Chapter 3 - Family

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Hay guys! I hope you're enjoying the content so far! I'm planning to write another 2 chapters after this today so I hope you enjoy and please comment what you would like to see happen! This may start to escalate to a fluff soon and may involve some smut in the future, so just a warning! It may also use some strong language and there will be violence so you have been warned! The chapters are probably going to start getting longer! I would also like to thank you guys so much for reading this, we're up to 39 views just before I published this so thanks! Sorry this was so long! Enjoy!

You look out the small window and realise you're outside a small house by a field of crops. This must be where your father lives, where your sister lives, where your life changes for better or worse. Nobody will know until you step inside...

You hop out of the car once your dad moves his seat forwards. You lean in and grab all the luggage that was in the back with you. You notice you have many suitcases, probably about 4 suitcases and 2 hand luggage bags with a medium sized cross shoulder, leather handbag as well as the cool bag full of food. It's all matching. Your parents have only one each, you can't help but think that they are going to leave before you do, the people who raised you to leave you with a couple of strangers. They may be related to you, but they'll have to earn the title of family.

You manage to grab all your things and you slowly walk up to the small, red brick house, taking in what's around you. A long road going west to east, a small farm by the house, and miles and miles of open, untouched land. It felt unreal. It felt as if it was a dream, but you knew it wasn't, this was real and you just had to accept that your life was about to change drastically, and there was nothing you could do about it.

You continue walking down a little pebble pathway to the front of the house, Helen in front of you and David behind, each with their suitcases. As you got under a sheltered area outside the door, Helen nods, telling you to knock. You're hesitant at first, afraid of what will happen next, but David puts a hand on your shoulder and gives you a bright smile. You feel a sensation of warmth and safety and you knock not too softly, and not too loudly on the brown, wooden door.

You gaze at it when you hear footsteps on the other side approaching. They get louder and louder and louder as your heart beats faster and faster and faster until there is a little click and the door opens. A tall man about 6 foot tall stands in the doorway and ducks under to exit the house onto the deck Helen, David and you were standing on. He just stood there in awe looking down on you and your small, thin figure. You were fairly tall for your age, you were about 5'8" and you had stopped growing mostly, your feet were a small size 4 and a half/5 so shoes were difficult to shop for.

As he stood there he suddenly pulled you into a tight embrace and another figure, similar in size and shape to you came bounding out of the door and she threw her arms around you too. It felt so safe and you wrapped your arms around these people and spoke softly, "So, can I have an explanation?" Lucas looked at you and pulled away along with your sister Maria.

"Yes of course, but let's get in. We can't stay out here for much longer." Maria and Lucas stepped inside and Helen and David ushered you into the house, you turn around and see the car disappear as David presses a button on the key.

You follow Lucas inside and he and your sister help you with your big, heavy, black suitcases. They take them upstairs to a room and come back down. You follow them into the living room once they return and sit on a small sofa covered in a fluffy, white throw.

Lucas finally speaks as Helen and David sit down, "Well, I'm Lucas, your father, and this is your sister, Maria." She gave a small wave and a loving smile. "I'm so sorry I had to do this to you (Y/N), but I hope you understand that I did all of this to keep you safe." You couldn't help but throw yourself around the man and hugged him tightly and quietly started sobbing into his shoulder. His arms wrap around you and Maria holds you too. You pull away and apologise for the tears on his top. "It's okay (Y/N), don't worry." He continued to tell you about his life, falling in love with Haggar, having your older sister and then you a year later. Haggar was ruling the Galran empire with him at her side, but Haggar wanted power, not peace. Your father didn't approve and fled the ship, talking you two with him. He managed to find the paladins of voltron and they got him back to Earth. "I said I would return when my youngest is 18 years of age, but there's a problem. Haggar is looking for us. That's why I got Helen and Dave to bring you early. To keep you safe. You'll stay here, with me and Maria, and after a month Helen and Dave will go home and say you fell terribly ill and needed to stay in hospital alone. We will train you and hopefully you will pilot the orange lion. I know this is a lot to intake but it will all become clear soon."

You keep listening eagerly and he explains it all, why he left you for Helen and Dave, so you were safe, why he left Haggar, and how horrid his and Maria's life has been.

Suddenly, you see Maria come out of the kitchen with a small home made Victoria sponge and they all sing happy birthday to you. You didn't expect this at all. They finish singing and you blow out the 16 candles on the cake.

"Yo- you remembered, m-my birthday?" You say shocked at the recent events as Maria puts the cake down on the coffee table. She comes and sits next to you, gently placing her hand on your right shoulder.

"Of course we did, we've been counting down each birthday, singing to you from afar for years, (Y/N). Your my only sister and I will always remember!" She grabs you and flings her arms around your torso, giving you a gentle but loving and kind hug.

"(Y/N), we are your family, and we will always remember the important things." Lucas said joining your's and Maria's hug. Helen and David didn't say anything but also joined the hug, you felt like you could give them the title of family now.

You speak with a soft, concerned tone, "So, what now?"

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