Pilot - The begining

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Okay so it's my first time writing on here and I have no idea what I'm doing. I will probably write a bit bit I don't really know? I'm just experimenting. Please no hate, just constructive criticism and ideas on how you want the story to proceed. Some chapters may be short? Some may be long? I have no idea how this is going to play out or how often I can update it?

(y/n) = Your name

This isn't how you thought you were going to start your birthday. Not at all. You stayed up on the 29th of October and ran a bath so you could start the day you turn 16 in your element. Water. For some reason you always loved it, you always took long baths and showers and never wanted to leave the pool, and you didn't hate rain like most people. You loved it's gentle touch on your skin as it makes you feel safe and calm amongst the chaos.

You put on some music and got in your hot, steamy, pink bath. The rose smell the bath bomb gave it made you smile and you sunk into a tranquil place. You were so content. You found yourself drifting off to the quiet, peaceful music, and you were out like a light. It was almost 1:30am on the 30th October when everything changed, and it would never go back...

You wake up as you hear your mother outside the door screaming your name.

"(Y/N), (Y/N)! Quick (Y/N)! Hurry! Get out we have to go!" She yells distressed through the door. You were shocked. You haven't been living with your mother for just over 3 years and now she is outside your bathroom door in your house? How did she get in? You hear your father David yelling something but you can't quite hear what he says. Your mother yells again and you leap out of your steamy bath and wrap yourself in a blue and green towel. You unlock the door by twisting the little lock and peek out. It was your mother.

"I'll explain later just come quickly and follow me! Do NOT ever loose sight of me, got it?"

"Y-yes?" You are scared. What is going on? This isn't how your birthday was supposed to go. All you know now is something is wrong and you're being dragged out your little house (a small maisonette in a small town) in only a towel with a pair of slip on walking shoes on your feet that your mother made you put on.

Once you were outside you could feel inside you something was wrong. The atmosphere was different and you knew. You could've sworn you were about to be sick when you were practically thrown in the back of your father's little silver, 3 door Peugeot and your mother and father climbed into the front.

"Here," your mother said, "put on this, and you can change under here," she gave you a pair of tight black jeggings and a black lace crop top, with a leather jacket and some socks, a pair of underwear and some black, 3 inch, lace up boots as well as the small little lilac blanket. "I-" She stuttered, "we, will explain soon, I promise. We just need to get away quickly to somewhere safe." You don't say anything. Your head is dizzy with worry and fear. You just do as instructed and change under the blanket. It was your dad's. A small, fluffy throw blanket. It was quite comforting and once changed you held it, helping take the edge off your nerves.

You notice in the back of the car with you are suitcases and you figure there is more in the not so small boot of the car. You see a cool bag that you presume is full of food and water. "M-mum, do we have anything I can eat?" Your voice cracks. Your mother turns around and looks at you.

"Yes we do (Y/N), just in that bag there." She points to the bag you suspected and opened it. Inside you found a stash of crisps and picked out one of you favourite ones and a bottle of water. Your mother turns around and looks at you with an apologetic look, you smile and she looks at your father. "I guess we should explain..."

Reader x Keith - A not so simple loveWhere stories live. Discover now