Elliot Grey the Cockblocker

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I'm dancing in La La Land now, I cant believe we go to sailing today. Its so great idea for spending our weekend to hang out together with Kate and Elliot.

Christian show me around his lux catamaran, oh my God its so beautiful and elegant. I had went sailing before with my family but this is my first sailing with my handsome boyfriend.
The sky so blue, the birds cirping and the windy make me calm and the main important I'm in the arms of my lovely boyfriend.
My life so complete right now.

"What your beautiful head thingking right now baby?" Christian ask me. I turn my head to him, kiss his sexy lips.

"I just feel my life are complete when you safely hug me in your arms, and I cant think how my life will without you Christian." I cup his face with my palm and he put his head in my hand.
He close his eyes and inhale the next breath.

"Baby, I'm not a man with clean past but I feel like my life before never exist when you beside me. I feel like God wake me up from my death to give me second change to make my life more meaningfull with send you to be my only women in my life. And I thank God for his Grace." I choke with tears listen to him, without I know my tears already flow down to my cheek. I dont know how people can hurt him before when he is just little boy.

"Bring me to main room now baby. I will show you how gratefull I am now cause you're in here to hug me and complete me." I kiss his lips and force my tongue inside his mouth, our tongue dance together. I dont care if I'm still sore from last night now I just want him to make love with me.

We are still kissing hot and steamy when Elliot shout call Christian for play on the water with him.

"Oh for the Pete shake guys, last night is it not enough for you guys? Kate and me in here for have fun with you but you in here make hot show for us to see."

"Fuck of Elliot dont disturb us just go and having fun with your girlfriend. Ana and I busy with our live so dont disturb us!"

Christian take my hand and bring me down to his room, he lock the room and I pull him back to me, lips crashing together tongues joining. When we need take a breath he move to kiss my neck and suck it hard I dont it will leave mark or not but I dont care I want him so much right now.

"I love you Ana so much until it hurt and make affraid if  you will leave me when you meet some one who are better than me."
He said to me with his voice sounds so pain and it broke my heart look at the man I love so much fear if I will abandon him like his own mother.

"Oh Christian how I need to show you if I will never ever leave you for other mans baby? You are the one for me honey and I doesnt need other man. Please plant it on your thick skull Christian if I love you and never ever leave you. Okay!"
I stroke his face and place kiss on his forehead.

"Yes baby and I love you too with my whole life and heart."

We kiss again , Christian help me take off my top and leave me in my bra and I do the same to him. We continue to help each other take off our clothes until some one knock on the door and from the voice I know its was Elliot.
We try to ignore him and continue to kiss, suck and we almost to make love when the knocking on the door start getting loud and harder.
What the fuck? Why they cant leave us alone now.

Christian tell me to pull up the blanket so Elliot cant see my naked body when Christian wear his boxer and walk to open the door.

"What the fuck Elliot why you knocking our room so hard? Cant you just leave me with my girlfriend to do our things now?"
I can feel Christian getting annoyed with his brother.

"Come on bro lets have fun together, you can fuck each other later at your home but now lets spend time together"

If I can kill him now I want to kill Elliot right away. I get annoyed because I want Christian so much but Elliot always disturb us.

"You Elliot Grey are such a cock blocker!! Just leave us alone and let your brother have his way with me. You can have your own fun with Kate in others room, so go away and dont make me angry." I shout from Christian behind.

Oh shit I never so open to tell people about what I do with Christian but now I say it loudly if we almost fuck just now.
What happend with me, is sex change me??

"TMI Ana, tune down please. I dont need listen what you will do with my brother. And you guys can just restain from do the sex now and just join me and Kate outside??" Elliot whine like a little kid.

"No Elliot I need my boyfriend fix and let you know we need had sex 4 times a day so go away now!!" Elliot and Christian suprised with my blantantly talking about sex.

Shit I blushes deeep red right now and feel embrased because I look like horny women in front of my boyfriend brother.
Great Ana, you become wild now.

Christian look at me with smug grin in his face when Elliot choose to leave us alone. He walk to the bed and sit down in front of me and tilt my chin to look at him.

"Look at me baby!" I do as he told me.

"Why you cant look at me baby? Are you being embrassed after tell my brother if you want me to fuck you?? Tell me baby no need to embrased."

"I feel like I'm already lost my ming Christian after tell Elliot if * want you so much. OMG what he will think about me right now? I'm sound like horny mad women just now." I put hand over my face but Christian take it from me.

"You no need feel shamed baby, its normal for us lover want each other and dont worry about Elliot, he will be fine baby." Christian said.

We decided to take rain check for making love later when we going home and back to join Elliot and Kate to enjoy the view of Elliot bay with listening to the music Kate put on the speaker.

Our calm atmosphere is disturb of Christian phone ringing dign someone call him. From his demeanor I can said its something bad, what happend again. Can people leave him alone and not make him angry.

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