Chapter 4 - Training

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I'm gonna try and make these longer and better and I promise you will meet the paladins soon! Maybe next chapter? I don't know, it depends on how this one goes so be prepared! I'm gonna try and post another today! Please comment views and opinions because I'm interested in what you think! This one contains strong language and violence.

You speak with a soft, concerned tone, "So, what now?"

"We train, we sleep, we eat, we repeat. That's how it works. I'm sorry if that seems rude or strict (Y/N) but I want to keep you safe, and you need to be prepared." He says soft and calmly, hoping you understand. You nod. You want this to go well and the last thing you want is to make your real family worry about you not being prepared for the biggest fight in the universe.

I guess I should call him dad? You think. You decide to ask and he replies, "If you want to (Y/N), whatever you feel comfortable with. I know this will be hard for you to adjust but it will be okay."

"Thanks, Dad." You can only think about how weird it is, how strange it is to call someone you've known for only an hour, Dad. You decide to try and push the feeling down, there are bigger issues. "Hay, so what should I do now?" You ask, perplexed.

"I'll show you around and Dad will cook a small meal for you since we've already eaten. You need decent meals to stay fit." Maria says, dragging you away by the wrist. She shows you around downstairs first. As you walk in to your right are the stairs, left is the first bathroom and a wall where we hang coats and put shoes. I realise I was still wearing my boots and some mud has tracked through the house. I crouch down to take them off when Maria stops me, "Don't worry, it's fine. You'll just have to put them on again soon so there's no point in taking them off." You smile and stand back off, she takes you straight forwards to the living room where you had been just moments ago. Once in there to the left was a small kitchen. You liked how small and elegant it was, how it was all white but stained ever so slightly, the place was already starting to feel like home.

She took you back to the living room and pointed to a pair of glass sliding doors, "That's the back door, the garden is fenced off and I'll show you tomorrow, we don't go outside at night, for our safety," then before you could say anything her grip on your wrist tightened and she took you upstairs and showed you the second bathroom, her room that would now be our room, the spare room where Helen and David would stay and Dad's room. The attic had a pull down ladder which she showed you. We went back downstairs and you could see a small table in the corner with a glass of water and some spaghetti on it. You are it all and proceeded to bed. Maria had the top bunk, which you were glad she took as your terrible fear of heights would've gotten to you. You rummaged through your suitcases when you finally found a small, thin black dressing gown. It was too hot for normal pyjamas. You decided to get changed in the bathroom, as it was awkward undressing in front of someone you barely know.

You came back, Maria still awake, clearly waiting up for you. It was almost 3am. You climbed into bed and started quietly sobbing into your pillow when you thought she was asleep. She climbed down the ladder and into your bed where she held you, tight.

"Thanks Maria, I really appreciate it. You're too kind." You whisper to her, she smiles and gives you one last squeeze and leaves your bed. You fall into a deep sleep.

Time skip to morning - 6:30 am

Maria comes and wakes you, shaking your body. You make a small grumble and sit up, hitting your head on the bunk bed. "FUCK!" You yell, a little louder than happy with. You were hoping it was all a dream, but this bought you back to reality. "Sorry, ughh. What time is it?" You yawn and rub your head where you hit it.

"6:30 am! We have a schedule remember!!" Maria exclaims! She yanks your blanket off of your body and you just get up, too lazy and tired to argue. You can see all your clothes are unpacked and in draws, with convenient little labels on all the your draws and your side of the wardrobe. You see all the suitcases are neatly hidden away on top of the wardrobe and some blue ones next to it, they must be Maria's.

You get some clothes from your draws and your space in the wardrobe. You settle on a white lace crop top, small but quite cute and a little sexy, some tight, black jeggings, some platform ankle boots that are about 4 inches tall, some ankle socks, a pair of black breifs and a white, comfortable bra, and your leather jacket. You grabbed it all and wondered to the bathroom and had a shower and changed, dumping your dressing gown on your bunk.

Your click of the heals notify your dad that you're up. You grab some waffles he made and Maria comes down in a small, flowing, white dress with a pair of shorts underneath, as well as some pastel pink stilettos and a matching cardigan. You sit at the table and eat, and Maria gracefully sits next to you.

"So (Y/N) are you ready to start training today?" Your dad asks you. You're eager to get started and to whoop some ass! He looks at you and smiles, he sees your excitement.

"Of course! I'm ready when you are!" You say, while scoffing the rest of your waffles into your mouth, you drink your water and stand up. Maria gets your plate and glass along with hers and your dad's. She takes them into the kitchen and then leads you outside into the garden.

The garden is fairly sized and very beautiful. A small deck with chairs, a barbecue, and some plants, with a large space in the middle. The ground is grass except for the deck. Maria walks onto it in her stilettos, you worry she would sink but no, she has clearly had some practice! She puts her hand on the floor, and you look at her, perplexed. Your dad gives you that 'just trust me' look, and you do. Suddenly the floor starts glowing around her hand and starts slowly sinking. You all go underground to a base, all metal and white. You see a weapons table and slowly approach with caution. You feel connected and drawn to a small dagger which you pick up with your left, and a small, lengthy sword in your right. You give them a couple swings each and smile. Your dad and sister look at you proud when suddenly Maria brings out a small blaster out from no where. You reflect the blasts with your sword and look at your dad, having a silent and unspoken conversation with your eyes.

'What is going on?!?!"

'You need to spar with her, don't worry, we have a very large first aid kit. I'll join later.'

You didn't realise but you had been deflecting blasts from her without realising, you run closer and she pulls out a small sword and you go into hand to hand combat.

You had completely whooped her ass as your dad joins in. Within minutes he is on the ground with Maria, completely out of breath and tired. You admire what you did! You thought you were never this talented, but clearly you were wrong.

Five months had passed. Helen and David gone, never to be seen again. Every day you three trained, spared, and kept the routine going, every day you grew stronger and better, faster and more agile, more graceful and deadly. Every day it was the same, until it all changed again...

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