got nightmare like your usual dream??"
I ask him worry of his nightmare.
He told me if he cant sleep every night because of his bad nightmare.
I hope he sleep well last night!!

"No body last night is the best sleep I have in my first time, not just because of you in my arms but I am not had nightmare like usualy.
You are my best dream catcher baby, can I sleep with you every night? I promises no funny business just for sleep.!!"
He shyly asking me. I have think last night, am I ready to take a next step with him. And my answer is yes maybe we just be together last night but I have fall hard for him in short moment.
I really like Christian and I'm not affraid of his past because I want  help him healing his wound.
He look uncomfortable wait my answer, he look like a child and so cute. I need relish him from his sorrow.

"Yes sure honey you can semi move in at my home.
And for sleep together I love it to have you with me every night, I want make your nightmare go away so you can sleep comfortable.
Christian always remember I'ill always in here for you in all condition to support you!!
I'ill make some space for your garment you need if you stay in here. But how about your apartmen??"

"Thank you baby for let me come here every time in future because I have plan to come to you every day. I want you always stay with me and I want to hug, kiss or just cuddle with you everytime we can baby. I never know if had girlfriend is so nice and the most importannt you are my girlfriend. I'm lucky son of the bitch because have an Angel as my lovely girlfriend.
I have plan for a long time to move out from my penthouse baby.
I want close and burn all my dark past, and penthouse also part of my past.
I want to do house hunting near the Sound so I can dock my boat the Grace at my home.
Will you come with me for house hunting baby??"

"O sweet Jesus you have your own boat Christian?? Mr Grey you never fail to suprised me!
You call your boat The Grace, why??" I curious ask him about his boat name.

"Its my adopted mother name. She is my guardian angel who is send for help me when I'm 4 y.o, she is the nice doctor I met in hospital when my born mother died and leave alone in this world.
My mom will be happy if she know I have girlfriend now baby, I can wait to introduce you to my family."
Oh great he want me meet his family, he is really serious about our relationship.

"Lets meet them next time baby boy, now we need get to know each other very well first okay??
And can we go to have breakfast, I'm famished right now."
I give him my cute grin. I dont know  what he likes for breakfast in the morning.
I will learn about him one by one, my boyfriend is one a kind of man who fragile inside but look strong outside. But deep inside his heart he trying hard to make peace with demons he keep for long time.
Now he had me as his girlfriend and I'ill help him on the way to be free of demons. I'ill hold his hand and healing him, give him happiness he deserve.

"How about we come to my penthouse first and check to my security if I'm ok and safe. Maybe after I change my clothes we can go out to eat baby or Gail my housekeeper can fix us some breakfast!!
I want to introduce you to my staff couple Jason my CPO and his wife Gail, they like my own parents who deal with me and loyal tome althought I'm fuckep up. They will like you baby and maybe little bit suprised if you are my girlfriend. If they look at you little odd just say it a loud if you my real girlfriend not my sub or other kind of girl. Is it ok baby??

Oh my Lord my boyfriend still need to get reasure if I'm not look at him the way he was in the past. I need make him open his eyes wide if he is a new man!!!

"Good idea honey, come on show me your penthouse and introduxe me to your second parens like. I want they like me, maybe after breakfast we can have lazy saturday with talk to know more about each other. What do you think Christian?"

"I love your idea baby that brilliant. So lets go Ms Steele Lambert!
I want to know more about my lady and want to do all the dating couple things start from today."
He give me wink and hold my hand. We walk to escalator, he touch PH and input the code which he let me see and tell me if I'm welcome to his house wherever I want to come.

Arrive at penthouse when we walk in the foyer I meet with his staff the CPO and his wife. They are suprised when see their boss walk hand in hand with girl for the first time.
Their face so funny but they quickly regain their composure and greet us with smile.
Christian introduce us to each other, Gail is such lovable women from her eyes I can see she is so adore my boy and Taylor look like my dads posture buzz cut and strong body I think he is ex army.
After change conversation Christian bring me to his room, man his room so masculin. Its gray and white combination but look so dull for handsome man like him for me.
He tell me if I am the first girl except her sister who visit his private area.

Thanks God for it, I dont like it if his past sub have came in his room too, but he told me yesterday if his sub before just stay in the playroom or their room. They cant roam freely to other place especially his room.
Shut Anastasi dont think about his past before you come around!!
My brain need shut the jelousy I feel about that meaningless girl.

"Baby I will take shower and we can eat breakfast after that. You can explore my room or you can find Gail in the kitchen if you want. You can ask her all about me and she will tell you the truth about myself. I know you said if you trust me but just so you know you own me now baby and I dont want you hesistant to ask anything to me."

"I believe and trust you Christian, please keep my heart safe like I'ill keep your heart safe with me."

We kiss for a while broke just for need to take a breath. Gosh I like his lip so much!
When he go to take shower I see his room around, its so modern and high class, he had so many suit collection and from the textile I know if it high quality, its same with what my daddy wear for work.
Bored in his room I go out to kitchen to find Gail make breakfast for us.

"Hay Gail, its smell divine I bet you make delicious breakfast!!"

"Ana. I make omelete for you and Mr Grey complete with bacon and pancake. I love to cook dear and I hope you like what I make."

"Oh my Lord. I will love anything you make for us Gail. Dont worry we will eat your hearty foods until clean."
I tell her giggling. We talk and get know each other and we hit of well .
I like her already and feel calm know it Christian not alone but he had staff who adore him.

Gail and me talk about many kind of food we like to cook and I also tell her if I like to cook and bake. We promise each other next time we will cook together and teach each other new menu.

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